We're so confident in the truth we need to remind you of the correct story on every video mentioning this event.
Welcome to 1984
>he's still posting
>expecting anything less from JewTube
Good goy.
Promote the video so I get more views and more shekels.
Can you imagine what it will be like on the last day the final holohoax survivor dies.
well, what do you expect when people for no reason at all (other than a wish to whitewash their genocidal heroes adn probably commit further genocide if they could) deny that a piece of historical truth happened?
I have yet to see one discussion of the Holocaust on this forum that does not include someone saying that either it happened but they didn't kill enough, or that it didn't happen but it should have and will happen in the future, hopefully.
deniers are just admirers of mass murderers, usually without the balls to admit it.
muh holocaust never mind the 60 million the jews killed in russia
do you actually have demographic evidence for that figure?
They're already meming '2nd gen survivors' because of 'muh epigenetics'
FUCK!!! I didn't think about that. Thanks asshole
Fun fact: Jews can diablerize older Jews to increase their survivor generation, and jew powers
One tactic I love using, and I can get away with saying it around normies and it makes them think in a different way, is to call any genocide a holocaust. For example the Arminian holocaust, the Rwanda Holocaust, the white European holocaust at the hands of the moors, etcetc.
They almost always mention that it’s not a holocaust, then I show them the definition of what holocaust means and they agree. It INFURIATES the Jews as they like to make that word (holocaust) just for use when talking about them. Yet they can’t call you a Nazi or whatever because you are just saying all holocausts are bad ;)
I've seen plenty of people seriously talking about how the number 6 million simply isn't possible. In fact, there was a video on YouTube going through just what it would have taken to kill 6 million. It literally walked through how long modern cremation ovens take to burn a body, how many ovens were reported to be in the camps, how long the duration was, versus how high the body count was. It ended up being the case that the number was only ~300k at the very most. If you go that far into believing they could lie about 300k to 6 million, you can easily deny the whole thing.
Unfortunately, YouTube has deleted that video now as it dissented from the correct viewpoint.
The fact that it's illegal to deny in Germany doesn't raise any questions to you?
so >en.wikipedia.org
says 9 million is more likely in all the repression, including the famines which may not have been deliberate, although some say up to 20 million, but basically 60 million is bullshit?
Spotted the kike. Hitler did nothing wrong. The holocaust is pure projection from the jewish psyche. The end that they understand is rightfully deserved for their treachery.
actually the jews usually use "shoah" and are not adverse to using holocaust to mean any large destruction.
>pure projection
Always accuse the enemy of what you yourself are doing
Probably because of this.
>Steinlight is worried that, if whites become a minority too quickly, the new majority of color will no longer have any connection to or feel any guilt for the holocaust. He is worried that the new non-white majority will no longer want to give the Jews special privileges and that they will no longer want to support the state of Israel.
Nigga communism in China killed 65 million alone
This sounds like a terrible implementation of a good idea
getting definitions for things in youtube videos on the fly seems like a great thing conceptually
many people don't fucking know what "flange" means, so yeah, maybe
but not for this kike shit
Seems like a folly concern by that logic. They would just use different tactics to nonwhites, similar to how they are subjugating Palestinians. They would merely keep Israel by pure force, and there would never be enough organized forces to retaliate, just kicking and screaming.
I remeber seeing the same video. however there were problems with it. for instance, they quote hours to burn a body - it jsut insnt true. they use modern funeral home little crematoria which go from cold to cold and they carefully rake out the individual ashes, and do not compare it to modern animal carcas incineration, which runs hot, and you keep throwing bodies in as they burn to bones in about twnety mintes.
the Nazis reported they could burn 4756 a day at auschwitz - they reproted on the efficiency of the ovens, of the possibility to burn several corpses at once (many were small children after all, very few were huge modern well fed six footers, most were small emaciated peasants) and they used the best ans most advanced industrial animal carcas incinerator tech of the time.
that film was basically comparing a domestic oven to a industrial one - like saying that there is no way a bakery could cook five hundred loaves of bread a day, because you can only cook ten in an oven, one at a time, in your kitchen.
also, no one has ever said that all six million were burned in ovens. so basically, the film got a lot of basic information wrong.
maybe, but that isn't what the user was claiming.
>6 millions jews
>and others
>moving goalposts
So take back what you said about no one seriously debating this topic. You saw the same video I did and you came in here claiming that no one on the other side debates it seriously? Fuck outta here.
Same with 'antisemitism'. Call it racism.
