What pol is going to if we non-whites decide genocide whites? We outnumber you greatly and physically stronger than you.
What are you going to do? hide in your basement and shitpost on Jow Forums? Tell me
What pol is going to if we non-whites decide genocide whites? We outnumber you greatly and physically stronger than you.
What are you going to do? hide in your basement and shitpost on Jow Forums? Tell me
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Let me tell you what we're going to do to your race
We will carve out your colored eyes
We will skin your pale skin alive
We will pluck your colored hair
We will fuck your wife/girlfriend in front of you
We will jump on your dead bodies with our Jewish, Black, Asian, Mexican, Brown brothers
We will keep your girls as our sex slaves.
This is what's going to happen and i'm afraid you won't be able to stop this process.
After all, you have to pay for your atrocities.
Bomb you to shit for starters, gay assfucker.
>What are you going to do? hide in your basement and shitpost on Jow Forums?
projecting this much
>What pol is going to if we non-whites decide genocide whites?
Kill you. We outgun and outsmart you. Doesn't matter how many you are, lol. Brown "people" are not capable of organizing large scale warfare or a successful genocide.
>genocide whites
how will you get your gibs?
Genocide isn’t done with brute force, and you “non-whites” doesn’t have the mental capacity to execute such an orchestrated operation, you can bearly spell.
Please, for the love of god, fucking go ahead and try.
no,i will continue the legacy of CHAD TEPES and impale all the T*rkroach girls especially your mom and girlfriend with my pure DACO-ROMAN 25cm penis and get rid of your T*rkroach manlet and feminine genes
Whitey will do the same thing they've been doing for hundreds of years. Play us against each other until we start killing and enslaving each other over worthless trinkets and barren scraps of land.
Leave the whole "Genocide wars" thing to Whites and Kikes, T*rks couldn't even deal with a few angry Kurds for Christ sake.
stupid persians
Do brownies not pick up history books ever? White people will genocide you for tea and pepper and you want to incite collective violence against them? Just be happy you're still allowed to exist.
You seem mad roach. Why u so mad?
Nuke your countries and also release the most ghastly biological and hemical
Weapons onto your kind
>and you “non-whites”
hi schlomo
Please do so if you want to see what the view is like from atop a mushroom cloud.
Ultra instinct kicks in and you will all get raped 5th dimensionally in hyperspace as it predicates into 3D real time.
>We will fuck your wife/girlfriend in front of you
This doesn't make sense. We would love to? We are cucks.
Honestly? Pic related.
Get glassed.
The Bible says you will decide exactly that and that two thirds of our people will die in it, this ends the time of the gentiles and your judgement begins, it isn’t specific as to how many of you di except to say that humans will be rarer than fine gold from Ophir.
>hello fellow whites. turkey is in Europe
>fuck off roach you aren't white
>but the palms of my hands are so that means turkey is white
>fuck off roach you aren't white
>fuck off roach you aren't white
>fuck off roach you aren't black either, you're just a shitskin
is everyone from turkey an autist?
Do it ya fucking pussy. We’re fucking waiting.
You guys do know that we make your missile defence systems.. Right?
Good luck defending your boats (Read: your ability to move food into your barren shithole) without parts.
I rooting for it to happen goddamn subhumans.
Come and get it parasites.
>hide in your basement and shitpost on Jow Forums?
ironically exactly what every turkroach on Jow Forums does
Here in cuckland we'd have a rough start! But idk, muds here aren't very cool once they are faced with opposition, they're only strong and cool when they are victimizing, if we hit back it's non stop kvetching.
Bring it shitskins! We ain't afraid to die, we got to live as white people for only a second so we've done the best there is to do here on earth.
I'd hate me too being that successful if I was a lowly shitskin...
I often think this is where we should have gone with the Empire. We were so nice about everything outnumbered millions to one but instead of inventing and sharing everything we should have kept all the inocation here and inaccessible until the point came when we could safely cull the animalistic from the earth, thereby securing a big world to inhabit.
Instead we feed creatures like the OP’s family on hand outs.
I would suck you off if you spared me
ahoot you niggers the same way it was done in the past till now.
hence whitey is on top.
