Attached: 468F9E9E-AB1A-44FA-B0AE-B4A57D07454D.jpg (777x1044, 186K)
This will age well
Jacob Cook
Gavin Gonzalez
You could say the same thing about every Time cover since 2015.
Wyatt Parker
literal who
Liam Hill
Too bad she didn't.
She's 2 years younger than Kavanaugh.
Alexander Gonzalez
>no “indelible in the hippocampus”
fake news
Jeremiah Jenkins
When someone mentioned his age, 52 or 53? I was genuinely surprised. Thought he was somewhere in the forties.
Connor Peterson
>"I convinced myself"
The best lies have a kernel of truth to them.
Kayden Scott
>Could you answer this basic Question?
ummm...geez...oh golly...*bats eyelids* ...I dont know *pouts*
Ian Rivera
isn't Time behind times pun intended? Pound MeToo has lost its power with one-two punch of Asia Argento predatory and the Senate refusing to bend over backwards to another manufactured witch hunt. It's an obsolete movement that real people never gave shit about and are now completely fatigued with overkill. Dumbest cover ever.
Gavin Morris
She, on the other hands, looks like she's in her 70's.
Nolan Morris
Even if we can probably all agree that it was pointless to bring this up 40 years later or whatever, at least we also agree that he probably did it. Right?
Even if there's nothing to be done about it now.
Anthony Sullivan
Lifetime of alcohol abuse.
Liam Thomas
Less alcohol and no smoking makes you look younger.
Doesn't mean you are a virgin nobody.
Just means you take things in moderation.
If you drink less(or less drugs) than others around you; you can control the situation.
You know who else knew this?
Charles Manson would only lightly partake in drug fueled parties so he could control the others there.
Samuel Rodriguez
Henry Rivera
Once again the leftist kike media blew their load too early.
Ethan Jackson
Yeah, I started limiting alcohol consumption when I was 29 and people have been telling me I look much younger. I am 33 and I've been ID'd when buying alcohol.
Alcohol is fun and all, but if you abuse that shit, it will ruin your shit.
Jackson Williams
Who cares. The key here is that it was insane to put this lady on a public stand and treat some unsubstantiated bullshit from 40 years ago as if it's something worth discussing, that demokikes and republikikes are just as bad as each-other and that US politics is a joke and the next civil war can't come soon enough.
Nolan Howard
wrong. it's all the stress from having her titty touched. that ages you badly.
Aaron Hernandez
Remember when Time magazine covers actually mattered and meant something?
Owen Nguyen
It was the wrong place and the wrong time. But I for one am glad that one more old fart is exposed for what he is.
Jose Lee
the point was never whether he did it but simply to smear him by sceeching an accusation that was never going to be proven but was 100% designed to trigger the easily triggered who don't care for evidence anyway. Listen and believe. So Dems thought enough will believe or at least be scared to vote and yes and that blew up in their faces. politicians ain't as easily forced into submission as hollywood types that handed harvey over on a plate for similarly hard to prove decades old accusations by dubious accusers.
Henry Allen
>I was pancaking
Wyatt Turner
Sebastian Thompson
anyone have the good side by sides of her and amy schumer
Noah Miller
not really. even as a kid i never seen that shit outside of a supermarket or a dentist's lobby.
Connor Lopez
Ah yes, man of the year 1938. Now that was a magazine.
William Miller
they bought their own hype about metoo. turned out, gop didn't give a shit. and judging by drop in dems support during this circus, public doesn't care either.
Joshua Ward
No one was exposed for anything.
Kayden Jones
kek, some liberals seriously thought that shumer arrest would force the No vote.
Joshua Myers
Everyone and their grandmother cared about this spectacle. Choosing sides and endlessly discussing it. That's the degeneracy here. Everyone who took this seriously in any way is a retard, and the media and senators involved in the whole process should be deeply ashamed of themselves. Demoturd and republikike alike.
Logan Green
We all know he did, buddy. Things can be true, and often are, even if they cannot be proved. That merely means we can't do anything about it within the legal system.
Jordan Walker
this. he was smeared, that's all. without evidence, there's no exposing, just he said she said.
