Why do these Feminists/ Liberal Women want to live in The Handmaidens Tale so bad? Do they have an emotional masochism to actually want to be oppressed when theyre not? Pic related is how they see themselves in oppsition to right wing men..
Bitches Love Oppression
It's the perceived oppression which gives them power.
It is bizarre that they would purchase these costumes.
Tick tock, Incels
They’re masochists. It’s why they’re much more likely to orgasm during rape than consensual sex with a loving partner.
Handmaids Tale rp'ing is a low key social hierarchy grab amongst women. "I'm so much more fertile and desirable men will force me to have their babies"
It's ironic because in the book an ally to the handmaids gets falsely accused of rape and is executed.
They are going to push white women to the Republicans with this insanity.
more 'victim' more gibs
>hey mom i made the poop joke again
what’s with jews and liking scat? I fucked a jewess who wanted to literally eat my shit. She was too disgusting to keep talking to
stfu this isnt real
I'm home sick, but now I'm gonna throw up, thanks guy.
>It's ironic because in the book an ally to the handmaids gets falsely accused of rape and is executed.
Reality clearly is superior. An enemy to the wine aunts gets falsely accused of rape and is promoted to the highest court of the land.
It’s insane how many girls have submissive fetishes. Guess why? Guys aren’t dominant anymore. It’s because of that
What the fuck is the handmaids tale?
why are the feminist going to devergin them and rob them of there wizard powers
also had no idea she was a diaper fetish but i make sense
The feminist movement keeps coming up with new ways to demonstrate to women how much men hate them, like air conditioning temperatures and mansplaining. Even though this things are minor, the feminist movement will claim they are indicative of huge inequalities and women must never stop fighting. In reality the same people pushing feminism are also pushing Muslim immigration and diversity
Shitty book+shitty tv show about a post-apocalyptic US filled with infertile wine aunts and a small number of fertile thots who larp as cardinal Richelieu
Because “I’M OPPRESSED” paid off pretty well for kikes, niggers and faggots.
a shit feminist story about a dystopic future where the authoritarian christens took over after a disaster that took away most women ability to reproduce and they have a group of woman who are basically property to the men
They feel insecure in their gender identity.
They have always perceived femininity as victimhood.
They have also felt less female than Stacy.
Therefore, by assuming that they are victims, they feel validated as females.
Ergo, masochism in their intimate relations.
Basically they're insane.
Both of these tweets are fake. I just checked. Wat a waste of my time
why did you check?
They really want to be used.
This isnt new
Ah so it's a book that provides for them the oppression they seek
Beef curtains are fucking disgusting. If they can handle insulting dick shape and size they can handle learning their rosbif isn't appealing unless it's tight and the labia minora are hidden between the majora.
It's a story of Iran after the 1979 revolution but due to copyright restrictions they had to change the terminology to American and Christian ones.
my girlfriend is Jewish and I sent them to her since I like making my gf more anti Semitic than she already is, and now I feel stupid for sending her fake tweets. She won’t check tho so I can pretend it’s real so watever
And lying/ignoring the Islamic and African rapes on women and children as well. I hate the whole pack of stupid, brainwashed cunts. They're not for women, they're driven by an ugly mix of insecurity and ego.
These SJW women dream of being bound and raped 24/7. What's their favorite movie? Shades of gray. That's why European women vote for islamists immigration, they know those swarthy apes will rape them.
This is a real protester
The females you see holding signs, those are stupid fucks in comparison
Just remember; women have been used as a commodity for thousands of years until this moment where they are seen as the same as a man in opinion, measure, and importance.
I finally started to give this shit a watch after all this Kavanaugh hysteria and it's even worse than I thought it'd be (to the point it's almost funny). It's clearly aimed to play on delusional liberal oppression fantasy, and has more plot-holes than swiss cheese.
A scene I found funny/contemptable:
>Congress gets mowed down some months before
>rather than take that as a clue to get the fuck out of the major cities, arm up, and start organizing a violent resistance
>gets to the point where a "law" passes to prevent women from working an owning property
>dumbasses decide proper course of action is to march
>armed men with riot shields standing around angry protesters
>armed men step around riot shields and point their weapons at protesters
>protesters haven't clued in that they're in danger yet and it's time to go
>protesters throw drinks and rocks and punches
>armed men raise guns
>coalburning main character and her lesbian friend finally clue in to GTFO but only far enough they're not directly in front of the guns and boo at armed men
>protesters start backing up
>men start mowing down protesters
>>gets to the point where a "law" passes to prevent women from working an owning property
So it literally just provides for them the impression that they seek. Do they not see how they're being played?
