Ladies and Gentlemen

We got ‘em

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not gonna happen wh*toid

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we only deal in actuals, op.
we wait for the election.

It's becoming pretty clear that the kavanaugh shit backfired horribly on them

So you're saying we should cut off all aid to Africa ?

Hahaha I think not, nigger. Ebola Chan gonna wipe all of you apes out.

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not gonna happen either whiteboi

keep dreaming wh*toid
soon europe will be ours

>implying the chinks aren't going to slowly take over and wipe out all blacks in africa
lmao at u

less aid, more aids.

Can't pass a single thing without the house. So, Get fucked. All this says is North Dakota is fucking retarded. Go figure those inbreds in the fly over states can't think.

We haven't got shit until after the votes are counted.

Steve is retarded. If Africa continues its trend toward modernism (although slow) they will not be able to handle the fiscal burden of dozens of children. Their birthrate will fall just like every other modern nation.

they will be blacked before that

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Keep dreaming subhuman

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Don't get complacent, faggot. We don't have them untill there's a 0% chance and we have them inside the right wing concentration camps.

How can bl*ckoids even compete???

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>implying nate silver predicting our victory is a good thing

Negresses LOVE THE BWC

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this already takes into account a drop in fertility
if not, you'd have pic related

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like I care, this will get rid of wh*toids faster
please continue

are we gonna lose the obamacare gib? i need it to have insurance


We double dog dare you to come to the US and try.

Hey nigger how’s it feel to see your QUEENZ get COLONIZED???

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These threads are a new technique being employed by shareblue, ctr, various shills, etc.
They want you to think there is no need to go out and vote because there is no need.
Make sure you are registered and vote in November dont get lazy and think we dont need to go out and vote.
Make the wave red and a tsunami.

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LOL triggerednigger buttmad bout his women getting BLEACHED by chad white men

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Implying China is going to allow that to happen when they are concurrently escavating Africas mineral enriched resources for a full blown Chinese takeover and invasion

Dont listen to OP.

Get out and VOTE!

Senate we got

House is a problem


>like i care, i have a big nose

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>he thinks I oppose wh*Te subhumans mixing
no wh*toid will be born from that, that's a good thing

It's about the clearest thing I've ever seen in politics

Negresses are just there to take care of things after the white man has made multiple beautiful white babies. Need that BWC because niggers can’t satisfy dey women

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Don’t listen to (((polls))). Regardless of whether or not they confirm your bias, get the fuck out there and vote.

Unless you’re a liberal, by all means stay home and play Switch. Everything will work out fine and you don’t have to do any yucky work.

>while we're at it
>steady decline baby

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Don't care about poll results even when they're in my favor. Don't be complacent.

Vote, you lazy niggers.

the average wh*toid doesn't reproduce, can't compete with the superior black man
too subhuman for that

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.....why would you start a ploy at 52M

china will be blacked after we eliminate wh*Tes

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This. Polls are retarded attempts at swaying public opinion away from the "unpopular choice". They have no purpose for the general public and should be kept within a campaign for strategic use.


And install robotic gun platforms with crossfire to form a containment zone. Yes.

So you’re telling me that we are the senate?

>muh taller bars!


>this already takes into account fertility drops (it doesn't)

This. There's a 99% chance the DNC takes both the house and Senate with a super majority. Only you can stop them with your vote.

White women have abandoned white men. It's already over

>china will be blacked after we eliminate wh*Tes

Yeahh good luck with that

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lol that’ll change very fast when whites stop giving aid to African counties, most africans can’t even grow their own damn food. Also sickness would take them, if it wasn’t for the W.H.O. There would be a lot more dead niggers. Chinks will enslave Africans, and will have no problem killing them and harvesting their organs.

It's not so clear to leftists apparently.

But then we will just take away the thing worth coming to it for..... Us, we can always create in new places, you will be stuck with more blacks just feasting on a corpse. Your race will never create like ours has and will continue to do.

A retard made it

Nothing is certain. Get out and vote

Kek this reply killed me thanks for the morning laugh

>trend towards modernism

My sides.

Although you are right, those projections are not going to happen, because Muslim Europe and the Hispanic US are going to stop feeding them and China won’t start. The end of the century will see a massive famine the likes of which we have never seen.

see i don't oppose race mixing, especially if it involves wh*toids, after all no pigskin will be born from that

Lol this is the worst collage of this type I’ve ever seen. Embarrassing you gotta throw freakshows and miscellaneous ugly couples in the mix just to get enough to make a collage in the first place.

This is grade A troll material user

>the muh dick meme is real.

The mad starvation will be glorious when we cut off all aid to Africa.

