Rank the following in order of importance from most important to least important, and defend your choice:
Age Political Leanings Relationship to Father Socioeconomic Background Physical Attractiveness Height Height of Parents/Grandparents European Genes Eye Color Intelligence Number of Previous Sexual Partners Education Subservience Loyalty
Demure behaviour Homemaking skills Patient with children Has basic education on nation's history and culture
Cooper Cooper
>Has basic education on nation's history and culture Not necessary because the education system lies to them, you can teach them later
Elijah Lewis
Loyalty Subservience Number of Previous Partners Intelligence European Genes Age Political Leanings Relationship to Father Height of Parents grandparents Education Height Eye Color
Benjamin Flores
Loyalty is the only thing that matters. If they are loyal, everything else falls into place. If they are loyal, they will respect your desires for them to improve themselves. If they are loyal, one big source of stress and uncertainty is eliminated from your life.
Robert Thompson
>age: 16-28 >Political Leanings: Zionist/Settler/conservative >Socioeconomic Background: Any >Physical Attractiveness: 7-10 >Height: Any >Height of Parents/Grandparents: Any >European Genes: Ashkenazi > Eye Color: Any >Intelligence: Any >Number of Previous Sexual Partners: 0 >Education: Any >Subservience: Any >Loyalty: N/A
Joseph James
>ID: S0G >translation: ZOG + Söy
Evan Moore
Age - 16-24, perfect breeding age Political leanings - doesn't matter - I think Antifu is the perfect looking woman...most of them will change their affiliations based on whatever their husband prefers Relationship to father - not damaged. Hopefully he disciplined her well >Physical attractiveness - Antifu is perfect. She's not Emily Ratajkowski or some other oversexed looking slut, but she's still highly attractive (and pretty, which is important) Height - Just not taller than me Height of Parents/Grandparents - Don't care European Genes - Yes preferably 100% British/North West European Eye Color - Doesn't matter Intelligence - Women can't be intelligent - just not legally retarded Number Of Previous Sexual Partners - depends on how well she fits the other criteria. If she's had a few but is 100% perfect on the others, that's alright. Obviously you'd prefer a virgin, but what can you do. Education - Literally don't care. It's unimportant. As long as she knows how to cook, clean, balance a budget etc. Subservience - I mean, as long as she respects her family and her husband that's fine. I don't want a doormat. Loyalty - Has to be 110% all in committed. This scene from Casino says it all. youtu.be/qSpoGFMEyks
Blake Sullivan
Ranked from most to least:
>Intelligence Always #1. INTJ or die >Loyalty Tie with intelligence >Physical Attractiveness A must, let's be honest >Subservience To a point, but it needs to be there >European Genes Given >Height Ideally 4-5 inches shorter, which is where my current girlfriend is >Number of Previous Sexual Partners The number isn't nearly as important as who said previous sexual partners were, if you catch my drift >Height of Parents/Grandparents Important for the future >European Genes Given >Education Given >Political Leanings Couldn't really care less >Socioeconomic Background I'll make the money. >Relationship to Father Not all that important IMO. >Age Assuming she's close to mine idc >Eye colour the fuck
Bentley Morris
>The number isn't nearly as important as who said previous sexual partners were, if you catch my drift
>Age >Political Leanings >Relationship to Father >Socioeconomic Background >Physical Attractiveness >Height >Height of Parents/Grandparents >European Genes >Eye Color >Intelligence >Number of Previous Sexual Partners >Education >Subservience >Loyalty
where the fuck are health habits, i dont date women who drinkalchocol or smoke, that is a red flag she is a possible roastie, becausemost likely she learned those habits while clubbing with her slut friends
Ryder Gomez
dude you listed all important and asked us to rank them, thats hard man.
European Genes Loyalty Number of Previous Sexual Partners Intelligence Physical Attractiveness Age Height Subservience Height of Parents/Grandparents Eye Color Political Leanings Relationship to Father Socioeconomic Background Education
Ehhh without putting more thought into it than it deserves. Lean toward physical and genetical attributes rather than social, although I wont be dating any whore nor any unloyal backstabber either. Intelligence is more important than subservience, and height is mostly where it is to avoid outliers in height like midgets and shit. Relationship to father is an important one, but the father might be an asshole too. Case by case basis. Much the same thing with socio/eduational background. Intelligence is more important than education, many of the biggest retards I have ever met in my whole life are well educated. Prime example, American college.
