College Jow Forums 2

Anyone looking for a buddy on campus?
ITT we post our colleges and ideas of how to meet up with fellow anons
My college: UTDallas

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Also, feel free to post buildings of your campus; it livens up the thread.

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What do you think of University of Michigan???

I haven't heard too much about it. The only experience I have had with it is they ran a UI design course on edX which was pretty good and they've got pretty good ratings on RateMyProfessor.

Best campus in Florida checking in

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Attached: Bobby Bowden Field at Doak Campbell Stadium at Florida State University in Tallahassee Florida.jpg (1440x800, 716K)

I am both interested and repulsed at the thought of meeting a Jow Forumslock in person, but why not

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SNHU. I'm an online student, but I'm near the campus.

I have an idea of meeting up as part of a Banned Book Club, where we discuss Jow Forums tier books. Book clubs can't be banned, and the idea of being part of one just means you are interested in discussing the subject.
The name Banned Book Club acts as plausible deniability for normies who would automatically think "RACIST" when the book of the month is Mein Kampf or something else.

>inb4 BBC

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Dang, that is honestly a fantastic idea.

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Today my dean sent out an email about sexual assault in the face of the Kav case. I have no means of filtering these emails they are auto sent to everyone with the same @uconn address. Even after I'm done I will be bombarded with this shit.

Anyone go to Oregon state here?

Chattanooga state here

Im at UNT, kinda close

Yeah, it's just up in Denton, so not far at all? Why did you choose UNT and what is your major?
I'm CS btw.

*not far at all.
Wasn't supposed to be a question

Nice try you data-mining fucks.

I'm CS as well.

University of American Samoa. Go Land Crabs!

Lindenwood University!

Did you get NM? UNT's offer was pretty good if I remember correctly.

How’s the nigger coach working out?

The most cucked maybe. You guys took down the statue of Francis Eppes because it offended commie niggers.

datamining thread

Wrong user. I'm not at UNT

Anyone here UC Berkeley?

Fightin Texas Aggie reporting for duty fellow collegeanons.
Anybody else nearby?

Well, dang.

Classic FBI honeypot thread, nice try.

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what about the Catholic groups on campus? I found that the people who went to daily mass were far more conservative than the average student.

The FBI already knows who and where I am.
Can confirm.
This is a really good idea

if you go to nicholls meet me by barker hall on wed or fri around 3

Use a signal with plausible deniability to initiate a conversation. For example, four buttons on your backpack. Doesn't matter what's on them. They could be liberal political messages or bands. Nothing meme-ish. Start a conversation with anyone who looks like a possible poltard with four buttons about the buttons. Finally, ask if they are a friend of Hiro if all feels right. Gays have tricks like this for finding each other without revealing themselves openly.


I'll give this another shot since no one was in the last thread. USU anons, speak up!

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Gig 'Em, brother.

University of Texas here. Go KA


Bump because Texas...

Anyone from Technion here?

EE master race...

Attached: technion.jpg (3072x2048, 1.14M)

Glad to see I'm not alone
How are things down in Austin. It was getting pretty bad for y'all if I remember correctly.

Any of the guys from Kennesaw State in the last thread wanna meet up? IOTBW was a semi success last year, so I know there are at least a dozen of us out there.


Ya I don't get it, first thread was popular late last night.

Austin is nothing but steers and queers

ITT: Gay hookup thread.

Kennesaw State University

That's why it was a good time anons.
I'm just going to keep this bumped between classes.

Do you suck dicks

I got 2 cousins who are Jow Forums tier at GT so you're not alone in an idealogical sense. Other than that, have fun finding the occasional white supremacist pajeet, there are a shocking amount of them in North Fulton.

What campus are you on.
I'm on Marietta

Business Major? God knows everywhere else is Blacked beyond belief.

This is not a good idea. One thing that influences my beliefs and decisions is observing the company I am keeping believing and doing what I believe and do. That's why I'm no longer a Democrat e.g. Regardless of any common interest you may share with someone, people are people and they are all flawed. Expectations of assumed positive interactions based on a single common interest usually get mutilated in actual practice.

How's Princeton this time of year?

Anybody jump off Firestone library or the football stadium due to stress yet?

Mechanical Engineering

A worldview is not one common interest tho. I slightly understand were you're coming from and most likely there would be at least a slight disappointment in either the appearance, intelligence, or more likely the sophistication of the other man; but that shouldn't deter anyone from trying to find friends. College campuses are strangely lonely and slightly sexless now.

Finance. You transfer from Southern Poly?

Lol. Marietta campus blows. Im at home and skipping til thursday because my car is in the shop.

It's my freshman year here after ksu took southern poly

Ya it's like 90% men here, but I need to find qt aryan gf who hates Israel

>"north hick state"
>"university of redneck, medicoreville"
>"west fourth tier poly"
>"C-Student glorified community college (go pumas!)"
Why are brainlets attracted to conservative politics anyways? I don't think a single university you guys attend is even in the top 100 USNWR

Go browse lit's uni threads and the contrast from pol is astronomical. Naturally they have higher IQs and so they lean left