Styx talks about Jow Forums

Styx talks about Jow Forums

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Hi Styx

>inb4 the 400lb kike moarpheus calls him a zionist

she cute.

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it's a he

why should i care?

did he predicted this 60 years ago too?

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Why the fuck does this guy always shows his naked chest?
It's a bit disgusting and he would be taken a lot more seriously if he just dressed like a person without mental problems.

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he hit the nail on the head in the last 10 seconds
you can tell because those faggots still use their spacing


czeck'd and kek'd

You're confusing Styx with somebody who gives a fuck what people think about him and is interested in building up his brand instead of just shitposting.

>using 10 million words to explain a simple concept is the hallmark of a true philosopher

Fuck off pagan filth

Peace out.

Q predicted this

Styx is such a snore fest now what happened to his good vids

I think he’s actually pretty concise. If he babbles a bit or rephrases the same thing a few times it’s likely because he’s not using a script.

Didn't really see this one, but that's why I don't watch his stuff anymore. He's got some good points now and then but he's way too verbose for me. I usually get bored 10% into his arguments because it's obvious by then where it's going.

He cute

Shameless self promotion

Why does this guy posts a video every hour? Why not make one 30-60 minutie video a day?

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>he would be taken a lot more seriously
Oh, so you're against the meritocracy. I see.

He posts 3-4 videos every morning around 9e/8c, each about 5-10 minutes long. This way, you get to decide whether to watch them all at once, or as you have time.

Styx is Asmongold's long lost brother.

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He cute too

good vid styx

definitely styx. HI STYX

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Based wizard

am i the only one who doesn't give one hot holy shit about bolsonaro

That's about all.

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They made a step by step guide to brainwashing us, yet it doesn't fucking work. Stupid niggers.

he mentions Jow Forums often and it pisses me off

he's right

if only there's some tool to measure the shilling cycle


Hi Styx, can we please invade California soon?

I am getting tired of waiting is this a paid shill for Styx?

I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

Styx doesn't need paid shills, he summons demons to post on his behalf


I Iive in California and you can count on me to strike from the inside when the invasion begins...down with collectivist scum!!

/hydrogen hillary/


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>Styx talks about Jow Forums
>nobody talks about styx

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Soon brother. Await for the signal of three clanks from our spoon wizard of the north

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>watching a lolbertarian

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He's right about the shills.
I also wish he'd put a fucking shirt on.

wait, is that Tarl?

fuck off shirt shills

No shirt, no shoes, gas the jews

fuck this chick

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>comparing US citizens to pets

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He admits support for Israel on Video
He shills for war with Iran.
That is why he is Pro Trump > another Zionist
That is why he was on Infowars > Zionists

I got blocked by him on twitter by him after exposing him. Your a zionist pussy Styx

Notice in this video he DOESNT DARE name (((WHO))) is behind the (((CFR))) (((MEDIA))) and (((SHILLING)))


And the VERY NEXT video of his that auto plays he's shilling for (((Bolsonaro)))

> who wants to cut spiraling debt through sweeping privatizations and embrace the United States and Israel

In other words sell off all of Brizils assests to (((banksters))) and be another bitch for ISRAEL

Your a fucking Pseudo-intellectual, controlled opposition (((SHILL)))

I have sperg-level faceblindness and I can't even recognise my own face in some pictures, but he does look like Styx. Quite a bit.

i put a bra on for her, yw. winter is right
around the corner don't cha know.

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fucking freak
if anyone has a pedo face its this fucking creep

Sliding is only a thing for niggers who don't use the catalog (shills) so it's fine by me.

Big Brained Centrism, in some form or another, is the only way to be really popular on jewtube sadly, at least empirically. Styx has gotten worse in that sense bigly since summer 2016. His NPC muh Soviet vs Nazi arguments are particularly boring and predictable.

....How do you know so well what a pedo face is? Did your dad come into your room at night and beat you up?

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I like this guys talking points.Makes sense.

Good vid.
I don't know what all the other people in this thread are on about

what else defers lunacy to a man's glare but either compounded non-sexual trauma or repressed sexual trauma ?

I like his ramblings. He's good to listen to when your working and wanna just have him whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Hes comfy listenin.

Styx likes to roleplay as a warlock, summoning demons n shit to keep him company

He's been wearing shirts lately.

No one wants to see your chest all the time faggot, just put on a shirt, that shit stopped being funny after the first time

The boomer with his "global outreach" strikes back at Jow Forums in pain.

Is Styx the Corn cobbler?!!!

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Bloodlust would be my first guess but I'm assuming the correct answer is nothing?

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Got here many character assassination attempts have I missed?

I prefer my videos to be around ten minutes long. I've disagreed with him on a few things but he's been right about a lot of stuff .

Is captcha being a faggot to anyone else lately?

I just put his video on and then scroll to the comments. No one wants to see that shit

Enough to show that they are getting desperate

>clanked hard


>Hey guys
>I'm here to tell you that internet shilling is actually a real thing
>aren't I smart?
>heh, I bet you would have never thought that shilling happens online and I'm pretty smart huh?
>Thats about it, peace out

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Sup Tarl, I'm liking the new book.

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Idiosyncratic vowel pronunciation , must be a new england thing

Nice sataic integer satanbro. What is his book about?


wow wtf is going on?!

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*Spoon clank*

quads incoming

in jokes for subscribers

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Hi Styx. Peace out.

I am a British Agent and you are a nigger.

I dresses like a faggot, he folds his hands like a faggot, and he's a centrist, which confirms he's a faggot.

>impregnating women and make white babies isn't red-pilled

wtf styx?

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Why do you dress like a faggot?

That book was so weird. Some funny parts though. I have lots of his books/edits, they're good especially if you're into the occult. Dirt cheap and a good way to support him too.

He's required daily viewing for everyone and all of Jow Forums

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The dude spends 4 hours a day making his living and spends the rest doing whatever the fuck he wants - ie sitting around half naked playing shitty flash games.

Basically... He’s a Jow Forums hero

heh i actually dont know what this means,

But if it means triggered, yes, all these zionist MAGA talking heads trigger me. (((They))) have totally subverted a good movement to MIGA.