> Womyn are oppressed
> ...doesnt manifest it's open any serious way to any woman with character, integrity, or work ethic
> Okay but like watch this show and give us money
Pretty good analogy
This this this.
Their only power consists in pretending they have it so bad they need more special treatment. This is what being a 21 century western woman is all about
Women are so mentally imbalanced. They don't know wtf they want.
>Guess why?
Because women are inherently lazy. The dom does all the work.
Chick here.
Yes, feminist/liberal chicks are the craziest. They talk shit about 50 shades of grey but they read all 3 books secretly. They’re usually the ones that like fucked porn (Sasha Grey style). They probably get turned on by being raped by the straight conservative white Christian man that they always rambling about while white Christian conservative wife holds her down.
>be minding own business
>snarky jewess manifests itself out of the corner of my eyes
>flings bio-weapon at me
>pull out pistol
wow wonder how thats gonna end.
>Why do these Feminists/ Liberal Women want to live in The Handmaidens Tale so bad
What is that Character's name?
What Was His Name?
They've been living in a virtual utopia for the last century or better but want to emulate the struggles of old out of solidarity with their third world pets. To do that, they need to be oppressed. So since there's no oppression, they make it up in their heads and/or engage in escapism via "oppression porn" like Handmaids Tale.
It would actually be cute (like a kindergartner playing make-believe soldier) if it wasn't legitimately dangerous to western democracy.
now that’s a spicy take. source?
they deliberately provoke hostility from people around them to enforce group cohesivity
joggles the noggles
It's not oppression = power.
It's not a shit-test.
It's not even just "rapists make me feel desirable".
It's a cloying, incessant obsession with violence inflicted upon females, driven by resolute sadomasochism of the worst kind.
When a woman watches The Handmaid's Tale, she does so because it makes her feel bad. But feeling bad feels good, you see, because she's a psychotic cunt. Haven't you ever wondered why women start drama for no percievable reason? Now you know. And no, it's not to test you, it's just to cause the maximal amount of suffering and devastation possible.
These women don't walk down the streets wearing chains and collars to protest anti-abortion senators, they do it because in their minds, being a slave or a victim is beautiful. The history of women that they have manufactured, of slavery and oppression under tyrannical male rule, is actually a utopia for them. This is why EVERY SINGLE FEMINIST PIECE OF FICTION details not women's liberation, but women's oppression. The excuse being that they wish to expose the evils of men and free women.
But no alternative system to patriarchy is ever explored. Patriarchy is merely demonized. This is consistent with masochistic personality disorder, or "self-defeating personality" disorder, as it's now called. No alternative is possible, because biology itself oppresses women. Thousands and thousands of years of male oppression, thousands and thousands of cultures worldwide, all oppress women. Biology and culture themselves are a pox unto the fairer sex.
And why the fairer sex? Why is it the fairer sex that deserves all this maltreatment in the eyes of sadomasochistic feminists? Ah, because they're beautiful! And remember, horror is beauty to these backwards crazies! So what is most beautiful? The maltreatment of the beautiful, the focus of feminists and women everywhere. Arab women being oppressed doesn't mean anything because they're not as pretty as white women. "Missing white woman syndrome."
All this drama over another 50 shades spin off? Who even cares at his point
I'm still confused as to why women are so upset over this.
They, essentially, want every accuser's allegations to be taken without question. I don't see how that's fair for the accused.
They're not upset man. Goddamn, I don't know how to convey what I'm trying to say in a single short sentence, but I still think it needs to be heard!
I thought you were joking..
Something happens and fertility rates among women plummet
Fertile whores are rounded up to be used as breeding sows by the wealthy an elite.
This system is supported by a wide network of heavily armed men who will never have children due the nature of the system. They're deeply invested in protecting the system because ????
It's a dystopia were adulterous single mothers are highly desired by very powerful men and every other man is working to keep those women with the powerful men.
...Actually, the coal-burning MC might have married her bull, I honestly don't remember
They are miserable on the inside, and they want others to be miserable with them. Despite our free world they want to tear others down with them. Disrupting the nuclear family and traditional morality for several generations caused this.
Nope. No, they like it. They aren't actually miserable.
>faceless blue npc mob just saying vote
>large dominating red presence declaring how mad it is
checks out to me boys
Good post.
Same reason women watch depressing movies about single mothers with cancer on sunday afternoons. Never quite understood why (at least not entirely). Good post.
Thanks, user. The term for it is algophilia. All people have it to some degree, but women have it in spades.
