If America was discovered by an Italian, then why does everyone in the country speak English?

If America was discovered by an Italian, then why does everyone in the country speak English?

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my head just exploded



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oh shit never thought of it that way

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"He" was actually a "she". The hands are a dead give away.

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English is the best lanaguge. Italian is like a bastardised retard version of latin, English maintains a lot of the beauty and authority of latin while also vastly expanding its descriptive power

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We dont speak english. Just ask any bong. They say we sound like retards.

English is the definition of a bastardised language though

>Part Latin
>Part German
>Part French
>Part Greek

can we have Trump make English the USA official language?

Yeah. Sometimes when i listen to people speak in those languages i can kind of understand them. Its weird.

On behalf of the Spanish crown. You're lucky you're not speaking Spanish.


Plus short neck, arched eyebrows and zero jaw

weak bait

less arm waving too

The biggest mistake of the French and the English was to teach the language to other peoples. We have had Somalia which is a complete mess, but nobody knows Italian, so they pour into Sweden and Northern Europe

He never went to the US

>Real Language

The English language it's a prank pidgin gone too far

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He never actually existed, it was just Jesuits

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Because he discovered it. He didn’t settle and found a civilization.

show me the infinity gauntlet native american meme and get it over with

Top zozzle, the English language has always been screwed. Strange it's one of the most popular languages.

old english or anglo saxon is perfectly consistent and sensible. with the invasion by the normans and the introduction of norman-french and latin into the aristocracy, english became a mish mash of words and spellings.
using words of old english etymology will result much better language to communicate.

it is popular because there is not real inherent cultural attitude that exists with english. when one speaks russian or japanese or french, it is hard not to pretend to be russian, japanese or french, basically LARPing
english is neutral and serves its basic function as a universal way to communicate and do business.

It was a Spanish researcher that made the claim.

which is also why america is so dominant in the world. being american is easy to emulate without losing one's cultural identity.
any nation on earth can mimic american western culture and language, but will still retain their cultural identity, basically creating a hip and cool version. like african warlords wearing Gap clothes or japanese people wearing cowboy hats and sayin "howdy partner"

He didnt set foot on American soil. America was named after an indian word.


No it doesn't. It was named after Amerigo Vespucci. you fucking retard