It's over, Trump set to destroy Earth

How does it feel that Donald Trump and all his low IQ supporters will have literally doomed society as we know it by 2040 because they were too obsessed with conspiracy theories?

The then damage from climate change is estimated to come in around $54 trillion, and will be significantly influenced by the continuous burning of coal, something Trump has put his support behind.

The report was conducted by 91 scientists from 40 countries who evaluated more than 6000 independant studies. It's over, Trump literally destroyed the planet. Ameritards truly are the worst. Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've been waiting for those ice caps to disappear since 2010.

There's nothing America can do to stop Global Warming at this point unless they kill everyone in China and India and then stop their own emissions shortly after.

At the point, coping with the effects and developing reversal technology are now the only things we need to worry about.
...Nevermind how much Canada will BENEFIT from global warming.

Burn the coal

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Hurry Mueller

I've had my mittens and parka ready since '75

There are articles from the 1980s and 1990s saying New York would be underwater by 2015. They said ice caps would be gone by 2015. The same people who said that are saying this.



Bring on Tropical Canada, I am more than ready.

Lol so white people benefit from Global warming while shitskins do not.

Remember to register to vote and vote on nov 6.
Be part of the red tsunami
Check your deadline date

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weren't we supposed to experience this by 2010?
what's the fucking narrative these days?

basically this, global warming is beneficial to developed world, only Third World is fucked.

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>China and India ruin the earth
>Blumphfkins you is bad

Pretty weird that I'm now just hearing about it a day after Kavenaugh was confirmed, almost like (((someone))) is making reparations.

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Many of our countries can only really support a half a year of agriculture, the less winter there is the more we will be able to farm, which would definitely be a boost to the economies of our countries. Not to mention the logistic burden of ice and snow all over the roads, that probably costs us millions of dollars in productivity alone.

Kek well played

>not including your trusting, loyal, companion of a dog

It’s like horsey didn’t even listen to country songs before writing this

which means the shitskins will be shipped into white countries as 'climate refugees'

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I love how the "scientifica community" loves to bitch and complain about climate change but doesnt bother to invent a solution.

Hey fuck tards, whenever you want to get cracking on fusion that would be great thanks.

Or literally anything else. Wind and Solar are useful but only as interim measures. Stop telling us there is a problem and invent a solution.

But if they stop peddling doomsday theories how will they get sweet government shekels?

Worry about where you go next then.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( )

Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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If only that were true. I would die smiling knowing that every disgusting pissant leaf was coming with me.

For someone who browses Jow Forums it's funny to watch people think so one dimensionally. Enjoy 100 million+ new refugees come in as people start to die in 3rd world countries and other world leaders like the US make up for their pollutive past by taking them in.

Not if we can shift the Overton Window before this happens, this should be what we are fighting for, when the climate starts destroying the shitskins we need to be prepared to fight them off.

The US already makes way more than it needs.

We'll get some right wingers in to say the pool is closed.

Big, if true.

GLobal warming is a hoax, much like how the ((((media))))) was saying that by 1990 the ozone layer would be gone of how by 1996 the amazon would be no more. Eat shit, kike.

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Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie

i for one welcome global warming , it will turn germany into africa all year so our refugees feel right at home , danke mama merkel!

for real this summer has been one of the hottest and i crave more , so many mulatto bitches and slavs indian negro chicks to look at got my rock hard 24/7.

This. Some engineerfag will do it then they'll findsomething else to make doomsday theories about

Let's all build nuclear plant in your backyard to avert the situation.

>everything we predicted is happening
>except that we can't provide a predictive model that's even remotely accurate
>just trust us

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(((Global Warming)))
Meanwhile, your typical environment friendly leftist:
Buy the newest iPhone! Eat Söy! Consume coconut oil! Local Gras fed meat is murder! Eat vegetables imported from China! Avocados, yummy! Lets collect all this worthless plastic toys and subscribe to all these loot crates!

T-t-t-t-t-the solution is clean energy, user.

Does that mean mother Russia is gonna become a temperate climate paradize then?

>(((conspiracy theories)))

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I don’t get all the anti-Donald shilling. The USA has never been doing better since he became president.

Remember when Florida was supposed to be underwater by 2000? Does anyone remember that shit? We've been warned about "catastrophic" climate change for decades, and the predictions always end up wrong

We will wise up by then. Walls or deport or fire upon on sight. Global crisis will cause isolationalism.

>how does it feel
Like sweet release
Hey man, the science is settled even if they have to readjust the model constantly. Florida will be underwater any day now.
Not bad, Zuid Afrika

>Earth doomed by 2040
>pic related was going to be my country by 2050

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>climate change
You complete air head.