Ah cool! I'll definitely read up on it. I usually think I have a decent grasp on the reasons women do shit. But this phenomena always baffles me.
We need to make women property again, for christ sake.
Reading up on it won't give you the insight that I have. You need to examine the world with the lens that I have provided to you to truly understand this phenomenon.
And that's a bad idea because you'd just be giving them what they want. The only way to beat women (lol) is to deprive them of their masochistic gratification.
If you read the Handmaid's Tale (I have. Unfortunately. I had no choice in the matter) you'll realize that the thing is pretty much Fifty Shades of Gray, only political.
The entire story is literally about a woman being a slave, and meeting and fucking an alpha chad chauffeur (I think it was a chauffeur) being the old patriarch's back, the old guy who can barely get it up anymore.
And you can see why it's an alpha chad instead of the old guy, right? Because the woman writing the story was getting off to it.
Of course, it'd be more disgusting and probably more interesting to read about an old man fucking a young fertile female, but that wouldn't be as titillating for masochistic women, like the author.
I'm not unfamiliar with this. Read pic related when you get the chance, it's good for a laugh.
Oh, definitely. The Handmaid's Tale is more like 50 Shades of Gray than it is 1984
I recommend making a culture trip to site like Wattpad, Archive of our Own and Devianart's story section sometime, women write a lot of trashy fiction about relateable plain girls being kidnapped/raped/tormented/etc and even if the stories are ultimately about women overcoming the peril, abuse and victimization is always the main focus.
Yeah, 1984 was ACTUALLY disturbing. I remember reading that and some Ray Bradbury books when I was younger and walking away with a changed perspective on the world.
The most disturbing part about The Handmaid's Tale is that, undoubtedly, some old housewife somewhere has touched herself to it.
What is that barricade supposed to impale? Dinosaurs?
pic related
Yeah, dinosaurs.
No, it's to generate energy. Friction is created through opposing forces, this gives way to energy that builds and which they can bask in and absorb.
Women's instincts are to harness and mutate, to create new connections. But to create new connections you must fracture the currents ones to provide new opportunities.
It's endless forms of conflict because it's endless mutation, but the strongest and best is harnessed and that can only be determined through a trial.
It's not about them, it's about what they hunger after.
And you probably think you sound smart too...
Why shit on what I said? It doesn't even sound like you understand your own pet theory. What I described has been known about women going back at least to the 1950s.
If you want, you could call the catharsis they seek from bad experiences "friction," but there's no reason to do that WHILE telling me I'm wrong because that is an opinion I share as well.
Women see things through the lens of their own emotional truth. If they perceive things to be a certain way than that's the way it is.
For example: after a study was made about perception of rape it turned out all the young woman questioned didn't understand when they were questioned about being raped by someone you're in love with. Turns out in their mind it isn't rape if they forces themselves upon you if you love them. That perception changes though the moment they stop loving them.
There is no objective action or judgement of women because it's all discerned from the angle of how they feel and are connected to things at that very moment. It's all relative to how it stands in the movie they play in their head where they are the main character.
It's not how things relate to each other, it's how things relate to her on an emotional spectrum. The reason is created by her emotional connection, "it is because I feel that way."
Cool. I love history.
>It's not how things relate to each other, it's how things relate to her on an emotional spectrum. The reason is created by her emotional connection, "it is because I feel that way."
>It's not about them, it's about what they hunger after.
There's zero consistency or meaning to your word salad.
Didn't say you were wrong, merely expanded upon it since you got bogged down in the idea of corruption and how opposites play against one another. My point was, it doesn't matter because female instinct does not relate to structure, only what it produces. It's not a woman's problem on how something is maintained, that's for men to care about.
Saying the word "structure" and making esoteric malapropic references to mutation and friction doesn't make it sound like you know what you're talking about.
Sadomasochism can be more clearly understood not as "energy generation" but as 1. setting up an antagonist (in this case negative emotion) and having it pay off later or concurrently with catharsis.
