A Nuke Goes Off

A nuke goes off in a north american city. No group claims responsibility.

How does your government react? Who is prime suspect gets nuked in retaliation?

Attached: tonuke.jpg (302x167, 5K)

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>No group claims responsibility
not possible.
based on payload and style of nuke we would know.

We launch a rape train of ICBMs at Canada for starters. Leafs are prime suspects, unsecured border and a lot of muslims.

we nuke the same spot in retaliation

We get mugged by a gypsy

Democrats would blame russia, despite selling the iranians/israelis/saudis the nuke that is used.

Republicans would rally around israel and send the enture military to protect them.

whoever has oil


the source would be discovered through forensics and then destroyed swiftly and decisively. it would be the most one sided ass whooping in the history of man.

Hopefully it was San Francisco. We would probably nuke it again just to make sure

Google black sky project. Watch the videos that are on the site. Your answers lay within.

say it's a dirty nuke. that would mean islamic terrorists. do we skip retaliation because of "not all muslims?"

>Who is prime suspect gets nuked in retaliation?
domestic communism

Invade Malvinas.

actually heres the link


>skip retaliation
in the case of a dirty bomb?
we'd blow up 2/3 of the middle east.

>Canada is capable of retaliating

"A nuke goes off in a North American city"

Liberal cesspools with sidewalks lined of shit and used needles.

Nothing of value is lost.

>How does your government react?
a fucking leaf. our government would do inconsequential things of no import. the people would react, likely by overthrowing the government and establishing either A) an insolationist fascist state for defense reasons, or B) a full blown colonial conquering military for the express purpose of eliminating a few billion specific people from the planet, give or take six or seven gorillion

daily reminder that nuclear weapons do not exist

I imagine our government would blame Trump. We'd then promptly get sleepy and get on with our progressive lives.

>Something big is happening.
>How does your government react?
It doesn't.

Trudeau would totally skip retaliation, trolling us, while cool as cucumber, saying "be nice" and "we need more retired ISIS refugees to help build a new city"

nuke in us?....nudder false flag

If its Islamic terrorist, then they got the material/ help from Israel.

So we nuke Israel.

nukes give off a certain radiactive signal that is particular to a dig site.
measure, compare and list the buyers.

You mean Pakistan

I hope it hits toronto. Unironically I'm cool with that

Well the government will choose anyone but israel

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Why not both?

>a full blown colonial conquering military for the express purpose of eliminating a few billion specific people from the planet, give or take six or seven gorillion

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(((They))) have been planning this scenario for a while now in conjunction with other foreign governments. EPRO simulation mods EIS council watch the video on mod1 very spooky stuff.

there is no retaliation strike. the aftermath is enough to prevent any sense of order in america. a flood in just the french quarter that was only waist high water was enough to destroy all of new orleans. a few power outages in america were enough to cause riots here and there over time in different cities in america as well

we marveled at japan for not freaking out after the tsunami + fukashima event. a nuke means there is no law or order in america. not just the city hit but many other cities many states departed... rapeagedon

>based on payload and style of nuke we would know.
what if it was stolen?....or fabricated off the radar

Iran, somehow

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-08 Uranium One - Google Search.png (424x491, 36K)

Its all part of the plan faggots. You dont prepare for something unless you expect it to happen at some point.

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If a dirty bomb went off in the US, the middle east would be glasses from Egypt to Turkey. I'm not even joking.
This would be the case whether a left wing or right wing president.
Think about it. The TTowers got a full scale invasion. A dirty bomb would get quintuple that.


OP since he made this thread.

Russia would not be nuked because of MAD. The perpetrator s would though. The only places who won't nuke each other EVER is China, US, Rus.
Everyone else is a free for all

In what scenario would a dirty bomb not result in the destruction of the ME? Unless it came from elsewhere.

>Who is prime suspect gets nuked in retaliation?
Everyone else. All of them

Forensic analysis will be able to tell where the nuclear payload was mined, enriched, and built simply by analyzing the leftover radioactive isotopes.

Guarantee the US will either:

A.) Burn the host country to the ground in a hellish, nuclear firestorm.
B.) Launch another multi-trillion dollar "War on Terror" against whoever the fuck.
C.) Both A and B.

Source: I watched The Sum of All Fears.

>be USA
>get nuked and nobody takes credit for it. Everyone knows who dunnit.
>a truly wise sage of our time perishes in the attack.
>words of wise sage live on.
>when you attack your enemies, they win.exe
> tfw the USA nukes itself in retaliation.
RIP Trudeau-Castro

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man, imagining the people that would be flying over here to swear to God, in person, they had nothing to do with this makes me chuckle.

There would probably never be a retaliatory strike based on the consequences of a dirty bomb mostly because the yield would be so in terms of radiation and the casualty count. Dirty bombs, in theory, aren't the harbingers of mass casualty scenarios they are hypothetically used as an apparatus for psychological warfare. They also aren't necessarily the most pragmatic way to use radiation to get a point across considering the makeup doesn't have a failsafe the assailants in the attack could risk being in contact with high amounts of radiation before even launching the assumed attack. It's an overly meme'd pipedream of asymmetrical warfare.

*so minuscule in radiation

I can't even imagine the absolute shit-storm that would take place after an event like that.

