wow !way to go gurl!

Attached: powerful.png (840x740, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I follow my rapist on twatter

Attached: roastie.png (282x193, 25K)

link, please

This has to be a Jow Forumstard. Please.... Be fake.

you tell me...

i didn't unfriend my rapist after the first 9 likes but when the 10th like was a Kavanaugh post i was triggered into literally shaking

Yeah I'm, friends with my rapist and we like each others posts so what? don't be a bigot

what would i remember most? the facebook post, indelible in the hippocampus


Attached: heyrabbi.wut.jpg (240x317, 16K)

>way to go gurl!

I fucking cracked up at this

you have to understand "rapist" in this context is a guy who took her home from the bar, fucked her six ways for hours on end, and then didnt return her calls. She thought it was love, he thought it was casual, and that makes it rape

>Some guy I hooked up with while shitfaced but regretted it because my vapid roastie friends thought he was lame is my "rapist."

can we make breadstick flirting rape?

Attached: breadrape.png (594x443, 52K)

im so fucking tempted to ask her why she was friends with a rapist.

>1 like
>1 like
>1 reply
>reply is herself
bet the likes are her too

The rapist is probably the bartender who refused to eat her nasty yeasty pocket breadstick


>being friends with your “””””rapist””””” on social media


Demand the right to rape!

>Someone I regretted having sex with liked something I don't like

Attached: betynho-dosilva-mina-sogra-faze-fambiem-sopa-de-macaco-uma-26604471.png (500x325, 36K)

>1 like
So you know this wine aunt cat roastie? Da fucc with her tattoo and perpetual stinkface?

Attached: IMG_20181008_105227.jpg (1150x2048, 358K)

Do it pussy

Attached: _90397693_mediaitem90395534.jpg (410x230, 12K)


Attached: roastie roasted.jpg (582x758, 114K)

Nips got an eye for the self infatuated

fuck that, you'll all see my cute profile pic. I like my user status
ive been winding up the libs all weekend

poor cat

My wife's rapist took her out today and I get to enjoy the whole house!

So strong...

A Fucking shopping cart. . . A-a-a Fucking shopping cart?

the bullshit bar has no limit apparently
wtf, i love social media now. I pray that these posts never get scrubbed.

Isn’t it funny how it’s always tatted-up, liberal activist women who have these rape stories? Why are conservative women never raped?

Cat should be removed, no animal should suffer like this.

Bitch looks like a puppet. Shove your hand up her ass and make her sing along to Nirvana's "Rape Me" song.

Thot smokes like an old diesel truck

Attached: Smoking.jpg (669x888, 50K)


Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-08-10-57-59.png (1440x3120, 2.14M)

she isn’t the only one who’s going to be barfing

Attached: poorkitteh.png (2233x2111, 3.38M)


Attached: No bra.jpg (885x880, 68K)

such a strong and powerful woman...


Attached: demon-in-background-wtf.png (671x890, 1.37M)

Right, I know too many girls who say they were raped yet keep their "rapists" as contacts and friends
I even knew a chick who said she was raped at a convention because she actually cheated on her boyfriend and started dating her "rapist" as soon as she broke up with the other guy, these women are fucking pathetic

We're you the one who liked my rapists joke on her thread? C'mon don't be shy

and yet here we are looking at it. weeeeeeeird

Rape is a serious, life stealing event. It absolutely ruins a woman, or man, for life. It never goes away. It changes who they are and the way they see the world. It affects everything they do, and takes over their lives. It's a major blow and a total fuck over in life. The fact that it has been reduced to a weapon for politicians, attention whores and become a punchline is tragic for the actual victims of a violent crime.

Thought she was doing Korean barbecue but no she is sitting on her balcony with a flaming pan full of loose leaf notebook pages

>show bobs and vagene

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-08-11-02-54.png (1440x3120, 476K)

Don't believe all that you see, that tattoo is clearly shopped.

Attached: carlozzz.png (250x167, 51K)

>with my rapist
what did she mean by this?