Here’s the thing about white people. We’re actually very nice. Until we’re not.
here is what we use for roaches
>We outnumber you greatly and physically stronger than you.
Our bullets outnumber you to a far greater extent.
Just one of our bombs is stronger than all you faggots put together.
What will happen is that as soon as you proclaim the intention of white genocide. You will start to see people dropping unexplicably in any major muslim town.
Some nervin agent, or some nukes if we are not interested in your shit.
You niggers can t think pass the ak47.
You lack the intelligence to be real degenerate.
he's right. Whole muslim world couldn't destroy Israel for 100 years or stop Serbia, the UN had to step in.
Oh I wish a nigger would
I imagine myself in Europe, with my BLACK African brothers, leading my platoon. Our aim is kill wh*te dogs and rape wh*te bitches. I shoot wh*te dogs but they keep coming. I try to shoot each and every one of them. My African BLACK brother is raping a wh*te subhuman female as I keep shooting wh*te dogs. As he impregnates the wh*te whore with superior BLACK sperm, I realise it is my turn. But then, I remember the sayings of my ancestors: “Bitches Ain’t Sheeit but hoes and tricks” — Mahatma Gandhi. I see it. I see him right there waiting for me:
“You have one last thing to do”
“Yes, Gandhiji.”
“Pajeet, get the nukes.”
And then right before my eyes a tactical nuke with an Agni-VII ICBM launcher flashed into existence, I rushed immediately and prepared for the wh*te armageddon. I reached the computer controls and prepared to fulfill Gandhiji’s wish. Amsterdam, London, New York and pretty much all the major wh*te cities were on the map. I pressed the giant BLACK button and in the next moment I saw a mushroom cloud right in front of me, I had already lost a litre of blood, my end was near but so was it for the wh*tes. I collapsed into oblivion, making it to Africa, my homeland, to be greeted by my BLACK brethren. I made it to heaven, I finally made it...
We are BLACK, and there is nothing stopping the BLACK horde into wh*toid lands
>We outnumber you greatly and physically stronger than you
wait... so whypippo like... have "tactics"???? what are this... muh big black dick ooga booga
>we outnumber you greatly
Doesn't matter when you slaughter the fuck out of you subhuman 100,000:1
Err, wrong, pic related was some wh*toid female and not Indian
Indians are BLACK
i truly hope you all burn in nuclear fire and your death cult is outlawed and the last of you have to off yourselves as your hunted down.
We are not wh*te but BLACK.
Indo-BLACK BVLLS BTFO wh*toids
Hey op. What happened before this picture was taken? That guy was flying around in a helicopter shooting niggers or bombing niggers in a plane. So. Keep laughing. You stupid fucking monkey.
>What are you going to do? hide in your basement and shitpost on Jow Forums? Tell me
they have gun to tho
please please please......... so bored waiting
You pour grease on all your foot and call it sauce
Gypsy is that you?
>physically stronger
Nice bait.
We could bomb you into the stone age but your society never left the stone age...so I guess we could put you in a zoo.
Here we see a BLACK KANG looking down on his Nordic mate. Truly the pinnacle of human courtship. Meanwhile triggered wh*tes in the comments
non buttarti via
se sei un negro non é colpa mia
lo vedi bene anche tu
nessuno ti vuole più
senza gli ebrei che cazzo faresti?
non buttarti via
l'integrazione era soltanto un'idea
ora vattene via
torna a casa tua
sarai un negro si
ma solo fuori di qui
Whites are born and bred for war. We will become an anthill, a hivemind, a literal Spartan supernation, and you will all be running around in underwear chimping out. Maybe, just MAYBE the Chinese will give us a hard time, but I suspect the Japs would be on our side, JUST to prevent the mixing. And when the dust settles, we'll treat what's left of you like animals, and all the Jews will be dead, so you'll have nobody to infiltrate and subvert our cultures anymore. If we were taking bets, my money would be on the "Colonizers." Most of us are really hoping this happens. Watch 20% of the world's population take over in two generations. It would be GLORIOUS.
>physically stronger
Imagine thinking a bunch of gamer tranny faggots are the warrior race. Kek
>Spartan supernation,
It stopped reading after that.
