Why did Jow Forums suddenly turn against Molyneux?

Why did Jow Forums suddenly turn against Molyneux?

There's very few living philosophers aligned with the alt-right, shouldn't we take what we can get?

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Another kike character assassination thread..

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The only people that hate this guy are shitskins.

he never named the jew and exposed the globalist zionist satanic agenda

He was never /ourguy/. He was always an unhinged jew who avoided the JQ.

No one here ever fucking liked him.
He is clearly the one making these threads everyday.

Fuck you MolyNeux stop shilling yourself

also people who think male e-thots are so yesterday, so yesterday, like a bird that already flew away.

that song is by hillary duff.

Jow Forums didn’t turn against Moly. It was just a few dedicated shills engaging in D&C warfare.

That didn't happen.

>when the bot that launched a year ago randomly starts posting that thread again.

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fuk joos n sheit ooga booga hale hortler
>down the memory hole goyim we never liked him!

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I've always hated Molymeme for being a Jew who flip flops on issues and abuses his callers.

JIDF got blown out so bad now they larp as stormdrain spergs.

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"This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.

It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill

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I think he's pretty cool. haven't watched him in like 6 months though. did something change?

I stopped when he did that Defoo shit. Molymeme is redpilled but wants to keep his shekels and not get banned.

Because Jow Forums are the ultimate contrarians.

the defoo shit is just his autism but that same autism makes him good at other stuff
his deep dive videos are really good
who turned against him?

>M.A. in history
The proper term is "Youtube Bullshitter"

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Blacked by association

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coordinated shill campaign a couple of months back, literally 5-10 threads everyday hour shitting on molymeme for a few weeks. it was painfully obvious to anyone that would see
pollacks just fell for it


My Mom doesn't think anarchy is feasible so I have entirely severed contact with her.

those dont work
people here dont think like you retards do

No, you're just a newfag. That cult leader has always gotten shit on here.

I stopped watching molyneux when he got BTFO by peter joseph.

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Dude, he's like libertarian and shit. it's fine to have ideals. But we need results.

>aligned with the alt-kike
I think you found the problem.

When he sperged out on that german kid for asking a simple question a bunch of people realized hoe unhinged he is.

his 1 fecking dollar rant was insane too LOL that one actually really turned me off

>That cult leader has always gotten shit on here.

There are no similarities between Stefan's inner circle and a personality cult. Would a cult leader make videos staring into an unmoving, extremely close camera while making moral commands to an audience he demands money from? Certainly not.

Molymeme is fine when he sticks to surface level issues (Basic race realism, basic libertarian ideas, ect)

But as soon as he gets into his pet ideas with UPB, spanking, ect he goes deep dick into autism.

He did nothing wrong

it does work, newfags and unaware fall for it. what the shills do:
>pick e-celeb who does decent videos
>nitpick a small detail that Jow Forumsacks wont like
>spam Jow Forums with 20 threads a day for weeks
>pollacks stop liking him
take for example molymeme >MIKEEEE spam, shirtless styx spam implying hes a loser, >Juden Peterson spam etc etc. each one of these might not be 100% polack but they all had and have good videos, but the shills just pick out an attack vector and push it and sadly people fall for it

This seems to be a pattern with e-celebs shilled on Jow Forums.

Because he won't name the jew.

>aligned with the alt-right,
day of the rake, etc, to leafposters. The alt-lite is controlled opposition faggotry.

Shitskins being intellectually inferior is axiomatic. It's no reason to join this faggots cult.

And then you've got the LARPers who won't accept anything short of always 1488 all the time. Some of them might be legit, not that it matters.
If we ever get to the point Moly is putting Jews on blast as a standard opener, he'll turn into Fed.