>no one has ever said that all six million were burned in ovens. so basically, the film got a lot of basic information wrong
The film I'm mentioning never claimed this. He addressed the 1.something million reported to have died in Auschwitz. Either we aren't talking about the same one or you're just saying words.
t. Kike
Jews absolutely detest holocaust being used for anything but them
He certainly debates like one. He claims he saw the same thing I did, completely ignored his original claim, and made shit up about what the video said.
I didn't move any goalposts.
I am happy to discuss the issues seriously, but I have to say that if you watched that film and didn't fact check it, and didn't immediately see it was utterly wrong factually, and that it was deceptive and deliberately so, then up until now, you have not been very serious about looking at the topic.
I see a lot of people on here who make claims that are easily debunked, or that are if you think about them for a short time, quite clearly absurd. If you want to talk stuff through, I am happy to do so, but you will be a rarity around here.
but to start with - here is a document from the makers of the ovens, claiming they could burn 4756 a day. this is from them and the SS at Auschwitz, to Himmler.
They also wrote other letters saying this was sustainable - every day. that the ovens worked better of kept hot and run continuously, and only needed a few hours maintenance a day.
they knew that bodies were not being burned one at a time, and that this was industrial carcass disposal, not funeral home cremation.
they even planned bigger ovens capable of thousands more bodies a day. Deniers just gloss over these things. the film you spoke of, if it is the same one I saw, quoted Mattogno, a denier who simply ignores this document, and makes up his own figures - to come to that low figure.
but 4756 a day is over a million a year. And at Auschwitz they only burned about a million and a half in four years. So they had the capacity to do it.
plus they used pyres when the ovens could not cope with the numbers...
>So take back what you said about no one seriously debating this topic
when did I say that?
You did, you completely disregarded your original claim. You said something snide and untrue, then when I addressed it with an example of how it was untrue, you debated the details of the example as opposed to saying, "you're right, there is an example of serious discussion, I was wrong." You never conceded the point.
>I see a lot of people on here who make claims that are easily debunked
Again, this is different from your original claim and you are moving goalposts. You said people DO NOT DEBATE IT SERIOUSLY. Now, it's that they debate it honestly but with shitty points.
Done debating you, kike.
>>So take back what you said about no one seriously debating this topic
>when did I say that?
I have yet to see one discussion of the Holocaust on this forum that does not include someone saying that either it happened but they didn't kill enough, or that it didn't happen but it should have and will happen in the future, hopefully. Go ahead, respond to this with a technicality acting like that wasn't what you were implying.
>The film I'm mentioning never claimed this.
your post talked about six million, and then said 300k was the possible burn (at one camp) and that 300k had been inflated to 6 million.
implying that the number killed (at all the hundreds of camps, ghettos, mass shooting sites prisons, slave labour factories and other sites where people were killed) was merely 300k - the number they could burn.
maybe you are not making yourself clear, but you seemed to imply the video made that claim.
sorry if it didn't. I have seen a lot of crappy denier videos, some make claims like that.
but, if you don't make it clear, then I am guessing both as to which video - there are many - and also what is in your head,
not being a mind reader it is hard to get it right all the time.
>You said something snide and untrue,
which is?
I do not think a single thing I said here
is untrue. Nor snide - I am openly mocking and derisory of them, not underhand or in any way concealed.
many people deny the holocaust for no reason other than to whitewash their genocidal heroes. I really have yet to see a discussion on this forum that does not include someone saying they should have killed more, or that they didn't but should have killed them.
and yes, most deniers seem to be admirers of Hitler et al., although many do not admit it.
so, no, I did not change goal posts, and your post did not prove anything I said to be untrue.
the mere fact that there are some people who "seriously" talk about denial (and let us be honest, they are not honest, they lie, they dissemble, they misquote, they deceive) does not mean that I was wrong. Especially when most of them turn out to be admirers of the mass murderers, and or, say they want it to happen again/for the first time for real.
did I?
please quote me, instead of making things up.
>which is?
>did I?
I literally quoted you to your exact post, kike. Go back and read your Talmud.
Oh, so I didn't actually ever say "people do not debate this seriously"
I am sorry but that isn't a technicality. whatever you think that implies, that is in your head.
I did not say that.
Rarely, people do debate it seriously. I am happy to do so. But nothing I said implies that no one ever does. Nothing I said justifies your little rant, and your abuse of me.
>I literally quoted you to your exact post, kike
no you literally pointed to a post that LITERALLY did not say that.
you made it up, sir. Now, do you want to talk about something seriously, or are you going to keep piling straw on that man?
>Go ahead, respond to this with a technicality acting like that wasn't what you were implying.
