Slavic General

Feel at home thread. Welcome Slavic brothers.

Express your views and discuss current political and socio-economic topics with other Slavs from this board, overcome your differences.
Cultural, linguistical or general discussion of countries/people/places is also accepted, pics are very approved.

In order to prevent shilling, dividing and shitting up the thread, I shall clarify a few things:
We are Slavs. We belong to a larger family of Indo-European peoples and also share some genetical, linguistical and cultural traits.
No one can deny this and no one should, albeit certainly not everyone thinks this is enough to make us united.

We are not the same, we are diverse in ourself, which is good and should be preserved.
If you want to talk about a hypothetical Slavic union, you can, but keep it polite and realistic, don't go too far.

This thread is here to promote Slavic politics, relations and affairs and give discussion about Slavic issues a place which it deserves.
People related to Slavs (like Romanians) or diaspora, can be tolerated, but keep it civil and keep it Slavic.

Be solidary, respectful and open-minded when debating.
Don't let others fool you, don't talk if you have nothing meaningful to say and don't get distracted or triggered.
Enrich us with contributions from your Slavic nation.

I chose to make the OC of this thread Knez Dervan.

He was a Sorbian prince, a ruler within the Moravian Empire, who fought against the Germans of the Frankish Empire for the souvereignity of his people and the glory of his God and Empire, his domain stretched over all of modern-day Saxony and his army held out for decades.
His brother went to the Balkans in Serbia.

Styri rjany holbe rozence.

Thread theme: http/

For the sake of getting the thread going, let me suggest a few subjects:
>Visegrads fight against EU
>The question of FYROM's name
>West Balkans joining EU

Attached: Knez_Dervan.png (756x987, 537K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: vojvoda-stara-rakija-dunjevaca-quince-brandy-serbia-10826051.jpg (500x500, 15K)


Attached: 102006_0_1_1.jpg (798x1200, 81K)


Attached: Osterwasserholen.jpg (800x600, 100K)

Drunken bump

Attached: 1_80fHGPkO6Fli3BLpxcQO6g.png (900x600, 662K)


>Romanians are eternal, they came from Atlantis itself.
>Romanians have invented how to piss while sitting.
>The first extraterrestrials to contact us will be all Romanians since they have colonized the galaxy 7 million years ago.
>The last Ice Age has ended because Romanians have turned on the heating.
>If there were no Romanians gravity would seize to exist and the Sun and the Moon would fall from the sky.
>Romanians have invented the platinum-made magic jumping kangaroo, when it leaps the Dow Jones rises exponentially.
>After Virgin Marry had given birth to Jesus Christ not even God could fix her hymen, but the Romanians did.
>The pure willpower of Romanians can turn heavy water into regular one and back to heavy again, without them no nuclear reactor would be capable of working on this planet.
>Romania is an eternal and unending salt mine.
>Romanians can't steal land since all land on the planet belongs to Romanians by allodial right.
>Every language out there is just a dialect of Romanian.
>All Romanians are transdimensional beings with the immense capacity to go back and forth in time.
>When Romanians organise themselves into a spiral a magical doorway to another galaxy opens up.
>There are no black people in Africa. Only tanned Romanians in Chad.
>All races stem from Romanians. Being a degenerate and inbred is a sign of living too far away from Romania.
>Before Nietzche wrote the Zarathustra he visited Romania to talk to the great sage known as Kăl-el.
>Romanians wrote all the books that could be found at the Phalos of Alexandria in Teleorman the library that contained all the knowledge of the world. Once it got burned down by the Bozgors the Romanians choose to pass on its sacred knowledge ass to mouth.
>Romanians were Muslims even before Arabs, they wrote the Churân but Mohammed the coward gypsoid Türk stole it.

Attached: we wuz daco-traco-illyrians even before Atlantis sank.jpg (1024x752, 266K)


Attached: 1442610037705.jpg (275x183, 19K)

Romanians are dacians/Thracian

Attached: interviu-Pop-Gheorghe-Matricea-Romaneasca-interior-4.jpg (800x530, 316K)

Nothing new, really.
Though you have a bit of Celtic, Roman and especially lots of Slavic admixture.

>The last Ice Age has ended because Romanians have turned on the heating.

Attached: honni.jpg (1024x768, 161K)

True, just found out that this symbol is a Thracian one, I've seen it all my life, it's like a must for old peasants houses

Here even in this movie
At 0:40
And here
At 1:48

This is what I've found so far
>Seed of life and Prime of Life [ flower of life]
>Symbols are found usually together on the old wooden roumanian gates in traditional sculpture and pottery. Is the symbol of secret freedom, abundance secret, secret the obtaining and using of Power, the secret of perfect health, secret of perfect relationships (both with themselves and with others), the secret of happiness and achieving harmony.

Attached: download (2).jpg (275x183, 12K)

How do you say
>Za Dom Spremni
in your language

Even on crosses

Attached: troita-motive-diverse.png (366x800, 392K)

Never thought that my Slavic thread would end up having Romanian kid-series and documentaries about farms.

Did you know that there is a certain amount of shared vocabulary between Romanian and Albanian.
Those are Vlach shepherd words and similar, Thraco-Illyrians like the Belli brought them from Thrace to Drachyllea.

Za domizna zwolniwy.

Yes we learned in school about the Albanian-romanian thing, apparently a lot of Romanian words that no one knew from were they came are from Albania
the studies on this matter apparently helped Albanians to from as a state/nation, pic related Nicolae Iorga
Umm, sorry, I guess?

Attached: FB_IMG_1517302332743.jpg (540x960, 83K)


Attached: 6095656579_79e62a1bee_b.jpg (1024x917, 802K)

Essentially, Albanians are Aromunians who got assimilated by Thraco-Illyrians, mixed with Slavs and Greeks, later converted to the faith of Turks or Italians, had a kingdom under Norman crusaders and then formed an identity with help of a German prince.


Attached: Kingdom_of_Albania_in_1368_AD.png (800x1004, 156K)

It is supposed to represent a common flower in Dacia, right?