Angel Peterson
>Things that matter: Age (must be at lower end of childbearing years) Physical Attractiveness (doesn't need to be 10/10, but no fatties) Euro Genes (I want white babies) Number of Previous Sexual Partners (no roasties) Loyalty (life will be miserable if you can't trust her) Religion (not on list but very important)
The rest are nice to have, but not essential.
Elijah Myers
Intelligence Education Loyalty Political Leanings Subservience Physical Attractiveness European Genes Number of Previous Sexual Partners Age Height Relationship to Father Socioeconomic Background Eye Color Height of Parents/Grandparents
Luke Foster
>Left to Right Fuck Kill Kill Marry Kill Kill Fuck Kill Fuck
Benjamin Garcia
Remember to register to vote and vote on nov 6. Be part of the red tsunami Check your deadline date voat.co/v/VoterRegDeadlines
That's all you need. Women are otherwise interchangeable.
Carson Morris
Is it even possible to find a white virgin over the age of 17 now?
Isaiah Morris
>Relationship to Father >Not all that important You haven’t dated may women have you user? Women need direction and to see structure. Without a strong male in their early lives they can’t be expected to create what they don’t know with a husband.
>Political Leaning >Virgin >European >Loyalty Failing to meet any of those is a red flag and a giant no
>blonde >blue eyed >attractive >good relationship with parents These are all nice to have
Everything else is manageable, I don’t care if she’s poor or not since that’s pretty irrelevant
Easton Scott
I agree with this point. Checked. You married?
Caleb Hughes
>Everything else is manageable, I don’t care if she’s poor or not since that’s pretty irrelevant My thinking here is that a trailer park girl is probably of low quality stock and won't be a safe bet long term, whereas an upper class girl will probably be more reliable. What do you think?
Chase Cruz
From left to right:
No - No - No - No - No - Yes - No - Hell No - Maybe
William Nguyen
Loyalty is the most important and attraction is nice and not being a whore is the most important or one of the most important. As for eye and hair colour I am not fussy but I have a preference to darker hair
Xavier Cook
Yes - it is 100 times more difficult with women I dated who did not have a dad around. It isn’t a deal breaker, but it takes a lot more work to build good family habits and structure.
Grayson Diaz
Depends, is she poor trash, or just a little less money than you? It’s a matter of perspective really depending on your background.
Isaiah Hernandez
I'm just wondering about prospects in general. I come from a poor background but I make good money as I started my own business when I was young.
Anthony Nguyen
Not in order of importance: >16-22 >conservative, at least redpilled on niggers for ease of redfucking >good relationship with father >lower-middle class >7-10 out of 10, big boobs preferable >168-180cm >irrelevant >white Dutch >blue >women don't have intelligence >none >if at all possible, hasn't gone to college/uni and won't go, in favour of making and raising children instead >no cheating, else get beat >undivided loyalty
Not asking much, am I?
Leo Nelson
Yes, if you go to a traditional church.
Brody Mitchell
You should pick the kind of woman you would have wanted as a mother and the kind of girl you'd want as a daughter. Nothing is more important.
Joshua Nelson
European Genes Loyalty Subseivence Number of Previous Sexual Partners Intelligence Political Leanings
Benjamin Rogers
What denomination should I investigate? I went to a Catholic church once, but there were only Vietnamese there, and I don't know how to talk to women in church. It just feels wrong. >h-hey want to get some coffee after we're done with the festivities?
Logan Sanders
These are all whores.
Logan Johnson
Grayson Gutierrez
Fair point, my logic on this however is the fact that wealth doesn’t determine the person like other attributes do. Poor != trash like being a non-virgin or left political leaning does.
My family came here from Austria when I was a kid, we were poor at first but now we’re much better off. I’m a civil engineer and my parents are both on two different company board of directors. Poor is just a circumstance, of course you must look at the context of why they’re poor.
