Since John Oliver decided to cover the huehue election I decided to search youtube for "Brazil". I was expecting a mix of normiestream media e youtube ecelebs weighing in. Well first video I click was VICE'S "Why Brazil Might Elect An Ultra-Right Wing President (HBO)" (

>Ultra-Right Wing

As usual its what you expect from Vice just belt-fed stream of SJW concerns, distortions and omissions to drive their globalist socialist agenda.

Except that one courageous Youtube commenter decided to not let it stand. Here is the comment in full:

3 days ago
1.1k Likes (NA) Dislikes

Actually Vice, readers, commenters, and non-brazilians... Bolsonaro is not ultra right wing. There is an actual ultra right wing candidate running too, he's called "Cabo Daciolo". That's the real ultra right wing candidate - he has no chances of winning.
There's also ultra left, moderate left, centrist candidates, etc. Bolsonaro is definitely right wing, but not ultra right wing.

But let me tell you that at least part of the people thinking of voting for Bolsonaro are not considering it because his past military history, his past remarks, his idiotic remarks about the military dictatorship, his supremely asshole and idiotic statement against that senator, among other stuff. It's mostly because the current polls indicates that the final run will be between him, and the workers' party (PT) candidate Fernando Haddad, who's ex-president Lula's lawyer.

Yes, you heard this right. The other candidate is the lawyer of an ex-president that is in jail because of multiple corruption charges. It's a proxy candidate for the party. This is something Vice won't show in their videos because they have a left political leaning. Which I don't hold against them, but it's true.

Attached: Brazilian_huewhites.png (1243x609, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

With this in mind, people should realize that we're basically between a rock and a hard place. In one side, yes, we have a guy not that much dissimilar to Trump. Their rethorics are pretty similar, proto-dictators that thinks too highly of themselves while often spouting some grade A bullshit in public. Bolsonaro is definitely a bad choice as a president for Brazil, and setting aside fanatics and stupid revisionists plus religious zealots that are willing to vote for him no matter what, there should be plenty of better options among the presidential candidates. Bolsonaro is also homophobic (part of him being a religious zealot), he is a step towards dismantling secularism for brazilian democracy, he has shown a tendency of recrudescence against criminals, he keeps turning a blind eye for police brutality, he is pro gun rights, and a huge part of law propositions and whatnot he has made in his political career are basically for military forces, against human rights groups, against diversity groups, and for making criminal penalties and laws harsher, plus promoting gun rights. Typical macho asshole wannabe alpha male stuff. I hate this shit. I really do. This is why I watch Vice, and like several videos a whole ton of people hate.

Just so people know, we have 13 candidates running for president right now.

BUT, and this is a huge deal right here, the most likely candidate to go against Bolsonaro in an end run according to polls, is the de-facto lawyer for ex-president Lula. He entered in place of Lula who tried to run for election using all sorts of dirty tactics despite being in prison condemned of multiple charges of corruption schemes. He is a proxy guy who entered in the election run just recently. A puppet of the party and the people who wrecked the country's economy in the past half decade or so. He activelly defends that Lula should not be in jail, that it's all a conspiracy of the political opposition to put him in jail. He constantly attacks the legitimate press for being responsible for both putting Lula in jail and ousting Dilma.
He furthermore constantly discredits brazilian justice system, he says Dilma was unfairly impeached, he shows zero regrets and zero repetance on what his party has done to this country, and PT has shown several signs that they are willing to do everything they can to dismantle the current justice system, replace positions with cronies, and revert all the justice that has been done in recent years towards putting corrupt politicians in jail.
And to put things worse, this is all he's running for. A continuation of status quo. He has no active platform, he has only showed up in the very latest debates, he has nothing concrete to present other than being the guy who thinks Lula was unjustly arrested. He has no political career to talk about. He is a puppet of the party.

So it's super accurate to say that between Bolsonaro and Haddad, you are submitting to a logic of dictatorship either way. A military proto-dictator in one side, and a corrupt proto-communist in another. So it ends up in a decision dictated by historical distancing. The military dictatorship ended over 3 decades ago in Brazil, lots of people don't know or don't remember it's horrors, don't know how bad it was. The corruptocracy is still ongoing, everyone knows the consequences of it.

So, while I'd never discount the worries about putting someone like Bolsonaro in power, even if he is and acts like all the bad stuff critics are saying about him, we brazilians can still fight injustices on the streets. It's important to note that even if Bolsonaro comes to power and starts writting policies that are an exact reflection of his image, he can't supplant justice system power or our constitution. He can't single handedly go against brazilian diversity, he can't dismantle secularism by himself, he won't be a military dictator alone.
Much like Trump has limits as to what he can and cannot do, the same can be said of Bolsonaro. He is not a military dictator, he would be a democratically elected president with military leanings. He could definitely weaken a lot of things that were conquered with hard work by previous presidents, but he isn't actually gathering the military and enacting a coup.

