Why does pol hate the CIA so much?

Yeah they are a complete shitshow now, but did they not keep the shitholes of the world from going gommie for the past 70 years? Bonus points if you can complete your answer without calling me a glow in the dark nigger or kike.

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Because they fuck kids and they are the tentacles of the deep state

They’re communists now so that’s why they’re hated. They killed JFK, they facilitated the Iran deal with Obama, probably got him elected. They’re the ones who falsified claims of saddens weapons of mass destruction. The CIA is responsible for tons of briny and furry porn and it’s acceptance. The CIA drafted operation Northwoods, meaning they’ve been behind every other false flag to date.
I mean, I could go on, but you should really be the one to educate yourself on this.
Really, Jow Forums just hates corruption and degeneracy. The globalist order that the CIA ushered in is thankfully being crushed though.

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because they wen't from being pro-american right wing death squad to communist loving self serving state within a state Muslim brotherhood hate america fags



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CIA is off objective and is the anti-thesis of avoiding foreign entanglements. The fact that they FOR A FACT have smuggled drugs and guns and probably have gotten countless innocent people killed over the years should be enough to close the agency. Any spy agency we have should only exist for self-defense.


the CFR created the CIA you dumb fuck

this too

Because they aren't good at anything. They fucked up the bay of pigs. They couldn't even kill Oswald and had to hire a mob Hitman, and they forgot to crash a plane into building 7. This is just basic intern level stuff

the CIA came into existence after the National Security Act of 1945 passed. The Office of Strategic Services was converted into the Central Intelligence Agency and it's controlled by the Bank for International Settlements, not the CFR

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they're incompetent and they were/are recently full of communists (neanderthal Brennan)

everything bad they do in our country, guess what, they do in other countries. any south american country hates us because of our CIA, or rather they should

They don't hate us, they hate the US government.
They know we're being enslaved...

>but did they not keep the shitholes of the world from going gommie for the past 70 years?
no their job is to make sure the wealthy stay wealthy

>believing the myth that the US government was fighting against communism
>believing any myth conjured by any government to justify the rape of our liberty
>believing in anything
you're doing it all wrong

Whatever happened with that minivan Full of cross dressers who attacked the cia headquarters? It seemed like an interesting story

They are the communists now. Type Hillary overthrows democracy or Obama overthrows democracy and see for yourself.

WE need beheadings for treason.

>The globalist order that the CIA ushered in is thankfully being crushed though.
no, Trump is in on the scam, you can't be on TV at all without agency approval

> self-defence only

Hello, newpol. FYI, we curbstomp shitskins here. Or is it your intention to get this country fucked up?


>should be enough to close the agency.
you can't close them, they altered their own charter so you can't

you have to have the National Security advisor watch them close and prosecute all the clandestine government operations, including the ones done by other agencies and then blamed on CIA which does happen once in a while

It is too powerful and independent. Human nature is what it is. Individuals in an autonomous organization will place thier own egos, interests and values above those who they work for, the people, and of those elected officials who represent them. I’ve been in such an organization and developed the same biases and even contempt who those who governed us. They were “fucking idiots”. I knew better.
And, never, ever underestimate the human capacity to rationalize unethical actions for personal self interest. Couple this basic human characteristic with autonomy and capabiliy and bad things are going to be done by people who have convinced, rationalized to themselves that it was a good thing.
Clinton on self-reflection said about Monica Lewinski, “I did it for the worst of all reasons. Because I could.” And if you haven’t noticed, that period of self reflection didn’t change his general behavior.
So, something like Michael Hastings comes up and people just sort of wonder. Or ex-spook Freidburg writes a book that says “we are an empire, we need to act like an empire, Russia must be the enemy of the empire” and me personally asks, “really? Is this what people like me want?”

>Britbong wants to surrender

Flag checks out.

its nu/pol you CIA nigger retard, now fuck off chink

They're a nation within a nation full of insane, cartoonishly evil people that rape & eat babies, drug their own, kill tons of innocent people and are generally a pestilence on the country and the world at large.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure JFK fucked up the Bay of Pigs. CIA can't do fucking everything.

the CIA are foreign chinese agents

> Brennan
> Hurr durr they communist now

Is this really the best pol has to offer?

back to leftypol faggot

it was nsa hq, and it happened more than once

And yet they're not gommie for the most part. Why do you argue with success?

trying this hard.
did you take your ADHD meds today, boy?

CIA is so dumb they don't realize all these increasingly bold scams will cause the sheeple to wake up faster than ever before, and soon there will be no way to control the population. Trump will be the last US president...

>I'm pretty sure JFK fucked up the Bay of Pigs
the skull and bones CIA fucks disobeyed his order and launched the operation without destroying their air support as was required by the president to engage the operation

the only ones who fucked up big time were anti Castro extremists in the CIA led by Geroge HW Bush

> trust nofag

>CIA is so dumb
they're not dumb, they know exactly the result of the rhetoric they employ

>To be fair, I'm pretty sure JFK fucked up the Bay of Pigs. CIA can't do fucking everything.
I think he refused to order air support, which the entire invasion plan hinged upon, and that's what got them all rekt

They arrogantly think they are more clever than they are as they manipulate and try to control people from birth

Arrogant pathetic losers, every last one of them and anyone who respects them

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The Rothschild control the CIA through the BIS and Bush was the director because he is a Black Nobility jew too

The agency is a bunch of retarded nerds

fuck off chang

>I think he refused to order air support,
no, he ordered that the mission not go forward if they failed to sabotage the enemies air capability, you can't have a clandestine operation with open air support going on, that goes against the idea of Clandestine

just like you can't have a clandestine operation with 4000 troops, that isn't clandestine in any way

>No oversight
>unlimited power
>long history of doing objectively evil bullshit across the globes
>work tirelessly for jewish interests at the expense of americans
that said I find it funny to read about all the ridiculously retarded shit they are doing so I am a fan and hope they continue in their psychotic corrupt overreach. will be a good lesson to future civilizations and it's hilarious at the moment.