Eli Baker
1. Euro Genes 2. Number of Previous Sexual Partners 3. Age 4. Loyalty 5. Height of Parents/Grandparents 6. Physical Attractiveness 7. Subservience 8. Intelligence 9. Height 10. Politics 11. Eye Color 12. Relationship to Father 13. Socioeconomic Background 14. (lack of) Education not definitive but probably fairly accurate
Part of my interest in that particular metric (economic background) stems from the fact that I need to find a wife ASAP and I know I'd have better luck traveling to Appalachia and scooping one up, I'm just not sure if they're of lower quality somehow compared to the future suburban soccer moms from my local area
Jack Anderson
Look at it from a different perspective, a lot of leftist trash whores came from rich suburb households. I would say wealth statues is pretty independent from quaility, your other red flags should be able to filter out undesirables.
Camden King
this. if she's intelligent and has good physiognomy it probably doesn't matter how wealthy her family is
Grayson Wright
Relationship to father can be difficult to judge though. An indulgent father can be just as disastrous as an absent father. It's just one part of a larger psychological profile.
Chase Sullivan
The other thing is that poor people tend to be genetically inferior, e.g. lower IQ, which worries me. I don't want dumb kids because I settled down with a loyal but retarded woman.
Tyler Long
relationship to father loyalty physical attractiveness subservience age >18
rest i dont give any fucks about.
Cooper Powell
1. Must be willing to have 7 children, no contraception ever allowed 2. Virgin 3. Must be less than 25 (hard to make 7 children otherwise) 4. Polish, maybe if I get desperate Belarusian would be allowed 5. Must have good instincts and strong Christian morals, and none of that "Jesus forgives whatever thoterry I might do" bullshit 6. Doesn't want to have a career 7. Must have long hair (below the shoulder, shorter haired girls have already given up), natural hair colour prefered, none of that fake blond basic bitch tint
Jason Sanders
Not in order: >Age: my age +-5 years >Political leanings: racist, anti-communist >Socioeconomic background: doesn't matter >Physical Attractiveness: not fat >Height: anything, really. >Height of p/gp: doesn't matter >European Genes: Yes. Northern or Central Europe (not slavic or southern european basically) >Eye colour: Blue or Green >Intelligence: preferably, smarter than me >NOPSP: one or two max. >Education: doesn't matter if she's smart >Subservience: no, I need a companion, not a slave >Loyalty: as loyal to me as I to her.
also: >Hair colour: light-brown or red >Bad habits: doesn't smoke and doesn't drink at all and under any circumstances
Joseph Sullivan
Who old are you user?
Asher Williams
Leo Perry
well, if you're trying to date low class women you should definitely make her individual intelligence a high priority to counteract the problem of bad stock
>>Subservience: no, I need a companion, not a slave >>Loyalty: as loyal to me as I to her. m'blyat
Adam Brooks
patrician taste
Ryder Miller
please be 9 or 6
Jacob Rivera
European Intelligence political leaning Loyalty Relationship to father Attractiveness (which means don't be a fucking whale and/or deformed) Age (be relatively close to my age) The rest is fluff I don't care about
None of the rest of your list matters. Women shouldn't be involved in: Politics Educating anyone that isn't their children
Lucas Barnes
Any of the pale ones please, pale butts and pink assholes look nice in doggystyle.
Dylan Peterson
>using red you couldn't have picked a worse colour
Daniel Thompson
Noah Roberts
Loyalty and Subservience don't correlate.
Jackson Cruz
>None of the rest of your list matters >wants to make little mestizo babies
Jaxson Gutierrez
Last one is super qt Probably already have a Chad as BF
Noah Murphy
Age: 12
Daniel Moore
I'm already metis, I'm as much of a cultural mut as has ever existed.
John Clark
>short, stupid, nonwhite kids based and redpilled
Kevin Evans
Ah I was just asking to see if university was an option, generally it might be leftist but some deparentments like engineering or medical is where the educated quality women are. I think the safest bet is a church is rich suburb areas, it usually filters out the rich leftist women. Alternatives would be other high class areas where leftist don’t usually go.