Assuming some liberal paradise got nuked, I imagine we would leave such an exchange in a 'net gain' scenario. lol




All the kikes, shtskins, chinks and commies get rounded up and gassed.

east coast dirty bomb or emp attack could put 70% of the population without power for up 5 years. Think of the utter chaos on the east coast if that happened. people would be running to the west coast and those that didnt would wind up killing each other off for supplies. Then whoever was left would begrudgingly attack the west coast out of need for supplies.

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The NY state government would raise taxes, invite more shit skins in and force them to live in white neighborhoods. Oh and blame guns

Most likely

All travel by presidential order is halted
Guard/Reserve activated
C2CRE is ordered to respond

Analysis of the nuke residue begins and we determine where the nuke was made

God help them

Also comically enough, the "rural retards" as they are so called by city dwelling zombies would be the ones with the highest survivability rate because they know how to live off the land and do without electricity as it often goes out for extended periods after large storms.

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>Vladimir Putin himself hat in hand in the oval office swearing on a bible that he had nothing to do with it

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>A nuke goes off in a north american city
>lol so solly
>lol so solly
if USA
>oh fuck this is going to be a real pain in the ass

Invade Canada.

Washington was a big guy, so was Lincoln

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This guy knows

Government begins running emergency sonar clearance on the population and doesn’t say much. Americans tend to be very proud and not say much. However I don’t take that as a sign of pride but prejudice and sneakiness. They could always use dead peoples docs for theft. Americans generally tend to lack forensic insight. They never go after prime suspects but attack a larger trade component for economy benefit. Usually their own port cities/countries around the world.

>muh Russia

That's assuming whoever nukes us uses a normal bomb from their strategic arsenal that has been tested in the past.

If you assume you can know the origin of the bomb by observing the characteristics of the blast, Russia could easily construct a fairly dirty low-yield fission bomb to bait us into war with the Norks.

For example Iraq and Saudi Arabia were displaced in Americas a long time ago. They came in 50-60s by the boat load. So they are a war time portfolio. Saudis got out because the hajj lowers security. Plus they are right between two other ethnic groups and their ally lies behind one of the ethnic groups. Iraqis are a bunch of Kurds, Arabs, and Ottoman. Majority left during the silk crisis. Syria tended to be an Americanized country as they are descended from American traders. Another portfolio there. They are scared of China because they are more ethnic pure and suffer their own likeness.


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They can’t even attack Africa because they are to scared of American civil rights leaders whom ease African terrorist immigration through Bahamas.

If Bolsonaro wins, I suspect we might finally honor the Rio Pact of mutual assistance and offer military support in a counter offensive once a target is chosen.
Otherwise the pact will be ignored again just like in 2001 and the US will just have our condolences.


The Manhattan Project was not successful, "critical mass" can not be reached.
Rutherford and Bohr were right, not Fermi and Einstein.

Radiation, nuclear reactors, nuclear meltdown etc. obviously exist.
Nukes on the other hand...


Some professionals speculate we have been bombed due to the issue of swinging identities. Meaning identities of dead in circulation that lack social security or pension funding. They are added into the population in intervals. This means that all the US does is use the military to close entry and exit to the site. They run environmental test and fill up the land with people from homes facing eminent domain.

What we learned from Vietnam. After war all soldier are to be in solitary confinement for 2 years as post exposure medical observation. If they bombed subsoils what makes you think they wouldn’t give you something to take home. Which is the 4+2. Nobody listens. So you have to grab it by the balls. By force.

Blame CIA, Muslims and Israel and act accordingly. At least one did it.

>North America
So what, does Belize count? Cause if so who gives a shit?

Americans wil be in hysterics and start screaming...
Why didn’t you spy on us more and torture Muslims to keep us safe.?

Trudeau immediately apologizes to Muslims for all of the backlash they will receive.

Yeah dude

>Prime suspect

You'd have to wait for NEST to complete their fallout analysis, so you would probably know within a few hours. It's genuinely really incredible how they built up databases on fallout components over the course of the cold war to the point that they are able to determine from which individual reactor fissile material came from.

It's obviously SPECTRE. So bomb some volcanoes.

If ground burst then declare state of emergency, defcon 3, evacuate other metro areas, conduct an investigation and wipe out any countries involved in any way (mining, financing, manufacturing, transporting, etc). If air burst then defcon 5, full retaliation against everyone with no hesitation.

Both would have the same outcome: "MAD" aka US victory cause im sure our subterranean colonies are higher quality.

My country would probably respond with glee. Also, there will be new security policies that would cost us an arm and leg and would create another Russian billionaire. Perhaps a weekly cavity search or something.

Honestly if it happens it will be domestic terrorism.

And how are forensics going to help determine who exactly did it when hundreds of miles will be vaporized into nothing?

>Democrats/Republicans send troops off to war
>year or two goes by
>actual group responsible reveals they are the culprit and provides evidence to back the claim
Now what?

We would nuke Israel into oblivion.

We told you mutually assured destruction

If it’s Ottawa we all get a drink


Hopefully they start sending out thank you cards. Kim jong un please hurry!


of course a canadian made this thread

nice digits but there would be no need for retaliation. their enemies killed them so they won.

>How does your government react?


>Who is prime suspect gets nuked in retaliation?
russians obviously

"We stand with Israel"