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>I love how the "scientifica community" loves to bitch and complain about climate change but doesnt bother to invent a solution.

they need to first fine the cause

They said that every single year for the last 70 years.
Keep in mind that its been different every single year, from global warming to global cooling.

>tfw left handed
im a satans spawn?

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Yes, fellow leftie, we are. The lead marks on our left pinkie will be used to identify us when Armageddon comes

Murphy's law is a thing you know.

Last year, I got invited to a super-deluxe private resort to deliver a keynote speech to what I assumed would be a hundred or so investment bankers. It was by far the largest fee I had ever been offered for a talk—about half my annual professor’s salary—all to deliver some insight on the subject of “the future of technology.”

After I arrived, I was ushered into what I thought was the green room. But instead of being wired with a microphone or taken to a stage, I just sat there at a plain round table as my audience was brought to me: five super-wealthy guys—yes, all men—from the upper echelon of the hedge fund world. After a bit of small talk, I realized they had no interest in the information I had prepared about the future of technology. They had come with questions of their own.

They started out innocuously enough. Ethereum or bitcoin? Is quantum computing a real thing? Slowly but surely, however, they edged into their real topics of concern.

Which region will be less impacted by the coming climate crisis: New Zealand or Alaska? Is Google really building Ray Kurzweil a home for his brain, and will his consciousness live through the transition, or will it die and be reborn as a whole new one? Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system and asked, “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?”

The Event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, unstoppable virus, or Mr. Robot hack that takes everything down.

This single question occupied us for the rest of the hour.

Lol the media literacy of trumptards speaks for itself? B-b-b-b-but I read an article that said we'd be underwater by the year 2000 user!!?? Lol you read one clickbait article / theory decades ago and use that to shape your entire worldview. This new study was 90 leading scientists. from 40 different countries. 6000 other studies were looked at... Not to mention all the scientific advances that have happened in the past couple decades they have at their disposal.

Please link to me all those articles where there was this degree of legitimate research and work where they came to a conclusion that we'd be fucked by the year 2000 or whatever. Pro tip, you won't find one.

I don't care if the Trumpos don't want to support initiatives against climate change, just admit that it's because you don't give a fuck, you don't need to go flat earther.

>Enjoy 100 million+ new refugees come in

You know that you can just not let them in?

>global community

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They've let this many in, what makes you think they won't let any more in?

>underage doesn't remember the climate hysteria of the 90s
>underage doesn't remember when a future presidential candidate (Gore) was warning us about flooded Florida by 2000

Prove global warming wouldn't be a good thing. The only reason we had to start coming up with agriculture and shit is because it's too fucking cold out there. Rising water levels would bust up modern borders and open more waterways for open travel, rising temperatures would open the path for flora to boom and consume our excessive co2 and bring fauna up with it. One example would be cephalopods, which would boom in warmer water conditions. Scientists have already found octopi and squid to be a goldmine scientific information, and there's evidence showing our plant species are adapting to climate change.
If anything, tropical climes combined with technological innovation should result in our first global golden age.

In mid and high latitudes, the suitability and productivity of crops are projected to increase and extend northwards, especially for cereals and cool season seed crops (Maracchi et al. 2005; Tuck et al. 2006; Olesen et al. 2007). Crops prevalent in southern Europe such as maize, sunflower and soya beans could also become viable further north and at higher altitudes (Hildén et al. 2005; Audsley et al. 2006; Olesen et al. 2007). Here, yields could increase by as much as 30 per cent by the 2050s, dependent on crop (Alexandrov et al. 2002; Ewert et al. 2005; Richter & Semenov 2005; Audsley et al. 2006; Olesen et al. 2007). For the coming century, Fisher et al. (2005) simulated large gains in potential agricultural land for the regions such as the Russian Federation, owing to longer planting windows and generally more favourable growing conditions under warming, amounting to a 64 per cent increase over 245 million hectares by the 2080s. However, technological development could outweigh these effects, resulting in combined wheat yield increases of 37–101% by the 2050s (Ewert et al. 2005).

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The only way you're going to keep control of armed personnel after (((the event))) is to have Fallout 3 style slave collars on them. They probably won't like that very much.

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Can't tell if troll or full blown retard on a computer. Imagine dozens of millions of refugees in one country literally scraping at the walls to survive. Inevitably they herd like cattle into the next liveable place, fuck a border. Even if you are a larper with no morals and are like "hurr durr just shoot them all lol" you wouldn't have enough bullets or men to stop the millions of refugees storming in. Then that country is going to have a problem, the refugees are either going to keep hopping from place to place, or that country is going to make deals with other countries to get rid of them. Since countries like the US and UK will have been substantial contributors to said climate crisis, their world leaders and population will likely feel compelled to accept them. Denying them entry might not even be a viable option considering the overall world havoc that the refugee crisis will be producing.


but Florida and Northern Europe were already submerged by rising sea levels years ago....nothing will be left!

oh, wait

It's no use OP. Jow Forums is a lost cause on this issue. Even if they could agree that global warming is real, they'd probably celebrate it as a habbening

Sounds like clickbait garbage, just like all the articles about how NYC will be underwater by 2010, 2015, 2020...