Here have this redpill about spartans
Don't forget the opium wars that shit was hilarious and makes me want to shout "muh heritage" from the rooftops
We have all the best weapons, equipment, and training.
And while I respect the shit out of the last stand of the Turkish Brigade in the Korean War, Islamic militaries have a shitty win/loss record in the gunpowder era.
The only “white” nation capable of fighting our militaries is the USA, and guess what, even their military isn’t white.
European militaries are no match for Eastern power. Get fucked faggots.
>opium wars
LMAO. You mean the wars funded by Rothschilds and Sasoons?
Jesus Christ, no wonder the Jews rule you. Hahahahahaha
Every one I ever met was an angry Aspie, yes.
nuke africa the population of niggers in america doesnt out weigh white folks yet... go on give me salt
>mfw whitoids take pride for fighting for the Jews
As a femanon. I will wear rapex. And if our men fail and if I do sleep with you I will super glue your pee hole and lips shut as you sleep. Let you wake up like that and tear your heart out with a spoon and feed it to pigs.
Pajeet, I hope you like plutonium. Because we got something for your curry-shitting ass too.
This is how I rate my tech support call one out of five.
Got the largest thorium reserves mate, as well as we’re almost done with developing an ICBM with a range of over 11,000 km, enough to obliterate most of Europe.
"We" as if your own people gave a damn about you.
Look at you, you're a human thinking about killing other humans, you think that blacks won't hessitate to kill other black if they need to?
If we do something stupid like surrender our nuclear arsenal then we'll probably get fucked like South Africa. Otherwise, we have guns, nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, fighter jets, and all sorts of ways to defend and attack.
>Implying savage niggers are capable of coordinating in a meaningful way.
>Implying we won't call our own dissenters just as effeciently before you even make it here
>Implying we won't call our own dissenters just as efficiently before you even make it here
I did say TWO generations. America will be an ethnostate superpower after the first
Spoken like a roastie one BBC away from SNAP assistance
From this point, the answer you will get will not be from my posturing or my vocabulary.
>Pajeet builds an ICBM to threaten Europe
>Chong and Pakis are next door with nukes pointed at Delhi
Truly you are the greatest race by athreatening a continent that hasnt given a shit about you since the 40's.
Based Jew
>implying asians asociate with niggers
The delusion of his heatstruck third worlder
>fellow non-whites
xDDD can't make this shit up
>women are infantile and have poor decision making abilities
>letting them vote was a mistake
>reeeee why do (((they))) keep letting shitskins in?
>sits on Jow Forums and shit posts.
>men are high value because they produce things of value
>sits on Jow Forums and shit posts
>men have better decision making abilities than women
>sits on Jow Forums and shit posts
>women actually protesting
>sits on Jow Forums and shit posts
As much as I hate op he has a point. But don’t worry user This roastie will be getting stoned by them while you’re getting thrown off a roof top, faggot.
>physically stronger
You are likely all of 5'5"
> having gay porn on your computer
Noroc ca a picat referendumu', poponare...
hahaha thats gold
We have seen all your kind is capable of.
You have no idea what kind of destruction whites can bring if they get serious.
Those petty wars we're in at the moment? It's just toying around. You'll simply cease to exist if we truly want you to.
>Stopped reading after that
Why? If it's a myth then I was abviously referring to the myth, even though the historical facts have been mistold by our culture. Thanks for the redpill though, I'll have to do some more research on that.
its kinda crazy that war in the 21st century is a bunch of glorified skirmishes
Nice SAR, yours?
>implying a country that cant beat glorified gypsies using 1960 Soviet weapons and Toyota pick up trucks has a chance of winning. Vice had a beautiful documentary on the Kurds and Turkroach and ISIS IED tech was so bad their bomb squad was equipped with sledgehammers and just hammered mines apart
Yeah but in this day and age it isn't about strength. Just look at the Israeli army. The soldiers are such betas they have to wear diapers but Isreal has never lost a war. I wonder why
Very true
Im Polynesian, I literally do not give a gnat's shit about your retarded whatever the fuck problems you have. White House burns we get to secede and reinstall the royal family. We'll be cheerleading from the sidelines. White mainlanders are pigs along with niggers, Jews and Arabs.