BASED nigger shootout in downtown Austin

Thanks liberal faggots

Attached: IMG_1643.jpg (497x735, 46K)

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Pump gas. Get shot.

Attached: IMG_1652.jpg (320x320, 14K)

>dat video quality
the future is now. One of the good things about the age we live in.


Attached: Look out nigger.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

>beaners vs niggers

My city has turned into this shit. Being at a gas station with beaners and niggers is scary now, they always talk shit to each other and antagonize each other into getting violent. They also get into fights on public transport, most of the time it's just verbal though.

thanks, OP
> high quality video
> unsatisfying shakey cam content
here for the bloodlust

Attached: funwblacks551-Tyrone-wrecks-resists-Tx-gets-shot.webm (480x270, 2.88M)

Multiculturalism at its finest

>here for the bloodlust

Attached: funwblacks575-nig-shot-by-nig-out-of-store-in-car.webm (540x260, 2.28M)


Attached: funwblacks566-tyrone-shot-PD-with-knife-Vegas.webm (746x420, 1.27M)

God niggers cannot fucking aim. I have seen 8 year old white girls hit dead center from 100 yards, and this shit skin hits the pavement with every fucking shot. Race war will be over in a week if it actually pops off.

Attached: funwblacks515-nigger-shoots-cops-gets-shot-twitter.webm (270x480, 2.97M)

>God niggers cannot fucking aim

Attached: funwblacks481-crazy-tyrone-lunges-and-gets-shot-by-PD.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

Attached: funwblacks477-crazy-nigger-w-bat-gets-shot.webm (640x360, 2.13M)

What a dumb nigger, the cops are right in front of you

>High quality video but fails to capture who's doing the shooting
He tried

>be black
>fire 200 rounds into a crowd
>Hits one person from direct shot
>One other person hit when round skips off pavement
>Blacks say "We gone win dat civil war when it start!!!"

melee vs ranged

Yall hate California, but we segregate minorities.
We keep the fans in San Francisco the niggars in Oakland and Richmond and the sticks out in the valley Stockton to Fresno. If you live in the city all you have to worry about is poor crackhead mentally ill niggers, theyre too poor to have guns.
Remember, we the whole point of importing illegals from the south is to takenout the niggers.
The cost of doing business?
-illegals flood your schools brining down out test scores.
Even california prisons segregate.

Attached: Blacks - Mexican cleanse.png (548x548, 348K)

>oh good evening officer, I didn't see you pull up. Wow I sure am sleepy. I'll just lay down right here shall i?

Not only that, they’re completely outnumbered, the population they do have all lives in concentrated areas. I’m not even taking into account their low iq.

The major advantage I do give them though is that they’ll stick together. Whites will be at least divided in half.

Sticking together doesn't mean shit when you have a less than 1% effectiveness in your shooting style.

Kiting for the win

Letting liberals run your city.

Liberal crime.

WE must kill all liberals.

YOU must kill liberals in your towns before liberals turn it into Hiroshima (Detroit).

Hell, you'd have to worry about other whites sabotaging and stabbing you in the back. No other race would have to deal with the amount of traitors we would have in a shtf situation. They'd be trying to win feel-good brownie points even if it meant their lives.

Only white people are allowed in Huntington Beach (at least it was this way in the 2000s).

*and it was nice. Honestly, it was really nice there and not expensive like a lot of the surrounding areas.

i don't think i could take that fat fucker cop in the shorts and bike helmet seriously, even if he was pointing a gun at me

What does this have to do with liberals?

now now the austn shooter was a fine upstanding house nigger lets not grill him to badly I mean murder isnt murder if you are a literal nigger we need that vote

why do black always wear nike ,not a single one of them wear adidas or puma

Austins appeasement to Houston criminals. We should be stereotyping and casing all blacks downtown.

how did he get the gun? i thought holsters were hard to pull guns from that angle?

>pump gas around groups of mexicans and blacks
You should have known to make your exit long before bullets went flying.

i'm waiting until they invent bullets with little tiny cameras in them
real life is going to become like a john woo film

run dmc did
they even wrote a song about it

Because Nike makes flashy clowns shoes

race war

please stop this meme

Viva la raza.

Some dude in downtown just records shit in really high quality. He is always shitposting on the Austin subr@$$it.

Just think: these are the animals that are going to inherit the world.

Just hand out poisoned drugs at the liberal marvel that is the downtown homeless center. You would rid Austin of those rats in a weekend.

How do their pants not fall down completely?
How do they hang exactly midway like that?

Butt plugs

and the police station is right fucking next door....
I don't want to believe anyone is this fucking stupid, but welcome to texas

Smfh...right next to the police station

They never had a Dad or boy scouts to teach them how to shoot

2 more months and I fucking leave the shithole that is America. Everywhere is just 3rd world living with minorities monkeying around.

My dad never taught me how to shoot, and I was never in scouts. First time shooting a handgun at the range a few years back me and my wife both hit multiple bullseyes. Being white comes with built in aimbot.exe

Is it ok to root for the nigger when the cops are this bad? I wanted to see him burst out of that dog pile and get away.

21ft rule. never hesitate when someone has a knife

This fucking Simon says walk to in hand stands is asking people to get shot. If this is in an open area and you easily out number the guy why not just surround him and restrain his limbs

>dem literal hood rats scurrying away at 2:22

dindu nuffin!!! Holy shit that nigger is so stupid what is he thinking especially in front of the police. He was asking to get shot. Somehow niggers always think cops will not use their weapons unless they're attacking them. Or lack of a prefrontal cortex.

If you think Austin is bad, then you haven't seen Dallas.

