Feel at home thread. Welcome Slavic brothers.
Express your views and discuss current political and socio-economic topics with other Slavs from this board, overcome your differences.
Cultural, linguistical or general discussion of countries/people/places is also accepted, pics are very approved.
In order to prevent shilling, dividing and shitting up the thread, I shall clarify a few things:
We are Slavs. We belong to a larger family of Indo-European peoples and also share some genetical, linguistical and cultural traits.
No one can deny this and no one should, albeit certainly not everyone thinks this is enough to make us united.
We are not the same, we are diverse in ourself, which is good and should be preserved.
If you want to talk about a hypothetical Slavic union, you can, but keep it polite and realistic, don't go too far.
This thread is here to promote Slavic politics, relations and affairs and give discussion about Slavic issues a place which it deserves.
People related to Slavs (like Romanians) or diaspora, can be tolerated, but keep it civil and keep it Slavic.
Be solidary, respectful and open-minded when debating.
Don't let others fool you, don't talk if you have nothing meaningful to say and don't get distracted or triggered.
Enrich us with contributions from your Slavic nation.
I chose to make the OC of this thread Knez Dervan.
He was a Sorbian prince, a ruler within the Moravian Empire, who fought against the Germans of the Frankish Empire for the souvereignity of his people and the glory of his God and Empire, his domain stretched over all of modern-day Saxony and his army held out for decades.
His brother went to the Balkans in Serbia.
Styri rjany holbe rozence.
Thread theme: http/www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj7lk2q5xJ0
For the sake of getting the thread going, let me suggest a few subjects:
>Visegrads fight against EU
>The question of FYROM's name
>West Balkans joining EU