Wow what a surprise pol is retarted

wow guys look you were once again just spreading propaganda because it goes along with your narratives.

Attached: pol is slav.jpg (678x348, 28K)

Doesn't it bother you that ten years ago people would immediately call this out as scripted?

This reached the front page of plebbit, right after they were complaining that t_d spreads russian propaganda

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Half of the thread called it fake the fist time it was posted, fuck off


Are you retarded? Jow Forums is one person

Called it. There were three threads about this on Jow Forums all day for three or more days. They were obviously slide threads.

Aye, I think that might be due to that shrapnel lodged in my head

Fake propaganda against SJW femenism. Whats wrong?

no one gave a fuck about this

Doesn't matter if it's fake or not. It's completely believable that some brainwashed feminist would do something like this. Except for the fact she didn't get knocked the fuck out and arrested for doing it in Russia.

Anyone, who thought this was real, doesn't know Russian men. They would have gang raped her, then beaten her black & blue.

>That's not the kind of propaganda I like
No one cares retard

Jow Forums is unironically a dumping ground for various shills.

The funny thing is, sometimes I think you have CIA shills arguing with Kremlin shills because both sides of the argument are so delusional its hard to believe anyone actually believes what they are saying.

The fact that this was remotely believable says more about the current state of leftist than us.

there were dozens of people here calling it staged the day this story released, yeah you kikes sure tricked us

Next time without reddit spacing

t. reddit

but everyone said this was fake from the start

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The point is to win user. Principles are a luxury for peace time living among principled people.

In this case, Jow Forums is one person because everyone called this shit out as obviously fake.

Creating propaganda of something that naturally makes itself look bad is a waste of time and money. Plus it makes you look deceptive.

This comment was brought to you by the Kremlin.

people here often collectively judge blacks, but when one collectively judge pol then its suddenly only and individual opinion

an individual opinion*

i rarely even visit this place anymore
it's either shills or people ignorant enough to not realize it

I called it fake, but I assumed it was from Femen or some shit like that.

No shit it was shilled all fucking day for a week. Of course it's fake.

Literally every thread about this pointed out the obvious fakery. In real life, that woman would have been knocked out reflexively.

You got some holes in your logic there bro. You just collectively judged Jow Forums implying that I'm just like all other posters when I very well could not be. Just making my point for me again.
But that's not the point, niggers aren't people so it doesn't matter.

>EU vs disinformation

Polspastics will literally parrot something from some EU shill Soros propaganda mouthpiece because some shill shitposted it as thread

The utter state

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im pretty sure everyone knew it was staged im not a violent person but even I would make her drink that shit.

lol but i saw a bunch of feminists defending her so it was brilliant propaganda

this sub has already reached freezing degrees of IQ. The anti-sjw's will take any bait and swallowed it without scrutiny. That's why right wingers are prone to being manipulated like fucking cattle.

>we found a guy that said he was paid by the girl

Yeah. Nice reach you fucking retard.

Listen here me, I don't have to take this kind of shit from myself.

it should be spread though, russian propaganda is designed to divide and polarise the united states which is in the interests of white people globally