Now all of those dates are obviously bullshit, so they've moved the goalposts to 2040 so they can keep getting gibs and fearmongering.

Even the Chinese are smart enough to understand a hoax when they see one. But not the libs.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Don't give a shit about religious fiction, we all die and the various energies get returned our surroundings.

>referencing media hysteria and a presidential campaign
That's how you get your news retard? I'll say it again, link me to reports where dozens of scientists analyzed substantial data and came together to say the same thing.

Plants EAT carbon dioxide. All we have to do is make more plants

>people don't run away when shot at
>there are more humans than bullets in
>global warming is real

The most hilarious and ironic part is you called someone else a "retard" though.

> tfw those (((scientists))) have been saying that the world was going to end ever since I was a child
> tfw even if it does, I will just move to the north and become a hyperborean

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Where do you think Gore and co. got their ideas from? Scientists have been consistently wrong on climate change effects for decades.

did you look at images, you'll be a climat refugee

It's not looking good folks.

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>implying climate change isn't simply more media hysteria
good goy

>Lol you read one clickbait article / theory decades ago and use that to shape your entire worldview.

Also you


Chances are said "scientists" that made such report are also hysterical far-left extremists with an agenda, so I'm not believing their lies.

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More like London was supposed to be underwater by now.


Climate is controlled by the sun. The kikes are in the business of disinformation to control the masses.

Actually, China and Niggered Infested EU will destroy the climate.

Australia is a soon to be formerly white nation. It's going to get flooded with rapefugees.

We past the tipping point about 10 years ago according to the same "scientists" who keep pushing the tipping point further and further back.
>settled science
fuck off


>Live in the mainland

lol costalcucks getting BTFO meanwhile my trip to the beach is about to get shorter

If you are that FUCKING STUPID that you can openly deny over a decade of 'consensus science' including literally hundreds of climate models and research papers that were either flat out wrong or fraudulently altered and fucked, and this has been exposed publicly more than once, then no one here is going to take the time to spoon-feed you reality you can look up within minutes by yourself.

Get fucked you fucking absolute twat. You're a fucking retard that is cancerous to reason and integrity and I hope you fucking drown.
>inb4 but you won't link me an article HURRRRRRRRRRR


>Consensus science
And that's when everyone stopped taking you seriously

It's not a clickbait article you autist, it's a multi-hundred page scientific report. Screencapping this entire thread and putting it in my Ameritards folder. You guys slay.

>Chart of the day: In 2017, US had largest decline in CO2 emissions in the world for 9th time this century


It seems like Trump is the only one actually doing anything about other than you guys giving lip service. Maybe if you built pipelines and used natural gas and deregulated the electricity market, you could be as successful as the us.

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>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2

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>consensus science

So science is decided by voting now?

I think it's safe to say that we wouldn't have found ourselves in this situation were it not for the damnable elves.

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Nice, I like how you left out the part where the US is still the world's highest per capita emitter. And you can thank states like California for putting in state emissions laws that make your country not look like a total meme.

>consensus science
>asked scientists if they believe humans effect the climate
>scientists say yes, everything effects the climate

And I’m almost 50 year old, so I’ve been hearing a different climate lie every decade.

>Our doom is upon us!
>In 22 years
>Everything that has been predicted is happening, please ignore nearly all predictions have contradictory predictions from one time or another.

50 years old and still a retard, kek

another jew made disaster


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You do realize US has lower per capita emissions than canada? Your quest marker is showing npc.

>briefly consider cutting off pinky
>missing pinky will still foom me as marker..
What do?

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Gee, you mean the people causing the most pollution should take the steps they see fit to try and stop it if they care instead of having massive government overreach and slow, unwieldy laws when individual corporations can simply take action on their own behavior? Whoa what a novel concept. But nah, its much better to have the whole world come to a single plan of action and if they can't then nobody does anything at all, better yet its better to have the whole world come to the consensus that the US and Europe need to cripple themselves and funnel massive amounts of money to the 'developing' world so they can make giant smog machines and not give a fuck because they're so poor and needy.

The US is at fault for climate change because China and India are polluting the world, and for not funneling money into the Paris Agreement that did next to nothing in fixing the climate?
Fucking stop.

Calling people retards because you're making scientific claims without any kind of reproduceable experimentation, eh? You understand how the scientific method works right?