I wouldn't be against the CIA if they weren't manipulating domestic politics so much. It's made life nonsensical and unlivable.

hey muzzie, go over to /lgbt/ where you belong

>The agency is a bunch of retarded nerds
Julia Child wasn't retarded though and she was CIA, most of the CIA is women

> Everything the Internet says is true.

Imagine going through life like this.

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>last president
then you're against the constitution commie

I have no beliefs anymore.
Does that make me amoral?

>I wouldn't be against the CIA if they weren't manipulating domestic politics so much.
you mean by shooting Presidents they don't like?

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I believe some sources are in order.

why then

ok chink
you've exposed yourself luminescent african american

filtered the cut-dick retarded muzzie who is sliding the thread

Women can be retarded losers

I just hate delusional arrogance and CIA/NSA/FBI all have way too much

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As is the case with all good things, boomers ruined it.

they built an economic infrastructure covering the world

they are based

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what, the black market?
too funny

>why then
they're selling a war, they need to push everyone back and forth until they can get people to support a military action

also they're recording everything to use AI to create more accurate predictive models for the future

just watch the 100 C150s go up at every air force base in the nation every day, they're scraping all the cellphone and satellite traffic from the entire world every day and putting it in those data centers

it's basically similar to the plot of Winter Soldier

Read a book called ‘the cia and the cult of intelligence’ if you can find a copy

>Why does pol hate the CIA so much?
because this place is infested with chinese and russians doing counterintelligence ops
its a work of sabotage to convince the american public that tehy own government is not to be trusted

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Self defense includes killing your fucking neighbor who screams "I'm going to kill you" while loading their gun.

state Department


they don't need to go that far, because of In-Q-Tel and before that Peleus the CIA has already penetrated all tech, both hardware and software markets

Attached: In-Q-Tel 25Nov17.jpg (720x8127, 1.88M)


>the CIA has already penetrated all tech,
so why is google trying to back out of their government contracts?

Nice try Putin. Your utter bullshit is not gonna make me lose faith in the institutions that have kept me safe for decades. And send a message to Trump not to bother trying this on the rest of us patriotic Americans either. That criminal is going down.

>Nice try Putin.
whats wrong with Putin? I met him when he was a Lieutenant, he wasn't so bad

>operation mockingbird
>installation of gatekeepers
>infiltration and manipulation of all domestic political groups of any significance
>constant misdirection and shilling to weaponize NPCs against Player 1's
>importation of heroin from Afghanistan and other drugs
>Nov 22, 1963
>grooming Obama and all other presidents for the presidency
>protecting pedophile blackmail networks
You can't have a democratic republic under such conditions. We live in a totally manipulated slave state. There is no truth or reality anymore. There is no freedom unless through supremacy by rising through the ranks of government as an opportunistic criminal scoundrel. EVIL

>did they not keep the shitholes of the world from going gommie for the past 70 years?
Why is that America’s responsibility?
Furthermore, one of the main drives for all these shitholes to take up communism as the revolutionary ideology was most of them were banana republics that operated as overseas plantations.
We could have let communism run it’s course and let markets take over but alas, MIC has a boner for bloodshed.

CIA is not the government though, and they're not controlled by the government either

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well it's working
there can be no trust in such an unequal society

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The CIA was founded by liberal globalists and is still totally controlled by them. It has an ideology that is inherently hostile to nationalism. It should be closed and replaced with new agencies with different people.

don't take it so personally you niggers have been here long enough to know that Jow Forums is satire.

cool story

They are traitors.

CIA is far worse than the cartels because it has government support and a bunch of retarded autistic nerds helping them.

always take down a traitor before an enemy

if this is all Russian demoralization tactics, it's working all too well

because we're NSA duh

Because they lied about Saddam and Assad to justify wars for Israel, and they are always demonizing the alt right (Brennan Gilmore and the Charlottesville car fakery)

AI will fail.
Is Q trying to push war with Iran?
That's like the neocon holy grail or something

Q is like a fake attack against CIA
Real pushback against the agency would not be public at all, and would be swift and violent

Q is pure disinfo

First of all you glow in the dark kike nigger. Importing drugs to keep the inner cities of the US hooked on coke crack and meth so they can false flag attacks and keep puppet governments in place which later have to be put down with the blood of US marines and soldiers isn't really the stuff Jow Forums roots for. Running arms, human trafficking etc etc how low can you go? Well if you think that you reached the bottom, rest assured the CIA is still well below that.

if they got obama elected. meaning they hate trump. Why wouldn't they just assassinate trump then frame it on some radical leftist during their (((investigation)))

>be CIA
>we finna winz agaunst the ruskies!
>send agents
>they get killed or convert to communism
>fast forward today to 2000's to 2018
>can't win anything
>flip flop warriors still fucking up everything
>realize they suck
>be agents of chaos

They literally fucking suck. Everything they have done is against the US.

Fucking checked and this

Maybe if you were nice to us we'd do the same..... just saying. The dulles brothers dud alot of damage imo