Lol def have and forgot because I'm never going back unarmed. I got mean mugged and yelled at by some niggress. I was at a red light she was crossing the crosswalk w 4 black dudes. She said "what white boy!?!" The dudes she was with looked at me like "WTF this girl a dumb bitch, sorry yo" then they grabbed her mouth and shuffled her across the street. They def have a nigger problem but I bet a lot of them are tired of the shit. This was a couple years ago before the cop killings. I wasn't aware but I went fishing at "white rock" lake and the week before a black top athlete in the area had murdered some white guy on the running trails at the lake. The fucking nigger hid in a bush with an axe and killed the first white person running by.
I wonder why that didn't make the national news??

My wife is from here and she's always armed.

This is right next HOBO city off 35
Thanks libs, Thanks Beta O'Rourke

looks like the mexicans are going to clean the nigs out of texas like they did in california

I thought Austin was a nice place, this looks like Detroit.

this is unironically what most of the US looks like

Because committing crime + wearing Nike apparel = protest

Dallas tradwifes are the best.

I was misremembering that incident a little. He killed a jogger with a machete not an axe. Declared incompetent

they were framed by jews

Im in Austin, its a shithole

Jesus Christ

Ive been in that gas station many times amd worked as a door guy near by throwing these turds out for years. This video is not surprising, and since they are across the street from the police head quarters nothing better confirms thier sub human status

I've lived in Austin since 1999, been a slow boil to see Austin become what it is today.

Around blacks, never relax

Attached: 1538423155006.gif (332x250, 880K)

>first world country
This is favela tier violence. Is Germany still taking refugees?

Some refugees are being sent to Italy

There's open for you

I love how bodycams were called for to stop dem rayciss cops from beating dem po innocent black folk but now they want them got rid of because bodycams are rayciss for showing nigs niggin with no deniability.

I’ve taken noobs to the range... noobs from California who were afraid of guns... and seen them line up and calmly put half a magazine into the 8 ring. First time holding a gun.

It isn’t thqt hard.

opinion discarded

>LMFAO kek

It said NO PARKING nigger. Fine paid.

he look like black crash test dummy


Why do we even expect them to act like people?

I swear the boomers are going to pay for this shit one day. Imagine growing up in the 1950's or 1960's and turning your childrens future into fucking THIS.

Attached: niggers are not humans.webm (480x720, 2.78M)

I lived in austin for a while and it's a shithole but most of the people who live there have never lived anywhere else so they just drink the koolaid and think it's the greatest place around


>boomers are going to pay
dude you have to go back way further than that to get to the root cause of all of this shit. people in the 50's and 60's are feeling the same kind of pressure as we do today with this 'forced acceptance' bullshit.

you have a bunch of loudmouths on one side preaching about how we need to allow niggers to run free and blah blah blah

on the other side you have most people that aren't causing a stir and just want to live away from niggers.

but as usual the squeaky wheel gets the grease. if you want to blame game, wtf are you doing yourself to improve the situation?

Attached: lemon.gif (400x243, 2.11M)

Didn't know Conan was going to do a cop show after he was done with late night TV

Attached: Screenshot_20181008-124635.png (720x1280, 351K)

With all the leftists there and the mexican and black violence, one can comfortably conclude that Austin is a total shithole.

>Pulling out a gun when 2 cop cars are less than 50 feet away
Chicago nigs have zero self awareness. They act like they're playing real life GTA. You'd think they'd be a bit more paranoid considering how strictl Chicago gun laws are. Getting popped with simple possession is a 1yr+ sentence in state prison.

memeflag, I live in South FL. The boomers are the ones to blame. They shit on younger white people for everything and treat non-whites way better. The rich boomers need to have their wealth confiscated and their homes given to younger whites who will never be able to afford houses because of them.

boomers are such useless sacks of shit that they cant even admit to THEMSELVES the problems we face, much less even fucking talk about it with others

the only reason even some of them care now is solely because of fucking US, our fucking years of fucking shitposting woke their stupid fucking geriatric asses half up

Nigs gonna nig, just another day here in TX.


maybe you're mistaking white with (((white)))

im floridian as well and i know there are fucking buttloads of jews here


What in the fuck?!? Is this the future of American English?

>shaking cameras
>literally can't see who's shooting who
kys faggot

Seriously this. An older generation has never screwed their future generations more in human history.

Once Trump wins 2020, something is going to have to be done about them. They don't deserve for their only cares to be about how to spend $30,000 on which furniture to impress their other boomer neighbors.

The worst fucking part is they think younger generations are lazy after literally importing millions of cheap labor spics and giving them free everything and advanced placement in jobs and free college.Boomers deserve to starve as far as I'm concerned.

Attached: das BOOMER.jpg (2335x1800, 2.48M)

God I hate niggers.

it's the leftist capital of TX. you decide.

>that fucking NPC running into the line of fire with his cell phone

Attached: zero reaction.webm (720x480, 1.29M)

No, all the jews are in Miami. The rest of South FL is filled with older whites who flee the cold and high taxes and come here to buy cheap-ish property.

The real problem is that in 10-30 years, once all the boomers die off, there will be NO white people in south FL. Spics are having like 3 kids by 25 while white girls are single in their 30's and 40's and are almost all whores, especially down here.

Florida might as well be Brazil. I hope SHTF though so at least the boomers will die painful deaths. White people with gray hair might as well be jews, seriously.

>t. expected

Attached: ns.png (172x172, 4K)


Haha, just came across this clip yesterday. I can still here the "Aw shit, aw shit, aw shit". Cops should've put him down for good, though.

Bullets in yo ass make you hop and skip
