Attached: cephalicindex.jpg (563x500, 30K)
What's your Cephalic Index?
Dylan Myers
Isaac Scott
as a mathematician I think this is fucking stupid.
Juan Cox
Thomas Green
Elijah Flores
it doesn't change the relative result, it just makes all the numbers larger and harder to deal with. you are probably doing this on purpose to make it more difficult for blacks and women and others poor at math to calculate a legitimate result. extra steps in the process that you didn't notice due to your privelige
Samuel Lee
>extra steps in the process that you didn't notice due to your privelige
Adam Lee
I'm curious as to why the nose isn't included in head length.
Bentley James
Bravo, that is a well formulated troll
Jaxson Watson
It makes it more similar to percentages and thus easier. Now tell me your index number.
Michael Clark
:D thankyou
in reality I'm embarrassed to check because of boong ancestry. I know my head is small, but know it's small AND misshapen, that might give me hostile feels.
Benjamin Allen
Asher Reed
how long is your Cephalic member
Easton Wood
>using two dimensions to measure a three dimensional object
The eternal fucking Swede, I swear to Christ.
Cranial volume is the measurement you should be looking for you absolute dingus.
Abos and sub daharan Africans have, on average, anywhere from 100-150 less space in their skills than eurasians. This has a massive impact on neuron density, and therefore overall congniti e potential.
Noah Torres
So perhaps some Irish as well?
Jackson Gutierrez
Chink spotted
Mason Anderson
the one day I misplace my large size calipers. what a world
Jackson Peterson
Never change
Elijah Foster
who the fuck do you think bleached the abbo? every single half-breed has an irish name
Adrian Reed
how self sufficient are you?
Henry King
100%, now answer me
Justin Brooks
got exactly 100
Gabriel Martinez
>Measuring volume using a 2 dimensional uom
What's that about neuron density