The alternative though, is a continuation and a tacit approval of what has been happening to the country in recent years. It's an admission that we have to continue with a corrupt system that has put the country in bottom of the pit. There is no right choice in this election, only the least wrong choice.

And I'm frankly tired of all that has happened here in recent years. I'd rather see radical change that might wake up people and have a clear target to protest against, rather than succumbing to 4 more years of corruption, and having to watch all the white collar criminals we put in jail going free and taking the country over once more.

So, my current position is this: I will vote for a centrist. Neither Haddad, nor Bolsonaro. Because both are bad for democracy and for Brazil. But if it comes between then in the final run, I will begrugingly vote for Bolsonaro. Because Haddad deserves the vote of no one. And I guarantee you if Haddad wins, the future of Brazil is bleaker than if Bolsonaro gets elected. Because brazilians can't live like they are right now, and they will not accept 4 more years of workers' party. Blood will run in the streets. It is all but guaranteed that several sectors of the economy will go down in protests, it's the most likely scenario for a full blown popular revolt and revolution. And then, we'll really have a coup and the worst possible scenario.

Literally me

good job user

By literally I meant figuratively, of course.


what would mean for bracil if he wins?
what would change?

Not bad for convincing moderates but the guy gets several things wrong like thinking Bolso was in the wrong when he defended himself against Maria calling him a rapist or that everyone is with Bolso because PT is worse, when in reality many people are voting for his hardline proposals for public security and orthodox economic policies while anti-PTism is just a bonus.

People have guns to defend themselves against criminals who already have guns

Gun control needs congress approval and Bolsonaro has a small percentage of supporters and even the ones willing to make an alliance would never free gun control.

So you can forget about the whole gun meme. As a matter of fact, you can forget about anything Bolsonaro has ever promised, he has no congress support to get anything done. He is a literally meme president.

>bolso has a small percentage os supporters
Lol no

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good post OP, we never heard shit about the hard times brazil has been going through with their corruption but as soon as a right-wing candidate might win suddenly the media can't stop talking about it

You can forget about the guns, retard. It's not passing.

Congress is mostly conservative and he has support from the Bull, Bullet and Bible fronts which is comfortably more than majority of congress, he easily has more support than PT ever had without even having to bribe anyone.

In the remote chance you're not just shilling: You've been fed lies and are propagating them, OP. Therefore you're a faggot, as expected.

PT was and is always gonna be a thief's party. It's not Haddad the problem. It's PT.

> Typical macho asshole wannabe alpha male

He's a clean politician, which is a hard thing here. He also made enemies by not bowing to SJW agenda, which is why this game probably doesn't like him.

Brazil is a very dangerous place. We need people in power that are not controlled and doesn't support other criminals. Like the guy below said, being anti PT is merely a bonus.


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People already own guns, there will be just lax self defense laws and possibly people will be able to open carry again and buy rifles and whatnot.

Fucking trash

Pode Jair se acostumando, veado.
Military government NOW!!
Death to all commies and cucks!

Attached: Bolso artillery.gif (480x480, 3.99M)

Do you trust the CIA?

The US uses a series of proxies to influence foreign elections. The main proxy is the National Endowment for Democracy, NED, which receives $100 million in taxpayer dollars. The NED et al coordinates all of it’s activities with the State Department. The NED has a series of shell organizations to target specific ideological groups, social classes, and countries. The shell organization used to support center-left parties is the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the NDI.

The US is using these to influence the Brazilian election. The NED has published pieces on its website which call Bolsonaro a threat to democracy and the rule of law. Foreign Policy Magazine, the mouthpiece of the State Department, has also published similar attacks on Bolsonaro. The NDI published a piece on its website declaring that Haddad was a champion of anti-corruption and “social justice” while condemning Bolsonaro.

Clearly the US prefers Haddad to Bolsonaro. How deep does this clandestine support go?

Anti-Bolsonaro NED articles.
Anti-Bolsonaro article in the US State Department’s semi-official magazine.

Pro-Haddad and Anti-Bolsonaro NDI article.

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What are we gonna do about it?

Considering the Foro de Sao Paolo is in Brazil that would mean Bolsonaro is critical to the fight against global communism.

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which is more right wing, ultra, or extreme?

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actually this comment is crap. his remarks about the military dictatorship were CORRECT. also he wasn't an asshole against maria do rosário (I guess that's what he's referring to?). the rest is a bit OK, I guess

I meant the first part. still didn't read the rest