The more religious a country is

>The more religious a country is
>The more antisemitic it is
Let that sink in

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Other urls found in this thread:

>correlation causation memes

ooh! let me try

Attached: GUNS-AND-CRIME-PREVENTION-Injury-Rates-by-Self-Protection-Method.png (1277x907, 66K)

How does that scale with actual amount of jews in country? There are hardly even 1000 here and only Finnish jew people even know is quite based conservative MP Ben Zyskowicz..

>greece is the last implicit bastion of white identity

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Greace is full of FN nigger camps so...

can confirm my swampjew country is extremely bluepilled on the JQ

but we did deport most of them of any nation (percentage wise) during WWII

Those numbers dont seem right. Everyone i know looks down on jews

Oh, and I forgot to mention that over here the more religious and conservative person is, more vocally pro-jewish they always are.
Pic related, the "far right" candidate of our previous presidential elections Laura Huhtasaari spending quality time in Israel.

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Greek people be reading St John Chysostom.

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I'd say it's much higher, people just don't talk about it publicly or for these surveys. Nearly everyone I know, left or right, either straight up hates them or knows they're not to be trusted and generally not "Portuguese" even if they were born here. There's a reason why Portugal had the original holocaust.

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We need to return to the BASED religion of our Aryan Shieldmaiden ancestors and dump kike on a stick semitic subversion.

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I'm turning this shit into informational maps thread

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It was a trick question.
They essentially asked "Do you think that the stereotypes surrounding jews are true?".
And anyone who said yes was labeled as an anti-semite.

Attached: jews_getting_the_expelleding.jpg (474x332, 29K)

might as well be actually anti-semites, because the stereotypes are not flattering at all

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you just posted a map that makes me sad user,

I imagine it would
I hope you know or at least learning it

Attached: male height by countries in 1896.png (3066x1793, 1.35M)

>Map 10
>Ireland marked as Protestant

Nuke on Laos when?

Attached: Lazy map of how the Roman Empire would've looked like if it re-united tomorrow.png (2100x1525, 221K)

Currently Learning it.

Knowing that the jews are greedy backstabbers and they control the global banking system doesn't suddenly make a nation a vanguard against ZOG.
You need more than that.

atlas of prejudice

Attached: Benis in Bagina.jpg (720x435, 63K)

tfw you're practically as cucked as Sweden

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is being antisemitic equal to being avanguard against zog? no

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We have one jew and he is somewhat based but bluepilled on the JQ.

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user, i said literally that.

No he is not based. The fact that a literal fucking RABBI is supporting Golden Dawn should wake you motherfuckers up.

blue-pilled as in fell for "jews have higher iq than whites"?
and I didn't say that nations full of anti-semites can kill the jew without action. I just said that you might equate believing in stereotypes about jews is the same as antisemitism

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also this

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whatever a mudshark touches is a jewish meme taboo for everyone amirite?
eat a bag of dicks

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>>The more rich a country is
>>The less antisemitic it is

In Greece it's not clear cut.
I have experience discussing this with lots of people, even ones who you might consider completely bluepilled and many actually know and agree with the theory of jewish dominance in global finances.
But it's not necessarily seen as a bad thing, hell i have seen people being mad that we didn't do it since we have such a large history of extremely successful mercantilism.

so proud i learned french right now

Old map

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Lel i know he's a meme but he is based sometimes
He is a rabbi youtuber who started with vids about judaism and antisemitism but now he also makes nationalistic and anti commie videos. A cam whore really.

Graphs hiding the fact that blacks disproportionately commit crime

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ofcourse every nation wants to do dominate everything and rule everything the "right" way.
All I know for sure is jews are spreading degeneracy and I don't like it.

Please kind translate it from creauoisoissssssssssssantue language into english

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Can we get Germany darker

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wow you guys were really fucked up

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in ussr computers used to be called "ЭBM - Элeктpo-Bычиcлитeльнaя-Maшинa" Electro-Calculating-Machine.