Kevin Clark
Time is a joke
Asher Campbell
You are so dumb
Literally all of her witnesses say it never happened, including her BEST FRIEND
Josiah Martin
he wasn't an unknown so she could stop his rise through ranks long time ago. but that she used the information, whether real, fake or tempered with, so that her party could take him out is hardly a brave woman fighting for all silent victims. in fact, his daughters turned out the biggest victims when threats started to drop. legal justice was never a goal here, just a cheap shot to end his nomination. without the nomination she would say anything right? right.
Alexander Sanchez
LOL Shes so photoshopped in that pic
Jeremiah Clark
All I know is that this is bread and circus for idiots like you and the average burger population.
Cameron Mitchell
Maybe she was encouraged to come forward and maybe that was for political reasons. He still did it.
Ryan Sullivan
James Powell
This will age well, too
>pic related
John Price
cant wait to after birth abort these disgusting leftists pigs.
something their mother shouldve done.
Carson Johnson
if she could remember who drove her home and that person could at least say they may have drove her home, I'd be okay saying that it is at least plausible that he did it.
But there's just no way you have a near-rape experience that leads to a life of PTSD and claustrophobia, but you can't remember how the fuck you got away.
Connor Clark
he's trolling just keeps repeating he did it he did no matter what reasonable explanation you give him that he didn't.
Thomas Butler
No. All witnesses exonerate Kav. She had nothing and as soon as he was confirmed, she dropped the charges.
Snälla sluta vara dum i huvudet, Norge.
Bentley Thompson
>we cant prove it happened
>we just know it did
John Stewart
...i like beer.
Brandon Perez
all the evidence suggests that he didn’t do it. There is no reason to believe her story and every reason to disbelieve it.
Ayden Morgan
Academia not even once
Samuel Jones
kek, thanks blackbeard
Caleb Nguyen
"Mr kavanaugh I don't feel so good"
Jack Perry
Anyone tired of winning yet?
Aaron Gutierrez
But imagine if you rape someone in the woods and no one was around to see it, did you still do it? Yes you did, even if you got away with it. Complicated stuff, I know.
That's right.
Luis Barnes
Oh he’s guilty then, damn
Gavin Bailey
He was a wizard until 2004, they tend to look younger than they are.
Carson Diaz
She's a batshit crazy liar that should be charged with perjury and is instead living it up somewhere with her free million dollars from retard lefties I won't be content until she's and her Jewish handlers are being bars
Luke Cook
That ancient design. They still think they are in the 60's haha.
Jayden Perez
Not in the legal sense, no. But he still did it.
You should probably separate the posts where you accuse people for being "batshit crazy" from the ones where you rant about conspiracies. For the optics of it, I mean.
Liam Rodriguez
Anyone can attend a party dumb dumb
Benjamin Walker
there's no issue with no witnesses to the act, there's an issue that she has no memory of anything that isn't the alleged attack. if you can't say how you got into the woods, even "I woke up and was there" or what happened right before you woke up in the woods, or how you left the woods, that's fishy af.
William Hernandez
>not in the legal sense, no
Guess I can get away with murder if I don't do it in a legal sense too...
Brayden Robinson
>But he still did it.
It doesn't matter if he did it or didn't do it. It has no bearing on anything relevant, anytime anywhere. It's completely uninteresting and unimportant information.
Jaxson Lewis
People do get away with murder so what's your point?
It still would've had happened if she forgot all about it, however unlikely that might be, so what's your point?
Sebastian Wood
also, up to an individual to believe or not. this troll believes it cause he's listen and believe feminist. those who want evidence or at least some semblance of possibility don't believe it cause her testimony was weak sauce without any support from anyone else.
Camden Carter
Alexander Adams
>ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lamo
Gabriel Edwards
point is that it didn't happen and since she isn't pressing any charges she knows it too. Her time is up. the stunt didn't work, time to disappear into obscurity. Fuck her, OK? she didn't think of his daughter when she created this shit casue her party put her up to. fuck them too. and fuck you.
Ryder Kelly
Austin Turner
Its not a conspiracy it's actually a fact she lied in front of a committee and perjured herself and the kike Feinstein along with her Jewish lawyer knew and played along anyway the proof are all taped for the world to see. Keep pushing her version of the truth her version is full of shit
Jack Thompson
So defensive. He was only pointing out how poorly she aged compared to him.
