How to resolve depression? What is its cause?

How do we go about resolving this crisis Jow Forums? Massive portions of our young and middle-aged men and women are afflicted by this. What's the cause? What's the cure?

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>What is its cause?

>What's the cause?
>What's the cure?
butt cream and rest.

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no aim to the game

the result of being ruled over by the (((anglo-saxon)))

sad times

Bad habits. Build good habits.

The cause is fear. Your brain is susceptible to viruses, or bad programs which reprogram your fear/ threat processing center. and we are assaulted with fear constantly to keep you there. Mushrooms!

People need purpose and they have none when their history and culture is destroyed and they're being drip fed corn syrup and hooked on propaganda

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Investing in the well-being of the family unit and teaching our youth that negative emotions aren't bad and are necessary for growth.

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My theory is that depression is a natural survival response having to do with the mind not becoming complacent with its situation but in our artificial environment it has spiraled out of control

Mushrooms do help

Cause: Social isolation.


cause: poor diet
secondary causes: exposure to household chemicals/insecticides, lack of time outside of human habitats (source included)

Depression is an epidemic. I think it has to do with average testosterone in men is dropping 1% per year most likely because if either our lazy lives or shit they put in our food.
I started working out and i feel better.You could take a supliment short term to see if thats why youre down, just make sure its not going to damage your natural hormones. I dont know if this advice would work for girls. They may need something else. If that doesnt work you could stop staying up till 3am beating your meat to hentai. Sleep is more important than anything. Get 8 hours maybe more. Good luck bro. Depression is shit, find something to fight for.

Don't fucking ask about it on Jow Forums. Google "suicidal depression help" and you'll find some websites. There are websites out there where you can talk 1:1 with people who are willing to listen.

Jow Forums has bitter people and people who live basic normal lives. They will happily tell you how you should consider suicide. This is a basic way people feel good about themselves by thinking others are way worse. Their lives are miserable too, but if they know there's some NEET guy in his 30's on the other side of a comment they can't help but feel insanely accomplished in comparison in their shitty jobs.

Don't ask advice on Jow Forums. Use google. Go to a website that has 1:1 chat. Talk to some stranger. Just make sure you never tell them you are suicidal. It doesn't help and most 1:1 chatters aren't equipped to deal with that. Talk about everything. Talk that you want to improve.

I recommend: [spoiler]7cups com[/spoiler]. There's people there who seriously want to listen to what you have going and can be helpful. Trust me. I use it and it's put me off from suicide so far.

If I want to actually kill myself, I'll come to Jow Forums or /v/ or /b/ and ask for help and I'll get told that I should kill myself "for the lulz" and film it so /gif/ can feature my suicide as a webm for 2 months and then forget about me. Just saying. Not worth it.

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First, you pick up your sack of balls. Second, you pick up your ass from your couch and carry it with you like a boat. Third, you pick up the rest of that pathetic shit called yourself and start walking 5 miles every day. Meanwhile, watch your shitty eating, faggot.

For me it is lack of freedom.
Seeing all those brainwashed creature make me sick and realize I'm not like them.

party like it‘s 1939

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Why would he need to? He's saying that: in the past you could imagine depression kicking in as a mechanism to change the environment you are in. You feel awful about where you are, so you seek to change it. However the lives we live now are mostly out of our control. When it gets worse you are nearly powerless to change it, or to change the task is too much for people bare.

For example people are seriously getting depressed because they read scientific predictions that the world is already fucked beyond repair and by as early as 2080 the human race will start to face insane hardships that will kill most of us off. Almost all scientists agree we're heading torwards this. It's something a basic human being can't do anything about. It's purely scientific fact. You know that your grand kids will not live normal lives or even survive. It's stuff like this that makes people think what is the point in trying anymore? It puts your basic wageslave life into perspective quite fast. You slave away only to have your life taken away from you by other people.

Then there's the fact that people realize life is finite. Your time on this earth is rather short. 10 years can go by in a blink of an eye. ~3500 days isn't that long. A year can go by super fast. Then you have the media and new generation popping out saying stuff like "your life is over after 21". "if you haven't accomplished anything by 27 you should be dead", "31 is basically elderly already" etc. So you realize life is short and then society tells you to feel shit about getting old. Getting old is something all of us are powerless against, yet we shame each other all the time for it.

Third biggest problem I think is wealth. The entire world economy is heading to ruin thanks to a lot of different effects. Roachy Chinese are getting richer, Europe is falling, Russia is taking everyone with them and America wants to make profit out of misery and cause wars again. Life is going to be hard soon for all.

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Depression is caused by being a sad cunt, you have to stop being a sad cunt and become a sick cunt.

Fuck this cuck.
Kill yourself and livestream it!

Cause: realizing that adulthood is a brainless grind until your body gives and you are replaced by another drone.

Cure: I dunno.

There is no universal cure for depression. Each case has to be addressed individually. Many cases, many solutions.

lift moar, faggot

People try to solve depression by material means. The lack of spiritualism is what causes it and the arrogance that denies invisible things is what maintains it.
God is the answer.

Stop being a retard and start enjoying life.

>fake it till you make it

It really works and you should try it

Actually some depressions are not curable at all.

See meme. We all are under duress

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Freedom is what started all this bullshit.

ayahuasca is medicine. Mushrooms are mostly for exploring the universe

Stop jacking off and stop watching Porn!
>tfw on Nofap day 30. Feels great man.

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why is it that Brazilians are so fucking stupid?

There is no depression. Shut the fuck up, you Jew-indoctrinated faggot retard.

Freemasons promoted freedom. But freedom leads to savagery. It enslaves man to primal instincts.
It is the antithesis of the sovereignty of God.
The image in your pic contradicts its own statement.

you are such a fucking idiot its not even funny
>freedom enslaves men
>enslavement by bankers and government sets them free

It enslaves them to sin.
And your strawman is dumb. Usury is bad and a direct result of the idolatry of money.
Man needs a meaning, if it not God he may seek Mammon.

Alienation and meaninglessness. Cure it with belonging and purposefulness. Create a community that works as an extended family, so to speak, IRL.

Also to little movement, start lifting, pickup a serious martial art and you will be happy in no time.

Good post.
Have a you, based emubro.

5 grams of dried mushrooms and the will to fix yourself

serotonin is a reward for having a high smv. if your smv is low, you will be depressed. fix your shit and your smv will follow and so will your serotonin levels.

what will a psychotic break do for your serotonin levels? nothing

This sounds stupid but I fixed my depression by deciding I didn’t want to be depressed anymore.
I realized I took every opurtunity I could to be sad. Even when good things would happen to me, I’d find a way to still be sad.
But after years of that, I just decided one day that I didn’t want to live like that anymore. So from that day on I’ve been positive about everything. Just looking at things in a positive manner ever single day laid the foundations for being happy. I havnt been depressed for years now, and I’m never going back. Because in the end, your state of mind is absolutely a choice.

Just lift, faggot.

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I'm down with the nofap. (on day 35 myself)
however, what about having sex?
don't bust a nut?

Nofap has nothing to do with sex. In fact, the original idea behind nofap was to get you to think with your dick instead of your head, leading you to pussy subconsciously.