>Hitler's nickname was Wolf >had an HQ named Wolf's Lair >had another HQ named Werwolf >'Adolf' means 'noble wolf' >Hitler loved dogs >Hitler, Himmler, Rosenberg, Goebbels, Mussolini, etc. loved wolves >post-war insurgency was nicknamed Werwolf
Werewolves: >2.5 meters tall >ripped muscles >cold-adapted >fearless >apex predators >handsome appearance >some native Aryan deities are werewolves Don't forget the various wolf-related given names in Aryan cultures (Rudolf, Wolfgang, Lykos, Vuk, etc.).
Vampires: >have to sneak and lure unsuspecting prey >suck their victims' blood >covert, work in the shadows >avoid industrious labour >hooknosed >weak >ugly, look like death >were always villains in European culture Any vampire-related given names in Aryan cultures? I didn't think so.
Looks like werewolves are Aryan and vampires are the kikes. Perhaps Hitler would have launched a program to create Werewolf super soldiers.
Both are fucking degenerate. Adolf loved wolves because it fed back into the cultural attachment with wolves of ancestral Germanic lore. I bet your ass that if an actual werewolf showed up he'd kill its ass dead. Same goes for vampires, seduced by degenerate Satanic shit that turns them into liberals.
""The enemy (invading German territory) will be taken in the rear by the fanatical population, which will ceaselessly worry him, tie down strong forces and allow him no rest or exploitation of any possible success." - Goebbels
Sounds like he's talking about some gay shit to me, fag. Kikes be gettin outkiked.
write your YA alt history fiction serial where a young werewolf hitler rescues eva brown from a clan of vampire jews
Brody Jenkins
>Vampires suck their victims' blood >(((They))) shred their victims' genitals using sharpened nails, then suck the blood out of the mutilated wound. Unironically worse than monsters.
Charles Turner
cool toystory , hitler and the rest of the bunch had a hardon for the occult not just werewolves but everything else , do not worry hitler never died he went to the "unterland" had some procedures done and stocked up on his reptiliandeutsch hybridmenschen for the last 60years until the time is ripe to save us from nibiru jewish reptilians (there are good and bad reptilians like there are good and bad humans).
Gavin Adams
Just carrying on the long time tradition of germanics being the biggest fucking furfags
Colton Cooper
my fucking sides
Luis Ward
>werewolves = samurai >vampires = juden This sums it up well