Thomas Cruz
She's going to get filthy rich off this. Bitch sold her dignity for a payday.
Owen Sullivan
> i think your on the wrong website
Evan White
But imagine if you didn’t rape someone in the woods but someone claims you did, did you still do it? No you didn’t, even if some guy from Norway claims that you did. Complicated stuff, I know
Caleb Green
Yeah fuck evidence and due process!
Dylan Jones
Liam Myers
Brayden Adams
Who is that?
Anyone got the quick rundown?
Aiden Gonzalez
based kek. bravo user
Blake Thomas
> But he still did it
unless he didn’t do it, in which case he didn’t do it. the evidence suggests that the latter assumption is correct
John Lopez
It’s a woman who wasn’t raped.
Grayson Turner
> her brought Germany back from inflation worse than the great depression time recognized that and made him man of the year as he should be ever year
>but he tried to take over the world to fast and everyone turned on him
Matthew Torres
someone who was flavor of the day few days ago but not worth remembering now.
Joseph Johnson
>someone who was flavor of the day few days ago but not worth remembering now.
Parker Torres
Some random bitch from a soap opera drama for morons.
Adrian Diaz
>get raped in the woods where nobody saw
>go to the police and say user raped me
>the evidence that I was raped is shown by my destroyed asshole and your semen DNA present
Very simple and easy. It's NOT:
>get raped
>don't tell anyone for 36 years when there's absolutely no way to verify if it's true or not
Elijah Kelly
> no sir i am not
Charles Morales
Why lie about it though?
>for da joos!
No one with two brain cells to rub together, even here among us rational left-leaning people, thought this would go anywhere. Which makes it even more weird that she would put herself in this situation. Unless it really happened and she felt it was her duty to tell it now that the guy was on the verge of being sworn in as a semi-deity.
You know, she did what she had to do but I really wish she didn't (even if he did it). It sucks but this one is too far back, and bringing it up now only gives people the impression that victims aren't heard. We should focus on fish we can fry here and now instead of chasing those who got away.
Basically, they're all fucking stupid but at least only he's a rapist. Even if we can't do anything about it.
Angel Russell
Time is the only magazine that manages to have sensationalist, clickbait headlines, or in this case covers, and yet still have nobody read the contents. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Charles Green
But the actual case is more like this
>don’t get raped
>wait 36 years and accuse some guy I barely knew of raping me because my political party is desperate to prevent the Supreme Court from getting stacked against them for the next couple of decades
don’t give ammo to Norway user and his pilpul tactics
Alexander Lopez
kavanaughs a standard irish drunk you huge fag
Robert Roberts
>No one with two brain cells to rub together, even here among us rational left-leaning people, thought this would go anywhere.
Because it's a show, you ultra faggot.
Michael Morgan
his wife is a cute...a cute!!
Nolan Price
I read time to find out what's not going to happen
Jayden Brooks
you’re either a larp or a young jewling not yet learned in the pilpul arts. Thank you for helping sharpen user’s debate skills, it’s too tiresome for me at 1:30am though
Isaiah Gomez
>Complicated stuff
No it's not complicated stuff. It's perfectly simple. Yes if you do a crime and you're not caught you have still performed that action. It has fuck all to do with the bullshit Kav accusation.
>hey guys we all secretly believe that kav is a rapist right? hehehe
>what no I was just asking a rhetorical question about perception of the universe!
Kayden Gomez
She then says "lol okay i dont care anymore" and fucked off with her gofundme millions
Aaron Hernandez
I can't believe they've started referencing crap from high school. That opens a whole can of worms if you let it happen since high school is where people learn how to interact with others and most high school students do stupid things.
Jace Reyes
>No it's not complicated stuff.
user, I might've been facetious calling it complicated. Granted it's a long time ago and I can't be sure though.
Joseph Butler
Nope. Get raped faggot
Anthony Garcia
None of this makes any sense at any level or from any angle.
Kayden Richardson
I'll make an exception for major crimes like rape and murder IF they can be proven without doubt. And in this case it fucking wasn't.