One of the good things soviets did is built a lot of schools and taught many peasants how to read and write
for all the good it done 'em

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Religious countries also have a high birthrate.

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Because they have exactly one more reason to hate the Jew - a competing religion.

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>"racoon" - from powhatan "he scratches with his hands"

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Ever wonder why Jews are spreading Secular-Judaeo values?

>Poland, Belaus, Ukraine - "tak"
in russian language "tak" means "this way" or "like this"

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>brown is ???
it's etymology should be obvious to any slavic language speaker.

>in russian language "tak" means "this way" or "like this"

"Jak to" in Polish means "like this", "Jak tak" would mean "If yes". "Tu" would be "here", "Tam", "there"

Eye doctor? lol

It sounds closer to the fench ecole than anything else on the map. I don't understand how Ecole can be grouped in with anything other than the romainian one.

In russian "here" is "tut". "tam" is also "there"

Also "if" is "Jesli", so somewhat close to "jak". I believe in pre-soviet times it used to be both "koli" and "jak"

well, the Jews killed Jesus

On that point, why do muslims hate Jews? It's not like they killed Muhammad

>In russian "here" is "tut". "tam" is also "there"

"Tutaj" is also "here", depends.

>Also "if" is "Jesli", so somewhat close to "jak"

"Jesli" is also "If" in Polish, also depend

The commn words people use change, you're grandparents spoke differently than you, more "formally", your grandkids will also think you speak formally. When I hear or read Polish from 150 years ago I understand it but it's a little strange.

Jews stole Israel and kill muslims every day since. Also usury

Funnily enough "tuta" is considered a village lexicon of "tut", and "tut" is an informal version, formal version is "zdes'" (village form of zdes' is "zdesja").
"Tu" is "that one" about something feminine in accusative case, like in "do you know that woman?"

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I love slav languages so (and by extension other slavs). Because they're all different but also similar.
I wonder if other ethnic groups feel the same about their languages.

Oh so it's rather a late phenomenon?

Interesting, I must research on as to why they didn't subdue the muzzies but managed to subdue us

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probably because muzzies that border jewsrael value ideology above comfort

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Ah yes, the famous anti greek saint. We are such a cucked by christianity nation holy shit...

I watched a few russian tv shows with english subs. It was interesting because although many root words and basic grammar is the same, often the prefixes and suffixes make things difficult to understand. Also polish is much "harder" than russian with all the sz, rz, dz, ect, so words are more easy to distinguish.

Hey the UKs at 8%. Good work every one! but we can do better, come on every one! and Greece! you're doing great!

But we used to as well, shit we almost exterminated them. Had they not been so prominent in our institutions we might not have been so jewed post ww2

Go fuck yourself you whore of a Turk one can not be Greek unless he is Greek Orthodox

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> Also polish is much "harder" than russian with all the sz, rz, dz
Yeah that's why when someone is butthurt polacks or Poland they call polacks "psheki", tranlsated to something like "those who always psh"
And yeah, digging around in slav words is fun but you won't understand too much by just some other nation speak.

There's a saying in Russia about "might-would-have-beens" and "ifs":
If grandmother had a dick she would've been a grandfather.

Alas, we have what we have, with kikes having a huge hate-boner on whites and Russia especially.
PS "You have mistyped captcha" 10 times in aa row. I fucking wonder why

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>There's a saying in Russia about "might-would-have-beens" and "ifs":


> If grandmother had a dick she would've been a grandfather.

If my grandmother had weels she would've been a bike

> PS "You have mistyped captcha" 10 times in aa row. I fucking wonder why

These captchas are fucking retarded it says to click on the fucking car and I click on a part that is a car albeit only a little bit of it is car in the picture yet there is car in the picture and it says I fail what the fuck

ikr? but the captcha gets approved and the "mistyped" message only showed when I pressed "reply"

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Mongols are running this site, what can you expect

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