>Brett Kavanaugh just hired the Supreme Court's first all-women law clerk team
This is why we fight
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The turnover will be huge when they all want kids.
>We want as few white men as possible we just want it done conservatively.
Wtf? I missed that on the first pass.
>didn't hear the story where he gave one of his staffers full maternity leave in a crucial moment in his career
I wish you still had your empire so you could come wreck us again.
Rbg hires Jew law clerks
Why isn't he redpilled, yet?
He shouldn't hire women or blacks. Sigh. He's just inviting trouble.
All his law clerks should be white bois. Needs to stop pandering. He's in.
Remember to register to vote and vote on nov 6.
Be part of the red tsunami
Check your deadline date
Wait, so he hired one black law clerk? I assumed it was at least three or something. And how did everybody get on the same page with the "as many as Ginsburg has hired ever" comparison?
i think the libs were right on this one
Can you depose our Government and put Nigel Farage in charge please?
As someone who has actually employed people, even if this is a PR stunt, this is a horrible move. Nobody wants to hire black people because at any moment they could accuse you of a racism claim. That would destroy the reputation of your business because people are gay.
I knew he would cuck out completely from this point on to appease the Jew. The entire point of the fake rape shit had nothing to do with stopping Kavanaugh, it was about intimidation.
Optics you fucking idiots, this is called "rubbing it in" - YOU WERE WRONG leftist fucks. No watch these minoritites and women make reasonable decisions leading to the downfall of the fucking cabal and the return of this planet to its fucking ppl.
or else we kill him
oh man, all those incoming rapes
>voting will save you goy
Let the rape train commence!!!!
Kavanaugh should get with the times. Colleges are pumping out SJWs at an alarming rate. That black he hired better be a Clarence Thomas clone.
He's not a top target for infiltration by the left. Hiring women is an actual security risk for him. It's great that the women he hired in the past bailed him out and had his back but still... the harpies on the left are out hunting.
What sort of people does Clarence Thomas hire?
What a fucking idiot. He really is a Bush Conservative. Trump, we all rallied behind your pick, even when he was accused of rape. Next time pick someone who isn't going to shoot themselves in the foot.
This was already decided before the accusations even started brainlets
He's now a top target for leftist infiltration. If he doesn't vet his hires, he's gonna get done in.
But seriusly now - Ofc hes aware, ofc hes hired /ourguys ... there are both females and blacks that are redpilled and on the train to a rightous world. It looks better if they are of the same stock as the enemy when they pound them in the ass. Then the enemy cant chant "White men White men White men" now they are going to be blacked and femaled.
This is a smart move.
Tried telling you guys he was a cuck through and through, and would bend over backwards to get liberals to like him rather than the delusional punished meme faggots were pushing.
He was a disastrous pick and will probably Fuck us over at every opportunity
Great decision then, great decision now.
But.... Now they are all suspected diversity/EO hires. It is fairly obvious that they were hired because of what they are and not who they are.
>Look, we all wan as few White Men in positions of power as possible. We just want it done conservatively.
Why not just hire the best person for the job?
hes a neocon didnt people tell you this before kek here comes the nigger hordes to rape your wifes
He hired these people pre-confirmation hearing so they could be ready upon confirmation. That’s standard practice
On the plus side, all nonsense aside, he really is quite hardcore on immigration and economic nationalism rulings.
Because that's racist
The only good thing about this cuck is no way will he repeal abortion. That hurt our demographic share more that help it
>trying is gay
>just take it goy
I think it might be sarcasm, but I can't tell for sure because of autism.
[spoiler]Rare merchant for grabbing attention.[/spoiler]
Just so he can rape them all! Someone please help those poor girls!
within 1 year one of them will call him out for sexual assault
Yeah, it's sarcasm. John Rivers is a good goy. gab.com
The Daily Caller guy, though, no, that's just cuckservatism
Now he can rape some black and white women he hired. Yes. Who's doing the raping now!
he did that so he could rape them at work, what a sick fuck
They don't think like that.
Social media is the greatest thing to ever happen to the right. Liberals dominate social media. They dominated to a point where they actually go out of their way to ban conservatives. They lurk on social media all day and whip themselves into a hyper liberal mental state in an attempt to get high off of likes, comments, etc. On social media you can never be liberal enough.
The problem is they then go into the real world and bring that nonsense with them and everyone looks at them like they're insane. So what do they do? They go back to social media to reaffirm their beliefs and entrench themselves further.
I bet he asks the HVAC guy to turn off the fresh air so he can recycle the stank coming off those black women.
Wonder if he wears panty liners to soak up all the precum. I mean, I would.
You are completely retarded.
>they spend millions and millions of dollars trying to persuade you to vote
>voting doesn't do anything
pick one.
>thinking he hired 4 women today
those were his picks for weeks, probably before even his confirmation was on the way
>neocon cuckservative does neocon cuckservative things
>when the GOP is so hip to their stupidity that they churn out articles that spin "Kav hired the person he needed for the job" to "LOOK AT HOW WRONG YOU GUYS WERE HA ITS OK THOUGH WE KNOW YOU'RE WRONG AND THIS IS WHY WE PICKED KAV! HE BTFOS THE 'WHITES' AND DOESNT AFRAID OF ANYTHING"
it's pretty funny to see
Is RBG still capable?
how is this best defined?
Thanks for the 10000+ threads shilling for this guy over the past month and how redpilled this ordeal will make him. nu-Jow Forums is literally worse and more retarded than the_donald at this point.
yes soo? whats your excuse?
The sort of women who would work for Kavanaugh after those allegations aren't a problem.
he's a jesuit, he's there on behalf of jacob(satan)
to thwart lilith, satans wife, from destroying
america. because satan wants to keep you all
here as his slave. why do you think frogs are
associated with satan.
jesuits are pushing the race mixing agenda,
they're called The Nicolaitans. why do you
think the core of the earth has NICKLE.
the kikes are in big fucking trouble because
they are made from DIRT. dirt cannot over
power nickle no matter how hard it tries.
the kikes are about to become the biggest
losers in front of everybody.
Because jew Ginsberg has literally only hired 1 nigger in the entire 250 years she's been in the legal profession
nobody cares
What do you mean "is" you limey faggot
>making blacks work for money
das raciss
It’s not racist if you are white and male kek
This, I was surprised to see so many black femmes running as Republicans in my own state when it came time to check who's running
being a little cuck to leftie talking points isn't good optics
This too, these have to be level headed women
Radical race realists can spew nigger this and that all they want, but upstanding black femmes who hate niggers because they had to live amongst them and claw their way out of the hood are our most important and truly redpilled allies
There's lots of blacks who hate niggers and nigger culture, it's just that most of them can't rage super pubically about it
> as few white men ...as possible
Inb4 ‘so he can rape them’