You fucking fools actually thought taylor was on your side omg. Im laffin at you buttmad incels

You fucking fools actually thought taylor was on your side omg. Im laffin at you buttmad incels

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>Top 10 Anime Betrayals
everything is going according to plan, you pathetic NPC.

>millionaire priviliged white woman is a shitlib
Imajun mai shock.

Her career is dying anyway. She hasn't had a hit in years and has no other option than selling out at this point.

>stupid roastie who sings songs for a living
Yeah let's all care about what she thinks

It's obviously a coded message we just haven't deciphered yet.

I knew she was a lefty when she dated a Kennedy. That was about 5 years ago.

BTW, Vox Day's hypothesis is that Taytay is gay. Thoughts? I thought it was crazy at first, but given how many guys she's dated, it almost seems like her handlers wanted to over emphasize her heterosexuality.

inb4: The Washington Post, NYT and other media outlets bashing Taytay because she is white and rich

Andrew Anglin was the one pushing the idea that this dumb slut was on our side. Another mistep from that idiot. Let's move away from the Anglin mentality of trying to see imaginary allies in the mainstream build our own movement. Give support only to open nationalists.

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I never believed a single woman.
Not even my mum.
I keep being proven right over and over.

Right wing Taylor swift has always been a meme and nothing more.

I never found her attractive. Extremely caked up manface, body with no curves. Why were kekistanis so obsessed with her? Don't tell me it was because they believed she browsed /b/? White Hiromoot already proved that was jist someone larping

>be taytay
>fast approaching wall
>mr shekelsteinberg producer, "here taylor,a a life supply of baby bloodpacks, with these you can put off the wall for another few years"
>oh I don't know mr shekelstein...if you insist
>"all you have to do is submit this tweet"

it was always about mocking the lefty media's insistence that she's a secret neo-nazi.

Its instagram not twitter

IDK, /pol likes the heroin chic look

I-I never l-liked her!

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Hey, it's better than her voting for a woman simply because she's a woman.

Jow Forums btfo. No women are going to take up your cause, period.

This. Anyone actually believing the stupid meme that Taylor Swift is a "nazi" and on our side must be retarded.

oh i thought u meant Jared Taylor. sage

LOL grown adults actually liking Swift. If they were intelligent you could've guessed her thoughts on politics by listening to her vapid music.

i wouldve thought taylor was very aware democrats arent fighting for people of all americans, theyre clearly fighting for non-white people

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> lives in NY
> votes in TN

What's the difference?

I don't think anyone thought she was in our side

>You fucking fools actually thought taylor was on your side omg. Im laffin at you buttmad incels
Did normies actually take stupid fucking memes seriously?

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>Being partisan in the first place.

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Where's the real aryan queen at? She must be in hiding, forgotten, or hasn't surfaced yet.

>muh TaTay is based
>Q is legit, muh 53-47
Jow Forums BYFO'd again... kys newfags

It's funny, I've never been one for the spoiled, high-brow types. I thought she was fake when she moved from country to pop. That's all it took to convince me that she's part of the machine.

Yo, Taylor, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but Trump is one of the best presidents of all time! One of the best presidents of all time!

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he knew before any of us

Big, if true.

You really thought they were serious?
Eat shit tayler

taylor has voted against bunch of progressive nonsense in the past. any sane person would have taken her for a republican

it's clear from this tweet that she didn't write this shit. Like Taylor Swift follows politics enough to know about the Reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act, or whatever the fuck was wrote. This was wrote by some Jew and she gave it an ok, for whatever reason.

those niggers making taylor swift threads here and there did

Was still fun af posting Taylor pics with far right messages.
why did you take it seriously OP?

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What rights do LGBT folks don't have that we cis scum have?