Your hypothesis is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo that explains nothing. Mine explains everything from thrill seeking behavior to femist victim obsession to BDSM to the enjoyment of sad movies. It was not a woman trying to generate energy who said, "There is no more poetical a topic than the death of a beautiful woman." It was American gothic poet Edgar Allan Poe.
everything he said is consistent if the central premise is that the emotional lens a woman views the world with informs all of her actions on a subconscious level
e.g. desire for new things (subconscious) necessitates conscious actions which break existing norms in order to create opportunities
the greater the beauty the more profound the stain
liked your posts too
it's consistent because that is literally how many women think, and honestly it's really not even a bad thing, because obviously her willingness to decry rape comes down to the ability of the male
if you're good at being a boyfriend this form of thinking will stand to benefit you.
women can only make the cut because they are masters of emotional manipulation at a baseline, and this is so that men can't just rape and kill them without end for that would simply dispose of the human race after enough of this behavior
my girl is exactly like this, and it was only after she did something so fucking stupid that I shut down every emotional pull she attempted on me after she violated the NAP (but she violated the NAP so I gave no fucks after and the rest is history). it opened my eyes to just how some girls are programmed to behave. not that there are any problems anymore in fact our relationship is better than ever, but all I mean to say the Swede has traction on some truth, even if it may be clumsily worded or this or that. it's still true
>wears a shirt with "i heart america" on it while denigrating america
They've internalized their subversive and duplicitous stereotypes
>muh antisemitism
Women traditionally have used their opppression and submissiveness as a survival mechanism to prevent massive culling in times of war.
>not checking the veracity of a thing you find on the internet before sending it to people you know IRL
How new are you?
Kinda the point. You can feed on yourself, so they hunger after something dynamic. She feels as it moves and relates to it as it moves at that particular moment. Things become solid, defined and stable she stops feeling moved.
It's like does spinning cups at the amusement park where you need to spin the thing in the center yourself for the entire cup to start spinning. But the spinning is emotional charge, and what she spins/agitates is other people- men mostly.
Men get happy, content and "settled" they stop changing internally. No internal conflict (which only happen through external conflict) nothing to feed on. They get bored as they get more starved and the more hysterical they become to try and force some conflict into the people around her.
But there's no ill intent or thought behind it, because there's no end game, nothing to finally arrive at then settle. It's instinct, hunger.
calm yourself spergmeister
Fuck, you CAN'T feed on yourself.
Paragraph 1: references to self-cannibalism, things becoming solid, the cessation of a feeling of movement.
Paragraph 2: convoluted spinning analogy.
Paragraph 3: I didn't really read this one sorry.
Paragraph 4: More bloviation regarding hunger and instinct.
I have one paragraph for you: none of this has anything to do with sadomasochism, the real driving force behind all of this. It has nothing to do with the pop-psychology you're talking about here. What you're saying might impress mindless highschool retards, but not me. I don't believe the shit you're saying because I operate off of common sense, not whatever made-up bullshit sounds the most intellectual.
I want you to explain to me the modus operandi of the man in pic related. When you inevitably fail, I will pwn you by telling you his actual motivation.
>jewish girls who date gentiles are whores
>your gf is a whore
My deepest apology, didn't know I was sparring with such an intellectual giant. Please don't forget your hat before you leave.
>I want you to explain to me the modus operandi of the man in pic related. When you inevitably fail, I will pwn you by telling you his actual motivation.
Your missing the point completely because that's a man, and like a man he sought a solution by creating an order to things which he could externally control. That's the exact opposite of what I said before.
Scat fetish begins with ass fetish. It goes buttocks - > anal sex - > increasing fixation on the anus -> fixation shifts increasingly to the act of defecation.
It's because in the current paradigm they're not even getting pregnant.
>and like a man he sought a solution by creating an order to things
No, he wasn't trying to create order or control women. His goal was to torture little girls. His modus operandi was to find a young 16 year old girl and torture her with pliars by ripping her tits off, her clitoris and then mangling her sphincter. This gave him sexual gratification NOT because he had succeeded in creating order, but because it satisfied his algolagnia.
I don't know about you, but creating order doesn't fill me with sexual satisfaction. I don't get a fucking boner when I reorganize my desk! You sound like a schizophrenic with logorrhea.
So it’s worse than Children of Men
I haven't read the novel but the show is kind of entertaining for a few minutes. The first scene of the show is a coalburner being captured for enslavement as a breeder "handmaid" while her husband and child are presumably shot (unfortunately you find out later they survived). Margaret Atwood makes a silent cameo as an elder-bitch where she slaps a handmaid in the face in slow motion. The story gets ruined when you find out all the nobility have open-secret sex clubs and the handmaids are secretly fucking everyone as well.
You mad schlomo
Not a bad read. Saved.
>losing the whores of your people is a bad thing
Bro, he's doing us a service
It's so fun watching you kikes get triggered when your women find out how much more fertile and better the uncut goyim are when it comes to fucking them.
I've known a handful of Jewish women throughout the years, and they've all married outside the tribe after years of dating Jews. An ashkenazi friend was even disowned by her hasidic family for marrying an Italian catholic. I love seeing your in-bred family lines end in one fell swoop. Nothing makes you angrier.