>Oh, so I didn't actually ever say "people do not debate this seriously"
You are like every kike that ever existed. Predictable, empty soul. Nice bait faggot.
jesus, you really are a some piece of work, aren't you?
Do all the voices in your head really talk like that to you?
you read a passage that did not say "no one ever debates this seriously" and which did say that most deniers, on this forum have expressed the idea that "Hitler did nothing wrong" or that the holocaust would be a good idea - and from that you took a message that was not there.
and now you call me kike and say I am being picky? You magic up nonsense from your kabbalah and numerology and utter shitbrained fuckwittery, and say I am in the wrong?
just take the hit man. be a man. Admit you read what i said, misinterpreted it in your own prejudicial way, and then doubled down on it by saying "literally" when it was clearly not literally anything.
you got it wrong. Now stop being stupid about it.
Do you rally think that all those guys who say that they didn't kill enough, or that they should kill more, are not actually serious?
I think I found out what is trying to say. I think they're referring to your initial post where you say
>>I have yet to see one discussion of the Holocaust on this forum that does not include someone saying that either it happened but they didn't kill enough, or that it didn't happen but it should have and will happen in the future, hopefully.
Maybe they misread it but I think they're taking that quote as you saying people don't debate it seriously here. You don't outright say Jow Forums doesn't take it seriously but the other guy thought that's what you were implying.
I think that's what they meant by that one part at least.
yep, I worked that out. he got it into his head that I said that, but I didn't. then decided to abuse me for something I didn't say. yes, I worked that out.
Of course the fact that he thought the worst thing he could call me was kike, adn imply I was jewish, just shows that he is also of that mental set. he watched a stupid video that made utterly stupid claims, btu accepted them because he is anti jewish. then goes mental when someone points out that the video is crap.
I don't care if he is anti jew. i really don't. But the fact that he just thinks everyone that disagrees with him is a kike is sad
That day will never come, in a few years some 50 year old will claim he is a holocaust surviver
(((they))) are never going to give this shtick up, no matter how unbelievable it is
I thought the ending of his arguement was pretty funny and a little sad desu. The fact that you actually argued out your points goes 100% against what shills (or kikes in this case) would actually take the time to do so it was pretty clear that calling you a kike was their way out of the arguement.
On a seperate thought I too would like to see actual debate on the holocaust and see what inconsistencies there are in the facts. The wierd thing I was able to find was the varying ways in which people were killed. I Remember reading about the fields the jews/commies/whatever being taken to and shot in the base of the skull with a 5 grain bullet then pushed forward into the fire in a ditch. I thought this was a little odd not only with the manpower that would be required but the amount of raw materials that would be spent doing this considering the german supply lines. All the special ammo being produced when it could be used for fighting and all the gasoline they'd have to use each day to start the ditch fires to burn bodies.
My point being it would be a neat thing to see actual discussion
I have not read that version. I think there is a lot of really bad eyewitness stuff - eyewitnesses are frequently wrong about details, and of course, there is a lot of hearsay and rumour. Unless you got that from a source like a guard - someone who actually did the shooting - then how would anyone else know those details? to me it sounds like something that someone might formulate - they saw people being shot, but why did the bullets not come out the other side of the heads? So the made up special scary ammunition.. but pistol bullets usually don't, if you use a 9mm, I am told... I have not actually tried it.
I don't know of anyone else claiming that they shot them and dropped them directly into pits of flame - fire pits were used, but usually the killed them first, then built the fire up, and threw more bodies on when it was going well. But I have not read everything - the literature is vast.
where was this supposed to have happened? (again, there were thousands of sites where people were killed - so something might easily happen at one place but not others..)
Sorry I tried hunting for it and i'm at work so I can't do a lot of research. I just remembered it was when I learned about Sonderkommandos and read about what they did. I know it's not the same thing but for what it's worth here is one of the links for that: hagalil.com
I am an open admirer or Hitler. I wish he did kill all the kikes you said he did, and more. Kikes are jealous of blondes and aryans and it destabilizes their men, because the start to desire blonde and fair women. This leads to their women being demoralized and hateful because they are not getting a fair share of attention. It’s what happens when they live in proximity to Aryans for so long. They become desirous to be Aryan in appearance. Jews seek to slip into Aryan skin to advance their causes. They do this by manipulating media and using other manipulative tactics (e.g. sociology) to favorably portray themselves. Jews do deserve a homeland and do deserve to exist but they must come to terms with their manipulative and JEALOUS nature first.
Kek. Now you care about concrete evidence.