

tryna start a political commentary channel

id be honoured if youd check out my first video and leave offensive comments and insult me


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How much you gonna pay me?

tree fiddy?

kinda shitty mic senpai

i know mate. as i said in the video, utter dogshit. i'll get a better one if i get more than 1000 views lmao

You speak well but need a better mic and perhaps turn down the music a tiny bit. As someone with 45k subs the hardest part is getting those first few hundred viewers. I hope you stick with it because you have a good radio voice and good flow.

Jow Forums likes to downvote people that promote their own stuff so expect that

Thanks for the kind words bro. gonna fuck with my mic to see if i can at least make it sound passable. If not ill probably get another. long shot but any chance of a shoutout lmao

Post another thread after work. I can't open YouTube links at work on my phone. Everybody will hear!

haven't watched it yet, but good luck with your channel my dude

that's fair, im a cancerous fuck and this is probably the best place to promote it tho. its certainly the least costly lmao

see cos ive got my shit together there's cc's, watch away and procrastinate my good man!

thanks mate, you americans are proving way more affable than i expected lmao

everyone deserves success at what they do

shitty audio , but will support because battlebrother

support appreciated swedbro

shameless self bump
also im pro choice, that should put the fire in your bellies to shout at me and keep the thread alive

Nigger, I can't even hear what is you trying to say, gnomeamsaiyan??

i feel you mate so i put cc's, gonna get a new mic too i reckon

lol you got a "OP is a nog" from some brother haha

fantasic i owe him a pint

bumping again because im cancer

fun fact i once traded a russian carpet for my life

change up the visuals for fuck's sake

title of the video is for fags sorry mate nobody got time to spend on those who can't pick a side.

im shook about puttin up my face tho bruh imma say offensive shit probably

if you're republican/libertarian, you may come to find we agree on far more than we don't. i'm just sick of the ideological yelling from both sides. fuck sake lets be civil ya feel

I legit gave it a shot, but gave up because the audio quality was so poor. Get a better mic and try again. You're not going to get anywhere til people can at least understand you. Also "radical centrist" is basic bitch talking points. Lurk moar and get down with esoteric hitlerism.

Attached: hale hortler.jpg (900x900, 58K)

mute it and put on cc's and a Jew Slaughter song. should then be to your liking senpai

Good shit dave, however get a better mic.
Go to sham shui po for the microphone they have cheap stuff there

thanks brother
you know your shit about hk lmao
also the mic itself is a shure, it just sounds shit because i am no audio engineer

I used to live there, 17 years.
There are a few videos online you should try, Im crap at editing.

there are a lot of french people here... i;m from england originally

honestly this first video was just a toe in the water, next one i will take more seriously for sure

Obviously been said you needa better mic but also increase your sampling rate for your audio turn down the base and the volume for your background music. If you're not going to show your face so that you can kill people and give context for what you're saying you should be using infographics pictures anything of the sort just a three-dimensional equalizer isn't really going to cut it. Also as far as content you really need to expound on things a bit more and cite examples instead of just taking a temperature reading. Expound on the examples it'll give you more to talk about I'm more to have an opinion about. Relatability is a huge factor and you got that going for you. I'll subscribe and keep an eye on your Channel. No matter what though keep making content. At least one video a day.

There's a lot of typos in that but I'm on the road so you are going to have to make of it what you can

sound criticism, i appreciate it a lot. the sampling rate thing may well help with the audio, i hope so! and you're right about temperature testing, this one was dipping in the toe desu. next one i'll take more seriously

ahhh gwei lou, you're channel has potential

thanks for the sub too, i appreciate it

lmao gweilo im fucking weak

for everyone else its a cantonese word that means 'white ghost', its basically how locals describe westerners. the rumour is that when the locals first saw us they tought we were ghosts lmao