F to pay respects. She was literally one of us

F to pay respects. She was literally one of us.

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yes and /b/ was also mostly libertarian back then

no tranny hate thread

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>posting from 2011
>getting trips in that based top left pic

Shes more an oldfag than probably 90% of the people on here right now. Do you think she's literally an Angel my lads?

Didn't guys marry 13 year olds back in the crusade times?

/b/ was something different, then it became a shitty t_D

she used to be then /b/ shifted to normiebook 1.5 and pointless boards were added.

/b/ fooled by a larping stalker... color me surprised.

Why are shills all over this Taylor Swift?? Makes me think something bigger is going on here

she still is one of you OP. don't worry your
little froggy head off.

you are right user. thanks for the comfort.

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I remember this LARP.

What happened to tay?

t. been under a rock lately


You guys sperged to much and she became a democrat. Prolly Kavennaugh pushed her over.

Anyway I do not care.

There was no way for tay tay to remain attached to reality. When you have $300mm dollars there's no way to stay connected to regular people with regular problems. She started dressing like a whore and eventually, all the real people were pushed out of her life and she became surrounded by jews, leftists and liberal celebrity scum. All of them whispering their little subversions in her ear. The femin virus has taken her.

she promoted some (((democrats))). It is sad..hopefully she will be freed in the end

Taylor is an independent woman, she is free to do what she wants, get over it, the world doesn't need autistic cunts like us.

Can you make your shilling anymore obvious?