Jow Forums humor thread

Jow Forums humor thread

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More people should do things like this.

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Attached: emu_war.jpg (320x352, 20K)

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Attached: homeless.jpg (800x445, 269K)

>Coming from a German migrant

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This sane person could somewhen be US President.

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Attached: roman_empire.png (500x398, 114K)

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We do, regularly.

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This one is really good, but fuck man your writing and sentence structure is terrible.

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I didn't make it, I think the implication is that it was turned in as a child's homework assignment

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This one is also hilarious, I love that he has tattoos.

Attached: pitbull-comic.png (625x909, 57K)

top kek

Attached: bbc-comic1.png (625x605, 55K)



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Horible hand writing

Is that Genghis Khan?

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Attached: price-gouging-comic1.png (1500x500, 84K)

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I keked hard. Underrated.

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I think the trade off is worth it

>we would have no mayor
does he really not know how people obtain public office?

Why do dems dream about being sexually dominated?

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Monocle or black eye? Either way I Kek'd

haha holy shit that's funny. Nice rare flag


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We should push this narrative to piss off women.

Holy fuck this is too good. (((They))) have these fucking thots so conditioned that they have zero clue why or how they could be attracted to DJT. The lack of self awareness is horrendous.

You dun goofed

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God damn that is some lame ass boomer toer banter

No, it's funny once but pushing it is incel tier

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Attached: 20_years_later.jpg (407x652, 89K)

Attached: Aussie_Dating.jpg (1024x996, 117K)

Attached: Aussie_bantz.jpg (1672x438, 162K)

Attached: Barron.png (1366x604, 66K)

Attached: Boy_I_sure_do.png (468x750, 648K)

That's got Remy prank written all over it.

Attached: Brain_damage.jpg (1920x4238, 790K)

Attached: Burrito_Bell.png (1000x977, 479K)

Attached: diogenes.jpg (1800x1322, 1.05M)

Attached: Ghost_busters.jpg (1160x979, 303K)

Attached: Emu_ID.jpg (1308x2632, 388K)

Attached: European_Commision.jpg (1263x482, 120K)

Attached: Gibs.jpg (1197x4096, 1.12M)

I've never laughed so fucking hard in my life

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Attached: house_arrest.jpg (1177x693, 278K)

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Attached: Jewtube.png (2132x1438, 753K)

not Jow Forums related but capped from Jow Forums and funny

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Attached: ladder.jpg (802x2048, 228K)

Hmmmm tempting. Specially because im an alcoholic brawler but I dont have that top. I must shave, too much aggresive young set baldness.

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Attached: Medieval_Monks.jpg (785x7575, 819K)

Attached: Moot_is_a_literal_cuck.jpg (2400x2400, 629K)

>Men are creating unrealistic standards of women in video games!!!
>*animates herself as this*

Attached: oh_my.jpg (333x250, 18K)

all it would take is a couple white streaks on the monocle instead of a black streak for it to look as it should. no pun intened

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Attached: Paul_number_one.jpg (994x3072, 2.56M)

Attached: pol_memeball.jpg (768x768, 191K)

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Why IS Polygamy illegal , Jow Forums?

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Attached: r9k_Seinfeld.png (1208x1712, 259K)

Sadly hes too young to remember when a white man saved his life, his parents will never tell him and he'll learn to hate you.

Attached: rabbit_revenge.jpg (931x691, 215K)

>haha jews am i right
>yeah black people im right arent i
>yeah... heh

Man, you guys truly can meme.

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