First post woke post

1. calls himself a philosopher when he really isn't
2. doesn't understand basic philosophical concepts
3. is a retard and abusive to callers
4. only lets retards he can abuse call in
5. refuses debates with people he knows will crush him
6. puts on a fake personality for the camera
7. speaks with affected tone and lets his acting classes shine through
8. is/was a cult leader
9. made people "defoo" from their families to live with him in his rape dungeon
10. got crushed by chad joe rogan 4 years ago
11. makes unhinged rants about not being donated to enough
12. makes unhinged rants about people wanting to shoot him
13. is an actual kike
14. makes content that doesn't warrant the need for 3 hours (brevity is a foreign concept)

>There's very few living philosophers aligned with the alt-right
that's not an argument


In Canada you can’t do that without the risk of jail. He walks the line as far right as he can

takes 40 minutes to make a 10 minute point
overly full of himself


All youtube "philosophers" are dogshit.

nah it does nothing
the people who ended up stuck here did so because they were too autistic to accept the socially advantageous groupthink which they would otherwise already believe

Was a cult leader? Rape dungeon? Dafaq?

he aint perfect, but his main videos on his own channel are informative and good initial redpills for the masses. its nowhere near worth the supposed hate for him on pol
just shilling really, people using this JPeterson kavanaugh shit to completely disregard all his videos which are admittedly basic but again, good for the unwashed masses
jewish tactic of divide and conquer, same shit they used to imply that Kavanaugh drinking beer makes him unfit for scotus

you mean yung mussolini reincarnate?

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Hmm, I wonder why Jow Forums doesn't like an Israel-first neocon leaf.

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>who flip flops on issues
people cant change their mind?
>abuses his callers.
this is the criticism everyone has. why dont you grow some balls and lose the titties

That's a funny way of spelling narcissistic snake oil salesman.


He recently answered if was jewish. His mother was close friends with a Jewish family that all.

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You’re a proper kike if you take sides with Joe over Stephan. Joe is a full blown cuck who lifts weights and pretends he is logical meanwhile shilling for open borders with TYT

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>Why did Jow Forums suddenly turn against Molyneux?
Most likely because all of his talk amounts to literally no change at all in the real world.
He lives in a small bubble and talks into a webcam in a small studio thinking that he knowns the ways of the world today.
He's a wannabe-intellectual (((System))) sheeple.

Oh and btw, the power level of my argument is over motherfucking 9000!

Always remember that
>not an argumenting
isn't an argument either.

>chew out some kid on some random bullshit nobody cares about
>that's enough to completely disregard dozens of good videos on real topics such as economy of post ww2 germany, roman empire, race and IQ etc etc
you wanna know how you're a divide and destroy shill?

>Alt right

This memeosopher is pure boomer-tier conservative.

i like stef
is 1000000x more effective then OP who is pretty gay in his shareblue cubicle

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Based super-satan

He's alright. I just hate it when he takes callers that whine a lot. Kind of like reading posts from natsoc twats. No free rides.

>people cant change their mind?
Most people don't write a book claiming to use the scientific method to prove X is true, and then claim X is not true on their podcast to a different audience, and then continue selling and standing by their book for shekels. That is kike behavior, which isn't surprising considering his mom was Jewish.

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Jow Forums isn't a one-way street.
Whenever there's a thread on someone like Molymeme or the others, there are people discussing their merits and people arguing against them.
Molymeme has never had Jow Forums's full support only that of a section of Jow Forums.
By saying "Jow Forums suddenly turned against Molyneux" you're agitating.

The only reason nu/pol/ display undilutable support for him is that he entered the political playing field by supporting Trump.
He's not natsoc, he's not an ethno-nationalist, he's not in favour of genociding niggers and kikes (NAP), so on.
That his mom's a jew is just icing in the cake. Idiots who don't actually follow him and only subscribe to the bandwagon think he's neo-Hitler.