Sebastian Richardson
William Gonzalez
>0 no waifu for you
Colton Edwards
Lets see
Ian Morales
Pls be 9
Robert Carter
thank God
William Allen
Adrian Kelly
Asher Ramirez
physical attractiveness and loyalty at the top intelligence and political leanings at the bottom. i want an apolitical wife who has an average intelligence. women who are too intelligent are a turn off. you are asking to be cucked. she will want someone more intelligent than you
political women are the worst whether they are on the left or the right.
>relationship to father ideally doesn't have one so i can be father figure and she will defer to me on what fatherhood means
>socioeconomic background ideally lower to middle class
>physical attractiveness should at least be a 7
>height no more than 5'9"
>height of parents/grandparents what?
>european genes obviously
>eye color any as long as european
>intelligence smart enough to see through society's bullshit but not enough to see through mine
>number of previous sexual partners at most 2
>education at least finished high school (unless age is lower)
>subservience shouldn't be cringe in terms of humility, but definitely respects that my view is better than hers
>loyalty at least until the kids are out of the house, then we can talk about potential separation and all that if need be
Bentley Cooper
>implying it is a genetic certainty that smart parents produce smart offspring Sure, the likelihood is higher, but there's no certainty at all. The rest of the traits are more or less attractiveness preference.
>wanting a wife whose eye colour is not the same as yours. Based
Grayson Carter
>Age Within five younger than me. Won’t really do more than a few years older. >Political Leanings Had to at least be a civ nat conservative. >Relationship to Father No daddy issues. Ever. >Socioeconomic Background Literally don’t care >Physical Attractiveness I’m a 6.5 so that or higher >Height Slightly shorter than me. I like tall grills. >Height of Parents/Grandparents Don’t care >European Genes Since I’m a Mongol I’d like a qt Kazakh or Uzbek or Buryat with huwyte admixture >Eye Color Don’t care >Intelligence Needs to at least make up for my memory and short-term thinking deficits. My IQ is 120 so around that range. >Number of Previous Sexual Partners Four is absolute maximum. I’m around that number. >Education Doesn’t matter as long as she’s not (((educated))). I can make up for her deficits on that front. >Subservience >Loyalty I’m known for being extremely loyal and independent. I don’t need a Handmaiden nor do I need a maverick. Just want a normal girl desu.
Good relationship with her father is probably the best all around metric. If her dad is an upstanding guy you can respect, and they have a good relationship, you know you've got a keeper.
Josiah Morgan
Ability to deepthroat/10 Ability to be a reasonable single mum/10
t. Chad
Xavier Wright
Bentley Butler
What if her father is a leftist cuck but she didn’t follow in his footsteps?
Owen Bell
>at least until the kids are out of the house, then we can talk about potential separation and all that if need be why is Jow Forums full of cuck fetishists?
European Genes - anything else utterly unthinkable! Loyalty - should be unnecessary to even mention. Physical Attractiveness - you have to be able to get it up! Political Leanings - can't put up with arguments about this shit every day. Intelligence - maybe "wisdom" would be better, but you need a certain base level to build on. Number of Previous Sexual Partners - slags are ruined. Relationship to Father - very indicative. And to rest of family too. Age - I'm not Macron. Education - if defined as general knowledge and awareness of the world, rather than paper qualifications. Socioeconomic Background - this is mostly a lottery of birth. Height - We are sexually dimorphic. Little girls can have big sons. Height of Parents/Grandparents - Many were malnourished, this is meaningless. Eye Color - who cares? Subservience - For Moros.
Oliver Myers
> t. virgin about chads
Connor Rodriguez
>Age - I'm not Macron. kek
Noah Murphy
1. Subservience 2. Loyalty 3. Number of physical partners 4. Age 5. Physical attractiveness 6. European genes the rest are pretty unimportant some are far more important than the rest but I'm too lazy to organize them
intelligence being the least important because all women are idiots yes. all of them.
Oliver Peterson
she has to not be brown like that brown one that sticks out like a turd in a freshly bleached toilet bowl