We would save literally trillions of dollars that are achieving nothing more than breeding more Niggers.
Let the monkeys be monkeys.

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Don’t get comfortable, that’s how we lose.

Considering american blacks have never surpased 13%, id say that is factually inaccurate.
>Abortions, murder, disease, you people are like wild animals

China sent over their surplus of males to African colonies, and they have been getting busy with the local ladies and popping out half breeds. Africa is getting chinked.

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You do realize that it would result in the black population being absorbed into the white population in time right ? the same way the saxons and the danes were in Britain .

What the fuck does this bull shit have to do with OUR AMERICAN senate? Your graph bears no relation to Why do nigs gotta nog so much?

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>Subtle photoshop

Maybe next time add the famous african rocket to the graph and go straight up

lel I though 538 was a jewish plot?

also still says you get btfo in the house


STOP replying to Senate race and Kavanaugh threads, we've got that wrapped up...We need to focus on districts inland states like IL, MN, , and coastal red States likeTX, FL,CA,NJ where republicans are perceived to be behind.

Republicans will lose some seats, but can win enough to keep the still keep the majority.

You're replying to a Jew.


not gonna happen because our fertility rate is much higher
chinks and wh*Tes have ridiculously low fertility rate. Not surprising as they can't compete with the BBC

This doesn't factor in Taylor Swift's endorsement. Blue wave guaranteed.

literally too stupid to open a book and read

the majority of them will go to the US and europe
it's over

Yea, but the normies here will learn to hate the black man.
Then after they lurk for awhile theyll see that because of the JEWS the black man is in America, has rap, is annoying, and gets promoted through JEWISH hollywood 24/7.
The enemies dumb attempts to make whotes feel like losers, breeds hate, hate which directed towards the real reasons behind it will wake them up to the JIDF, SHAREBLUE, KIKE shills

Chinks HATE niggers, probably even worse than whites do.

YAY we did it redit!!!!

I doubt it nigger.

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Yeah we knew GOP was going to take senate. Like 5 red seats are up for grabs, all of them in trump territory. Then like 20 dem seats are up for grabs, most of them in trump territory. And republicans already have a majority in senate.

The house race is what's going to be a question. Right now house is still leaning blue. If dems still lose the house, we will see a level of asshurt that is unimaginable.

Don't let this make you relax!
you need to register to vote. Do it TODAY, in some places the deadline to register to vote in November is coming up soon! for example in idaho the deadline is the 12th.
you just know those crazy pissed off liberals are registering, you need to register to counter them and keep them from gaining power!
you can find more information about registering to vote here:

>the average wh*toid doesn't reproduce.
That has to do with something called IQ. Most whites like to try and plan out when they should have kid and how many they can afford while living comfortable. Some will, put off having a family so they can get a good paying job, so when the time comes they can give their children a better life. Not like nigs who have stds, aids, poor and barely getting by, and living in a shit hole environment, but for some reason its a good time to have 20 kids.

>implying leftist white cucks wont want us to give these niggers our food and stop making our own babies so that their babies can come into the world


you fucking wish faggot kike. Rapugees are cut off. Trump is literal hitler no more shitskins gettin in. No more gibs for you.

Over 1 billion Chinese people.
>chinks have ridiculously low fertility rate

>tfw just moved to Florida
>Told last day to register to vote is 8 October
>Put it off while I get a few other things taken care of (bought a house)
>8 October comes
>Wake up early
>Go to two places, both of which are closed
>It's Columbus Day, all places to register are closed
>tfw bamboozled
>tfw won't be part of the red wave

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Also in the long run. No one takes women's rape whining seriously anymore.

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Stupid nigger you are getting genocided yet think you are winning. What a dumb black animal you are.

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>believe (((((recent polls)))))
This is the last place you should be. Every single person here knows how easily polls can be swayed.

All of you who contributed to this thread derailment should get the fuck off 4chinz and go back to the fucking donald.

Mods should do their fucking jobs

Maybe that has hurt them indeed, HOWEVER the Jews' strategy has always been to jew the poll numbers in their favor until a few days or weeks before election night.

See only the last poll before election day actually matters, so they know they are free to do whatever the fuck they want until then. Then when it gets close to election night they tone down their faggotry so their perfidious nature wont be quite so obvious.

Imagine being as retarded as you and assuming population growth isn't bounded by resources and new technological breakthroughs. Imagine being of such a low IQ, as you, that you think a rising middle class Africa will still shit out 7 children.
Once women taste materialism, birth rates crash. But then, you'd need a minimum of a double-digit IQ to understand something that basic.

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