What mental illness is this called?

What mental illness is this called?

Serious question btw

Attached: 43514595_2414355248591241_6905237789017636864_n.jpg (539x960, 76K)

If that's real LOL
just admitted he wasn't just going for the phone.

Trump derangement syndrome

No way that's real. Someone that isn't him set that up.

persecution complex but he's lying so it's pathological attention whoring.
the hair salon he worked for let him go because he was a political hot potato?

It's not toxic masculinity.

>begging for cash from commies
>bashing thr fash don;t pay so good
> I believe its a crime to collect donations under false pretenses so whoever is doing this should probably remove it before they;re prosecuted for fraud or as I prefer to call it ;"Bunco"



Histrionic personality disorder.

it's called "A fake gofundme page that i hope retarded fall for". Congrats OP, you have it.

It's called "I dun goofed and I know it but I hope Soros will chip in".

This is not a victim, this is an opportunist who thinks he deserves funding for assault and battery. He should be in jail, and if this is his attitude, that kicking a woman in the face is "bashing the fash" then I think he should be harmed equally to what he gave this woman. This child refuses the basic lessons, whip him, I think.

this, kys OP

It's more like toxic femininity than anything if you really think about it. It rips away their testosterone and leaves a useless, pussified husk behind.

By the way, what is his name again?

this is what happens when you listen to the jew

> "I bashed one good"
admission of guilt, that is, right there

There are many people like that
Meet the german SJW (who currently creates english content) Messy Elliott
All he does is bitchting on social media, that he can't afford his rent and the people should give him money because a job would not be an option for him
He even looks like the fag in OPs post

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-08 um 18.25.55.png (507x576, 432K)

Toxic faggotry

How do we get gofundme disabled for fraud?

Serious question

>Histrionic personality disorder.
aka "female"

Based. He's making nore money than you, all while kicking your ass.

Crony capitalism

I'd call it victimization syndrome.

Jewish isn't a mental illness

Jordan here. I am gay, but this is fake AND gay.

link this shit so we can ruin his life further