Why would anyone be upset about that except through the realization that they stuck their dick in crazy?
>Hey! I fucked your boyfriend a year ago! He's been cheating on you!
>But we've only been together for 3 months and she just turned 18 a year ago?



bitch looks like one of those two theater masks that are smiling and frowning

weird cunt

Not a cuck cart

we don’t like it though, we hate it

A lot of times women will do something in the heat of moment and then regret it. Do they accept they were responsible? No, the man took advantage of them of course.

she looks like Zeriyah from Blizzard

Attached: 300px-Zeriyah_-_selfie.jpg (300x300, 43K)

I am not brave enough to do that bro. You earn a (You) for that

get more like this

used sociology textbooks in background

We Indian man wake af

Attached: WdE_5Fsl.jpg (1252x1252, 84K)

Omg that was delicious

>tattoos her aborted child on her arm

Attached: 1531660009998.gif (467x398, 70K)

at least we know whos whispering all this femishit in her ear and how she gets her "nutrition"

Attached: millenialdemons.png (183x196, 55K)

Those depressing deflated pancake tits

Based. Being a cuck is the ultimate redpill.

Nice Tojo, her "rapist" is probably whoever fucked her and didn't want to date her afterwards.

The new trains man, well done.

It means she wasnt raped.... They fucked, she wanted more.... He said nah.... She decided that his lack of value for her "golden pussy" amounts to rape


Attached: IMG_20181008_104247.jpg (1200x1200, 216K)

Most women make up rape stories as a way to make themselves appear desirable to men. Every dumbfuck feminist I knew in college that had a rape tale was ugly as sin. They love the fantasy that some man found them so irresistible that he couldn’t help but force himself onto them.

Attached: 1536772303271.jpg (1024x640, 329K)

What the actual fuck is that?

Let the rapist know that she's accusing him of rape and could probably sue her.

Is this you? How did you even find this account?

I'm sure there is some deep hidden meaning and she's not just a dumb retarded whore who got a motherfucking shopping cart permanently scarred into her flesh.

He's only a rapist when the boyfriend she neglected to mention finds out.

Facebook friends with her rapist. Yeah ok. Reason number one million why women shouldn't be taken seriously.


Attached: Screenshot_20181008-081036.jpg (1080x300, 77K)

look at the poster on the wall right behind her misshapen head.


>meme rape

everyone should be raped so no one would have power over anyone else.

just noticed her wallpaper kek what the actual fuck

Attached: IMG_20181008_111326.jpg (1080x360, 38K)


You don't have to follow someone to have them like your post. It's the rapist following her stupid.

The trains man is my cousin Punjab we like to listen to trains rapists together

that, combined with the baby tattoo on her arm, makes me believe that she either had a miscarriage or has regret over an abortion. She wants to be a mom. Someone needs to go fuck the crazy out of this chick and turn her into a housewife

> Babies are monsters, and zombies and I kill monsters
> I feel better about my abortions with this ghoulish baby statue
These people make me ill.

Attached: 1534574533403.png (510x332, 66K)

>i deleted him
not "i blocked him"
try again roastie toaster

Made me laugh, having a shit day. Thanks user.

i am in florida..

She is not salvageable her only option is to die childless.

keep your friends close and your rapists closer lest you need their services again

Attached: 1985230320164.jpg (800x800, 203K)

Jesus fucking Christ, that is more bone-chilling than any Jow Forums or /x/ creepy photo.

I love how our hatred for others has brought us together...

Attached: pepe dog.png (764x645, 33K)

>turning a ho into a housewife

Doesn’t work. This girl is too damaged to pair bond with a man. I see lots of cats and boxed wine in her future.

But it's only 10 am?

Love the second message. Clearly people started poking holes in her story.

>Facebook friends with your rapist
Why did she befriend her rapist in the first place?

OH..."date rape". Sorry. My bad.

Dude, people can be mentally distraught online to not be able to say look at a rapists profile pic. Do you not know anything about rape victims? They have a hard time looking at men in general after being raped. Let alone the fucking picture of the guy who did it. Are you going to pretend she's wrong just for your stupid fucking meme-talk? Fuck you cunt.

Yes. You mad man you.