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Scandinavia/Sweden hate thread
Julian Myers
Other urls found in this thread:
Isaiah King
Brayden James
Show your real flag, faggot.
Dominic Peterson
okay, nigger
Oliver Williams
Show flag
Jaxon Fisher
tell me more about your naturally fluoridated water and vast tax expanses of social healthcare
Gavin Thomas
Even Tarja Halonen agrees.
Ethan Phillips
go to Sweden, they said
it will be fun, they said
Hudson Ward
*National anthem intensifies*
Robert Gomez
Brachycephalic Broad-headed sub-human.
Ethan Sullivan
Heill Dolichocephalic brother.
Nathan Torres
Doliocephalic cuck
Parker Brooks
Wrong pic sorry.
Cameron Perry
Oliver Reed
less cuck then the UK desu
Jackson Carter
Aaron Cruz
Are you the same type as me - dolichocephalic with a straight ,broad, high, and almost vertical forehead ?
Easton Torres
Isaac Torres
Grayson Kelly
Our water isn't fluoridated and our income taxes aren't anything unique in the EU. Hell, Belgium has a similar tax rate with less healthcare coverage.
Grayson Bennett
Fuck you, Eesti is Besti.
Bentley Garcia
Joshua Foster
Swedish woman need to be liberated from the oppresive white Swedish males
I am sure that majority of Swedish girls would agree with me on this
Liam Murphy
Disgusting Broad-headed wide faced Ghoul
Carter Thomas
Swedish will get more and more doliocephalic the more they import niggers
Jackson Stewart
Nigger dolichocephalism and the Aryan White Nordid one is something completely different.
Xavier Stewart
I understand why Jews kill Scandinavians first
I have not met dumber people IRL than those Scandinavians on this board
90% of Scandinavians are subhuman collectivists
James Murphy
Ah fuck this thread, sage.
Jason Cox
Swedes/Scandinavians are not Aryan White Nordid
They are square-headed inbreds
Cooper Howard
You know, I like to take more of an individual approach. Not meme out and judge people based on where in Europe they are from....
Aiden Bell
What to do about Swedish whores that go around helping shitskins beat and rob Swedish teenagers.
Kayden Cox
Promote them
The progress never ends
Jordan Watson
Nigerian asylum seeker infects two dozen Icelandic girls with HIV+
Are Scandinavian/Nordics the true subhumans?
Adrian Hill
Frida Maria Karlsson
Holmö 1605
283 91 Osby
goybook frida.karlsson.7927
insta @fridakarlsssonnn
Kevin Lewis
Sex-Starved Middle-Aged Ladies Target Migrant Kids in Sweden - Reports
>A documentary by Swedish Radio has highlighted the problem of prostitution in central Stockholm, where so-called "street children," mostly of foreign decent, have become a sought-after commodity among middle-aged ladies. One of the "street kids" described the agreement as beneficial, due to money, food and shelter being offered.
>Older women in Stockholm are procuring sexual services from migrant kids of North African descent, said one of the young illegal immigrants roaming the streets of Stockholm, in "Tendens" ("Tendency"), a short documentary by Abdelaziz Maaloum and Anders Ljungberg.
>In the documentary, a certain "Amin" is being interviewed. By his own admission, he is 17 years old and comes from Morocco. Before making it to Sweden as an illegal immigrant, he had been to over 20 different countries, including Iceland and Greenland, which are far less common destinations for an asylum seeker.
>According to the young man, many of his comrades living in central Stockholm have taken up selling sex to older and middle-aged Swedish women. The demand, according to the Swedish documentary is high. "Amin" stressed that is a rather beneficial agreement.
What is wrong with Swedish woman, Swedecucks?
Jack Green
Just ignore the thread. People who make threads like this have shit lifes and need to take their frustartion out on something.
Christopher Green
Or are you a progressive leftie?
David Fisher
Robert Cox
>I i like jew
>Svandis dumb
>Scandis make dumb post
>900900% of scandis are worse people
>i not project promz!
Dominic Richardson
The Origins of Swedish Multiculturalism
Eli Baker
You're just showing me how obsessed you are.