Tbh this. Steph is not ideal but counter signalling against him will only bolster the far left kikery.

he regularly criticises the boomers

in his early days he went full autism over "spanking" of kids, and encouraged everyone who had been lightly tapped on the bottom as a kid to "defoo", (break all contact with family) and live with him. there is an entire community of ex-FDR listeners and members sharing their experiences. it's creepy as fuck.
he busted molymeme in straight up lying about his defooing shit, couldn't give less of a shit about joe's ideology.

Like Juden Peterstein he's a crutch for people who can't form cogent arguments on their own.

>his mom was Jewish.
>Most people don't write a book claiming to use the scientific method to prove X is true, and then claim X is not true on their podcast to a different audience, and then continue selling and standing by their book for shekels. That is kike behavior
what does this mean? what did he flip flop on so hard that you feel this way?

Moly's videos are drawn out snorefests of ball-fanning and grandstanding. But by all mean keep watching and d'nating like a good little paypig.


Found the plant.

>a leaf

is that pidgeon man?

"e-celebs" will always be shilled against here and some anons will buy the shill rhetoric while others will be reject them simply because they dare to put themselves out there.

out you go, faggot

Your music is awful

You mean that Danish guy who was using a debate technique at school, noticed Molyneux never uses it and wanted to ask why he doesn't use it, to which Molyneux retorted with "so you think you're better than me"?

i've watched a few, don't anymore but that doesn't mean i'll ridicule him or people who watch him who are just starting on their path to enlightenment. You don't shit on newfags and unawares, and you don't shit on the babbytier stuff they consume, because you were like that too when you started. Molymeme is decent, sure as shit way better than watching CNN all day

is that all you have? lol

he should move to america then

I like Stefan but there are other e-celebs whose views are more closely aligned to mine so I prioritise them.


i had no idea pidgeon man was jewish.
makes sense though
arnold is jewish too
note his tiny hat

We didn’t, nobody has fought harder, with less praise than Molyneux. He has never cucked, once. He is woke on every question we concern ourselves with, though not in a trashy way that would denigrate our movement.

Watch his presentation on Israel. He posts quotes from the Talmud about the soul of a goy being equal to that of a cow.

He has said multiple times that he is part Jewish. He was either lying then or lying now or you are lying.

So long as Stephan is against white replacement and informes people about it, while Joe is a cuck who tacitly supports it, I will not counter signal Stephan, nor do I watch or share his videos.

bunch of intellectuals and free-thinkers in this /thread lol

Funny how that guy looks like Stephan's unemployed cousin

He went much further than that. He claimed that your family members voting is an act of aggression against you and a good reason to defoo them. He told people to defoo Ron Paul supporters because Ron Paul's immigration policy was too extreme state property is inherently illegitimate, and thus private property is the only valid borders.

Molyneux defenders are acting like he said this shit when he was 20. This was only a few years ago. The man was in his late 40s.

Because he's your average basic bitch "muh socialism is da problem!!!"

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Yawn. Most people don't mind Molyneux. He's smart, he makes good points and he's memeable.

you were on the right track, but JBP is leftist controlled opposition

when literal 50 year old women and 60 year old men are watching JBP videos and starting their path down the rabbit hole through that, i'm honestly not gonna complain honestly. I've been able to show the JBP vs kathy griffin video to many friends and it was redpilling as fuck to them
just saying, people have their use. shitting on them and dismissing them completely is retarded

>you need a gubermint cuck certificate to be a philosopher
I don't have brainlet memes on me so just imagine i posted one.

disregard 2 honestlies durr, it's 6 am

I don't think on an intellectual level that's wrong.
Even if a person doesn't make the connection between flipping the switch on a government goon and that state goon subsequently commanding other goons to forcefully, violently enforce their dictates on other people (through law), that connection is there.
You flipped the switch in favor of that goon. That's an implicit endorsement of state violence, and it's fucked up. Do you think that's not deserving of censure?


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Then he's a liar?

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u niggers need to break yourself from this celebrity worship and start talking to real life people like your family, neighbors and your community because if shit ever goes down they are the ones that will have your back.