I could post a bunch of links about bad shit in HIV-stonia, but I don't because I don't feel the need to talk shit about people.
Matthew Davis
All Russians and they have been brought here under foreign occupation
Sweden has taken them on their own will and your own woman don't want them to leave
Defend your bullshit or accept your position as a cuck
Nathan Sanders
You're literally ignoring the point of my post.
Mason Cox
You are not white
Joshua Turner
these are germans
Leo Thomas
Time Swedish men started telling their women to get in line, or be ostracised from society.
Daniel Ortiz
>Posting but you have HIV, but ignoring it is because of Russians and because they have
been brought here against our will
>Implying it is an argument
Jacob Foster
>These girls are definitely not Norwegians they must be umm-m German
These are Norwegians
Same Scandicuck race
Evan Murphy
Can't you get the message giving you into your broad head? You literally only see "HIV-stonia" in my post?
You're here calling scandinavians dumb people when you've shown yourself to be really impulsive and easy to trigger. Being impulsive is really common amogs left wingers and people who are insecure. You're in constant defense.
Josiah Sanders
Owen Garcia
go on, trigger me
Chase Roberts
Not really true. Norwegians have a high amount of celtic dna, not unlike Gothenburg.
Carson Wright
eesti.... when did you become so mean?
Kayden Morgan
You're already triggered by my presence.
Christian Watson
Why is Sweden such a shithole?
Why you guys like diversity and progress so much?
Lol you guys are crazy.
Tyler Lee
Lincoln Turner
Norwegians are better Swedes
The levels of self-delusion
Josiah Diaz
You're a fucking Negroid
Camden Turner
We ruled your shithole country and made it better than you ever could, which is why estonian squareheads like you are mad, go on a robbery/murder tour here in sweden like your countrymen and take out your aggression rather than shitting up this board.
Levi Robinson
They are selfless collectivist idealists
Who take in mouth whatever their government feeds them up
Chase Young
Jonathan Ross
And now you suck Dark cocks and have self-pity.
Lincoln King
The rise in migration comes with your decline in corporate tax rates. Why do you all keep voting for capitalists pigs?
Blake Jackson
Most non-cucked Swedish males are Incels/MGTOW at this point because Swedish woman won't give them laid because they are white
I was talking with another user at a thread back then
He told me that even his "Chad" friend joined MGTOW because no one liked him on Tinder anymore
Aiden Stewart
Gavin Lopez
1, All the left leaning parties do not like borders.
2, We tried "socialism" during the 70s and it failed, Our goverment realized that capital is generated by the private sector.
3, We switched back from "socialism" and grew during the 90s. Then came the migrant waves.
Oliver Rodriguez
Gavin Wood
Thank god they replace all of you arrogant bitches
Christian Fisher
Forgot to write that you are literally 1/3 of this thread.
You're way obsessed.
Xavier Howard
I understand the Sweden hate but why the other scandis? At least they're doing what they can unlike us.
Jason Gomez
I am the OP, moron
Because Vikings fucking suck
I am tired of these arrogant Swedish cucks holding their arrogant believes while their country is burning, same goes for other Scandinavians who are really arrogant
It's stupid that people here idealize those ugly square-headed white niggers
Christian Cox
And you hid your flag why?
Because you're insecure.
Brayden Brooks
Only Icelanders, Faroese descend from vikings
David Mitchell
Of course, it's a fucking balt*id
Noah Russell
Choose one retard
Owen Williams
Lmfao, today I learned that Sweden didn't have commersial TV until 1988 and commersial radio until the 90s. That's 21 years after Iran and 2 years before communist Poland!
If there are any swedes who lived back then here: do you realize you're a survivor of communism?
Ayden Cooper
Sweden and Estonia both suck.
Ask Varg.
Julian Jenkins
Tallinn is a less safe city than Malmö and Estonians make half the money an average Swede does. Enjoy.
Lucas Richardson
Copenhagen's water is VERY fluoridated. Whether you like it or not, you can boil about 15 litres of the stuff and then use the dust to poison birds.
Benjamin Morris