If men on pol knew how the dating market is for women you would abandon all your beliefs in a second. Your idea that "hurr durr women are degenerates" is because you're men and only see your side. Now put yourself in a woman's place and ask yourself, honestly: "how many men want to marry and be a good husband and not just fuck around?"
In case you are unable to do this thought experiment, let me help you: nearly every single man only wants to pump and dump you, and when you find someone that wants to commit he's a neckbeard maggot that wants to stay at home all day playing video-games.
How exactly is a woman supposed to be a stay at home mom when her husband can barely provide for himself, let alone for a family?
If men on pol knew how the dating market is for women you would abandon all your beliefs in a second...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Most women are bad
>Most men are bad
>I guess this is my excuse to fuck some Chads and forget about ever being good!
Women want a man who is (in order of importance):
>fucking TALL did I not say that
>income over 70k/yr (starting value for a broke bitch, if you even earn a dollar up that figure to 120k)
>quiet as a mouse
>does what I say
>aggressive towards other men
and that's about it. too bad all those factors don't really come together in men who frequent dancehalls and bars. a person like that is often asked to leave, or doesn't want to be there.
Why is having sex so meaningful to you? It's just a hole
>I want to act like a whore but be a housewife
Dating requirements for men:
Good looking
Steady job
Own a car/able to drive
Own house/ have a stable living arrangement
Be funny
Be fit
Be smart
Be creative
Be out going
Be caring
Be good with children
Be 6 foot+
Dating requirements for women:
Be marginally attractive I'm talking 5/10+
Don't bitch about every little thing
Don't eat like a hippo every day
Yeah dating is so fucking hard for women am I right?
1 post from this id
meme flag
too many variables.
>Dating requirements for women:
Well in today's world I'm considered to have high standards because I want a girl that's not a fucking whale.
t. manlet
I have a career that can provide for a housewife and 5+ children.
Simply show me a blonde haired blue eyed virgin 18-22 year old woman with a good temperament (not uppity) and i'll marry her in a heartbeat
lets play a game....
lets guess how many bastard children this cunt has
im going with 3 from 2 different dudes
>I want to find a man who provides for me and our family, so I can be a traditional stay at home mom and a good woman to a good man.
>There aren't a lot of good men out there; I mostly run into mansluts and neckbeards.
That's a tough situation. So what is the solution for women?
>Maybe I'll just fuck like an unpaid prostitute, kill my unborn children, dress like a slut, hang out with far-left idiots, drink like a sailor on shore leave, eat like a whale... and just wait until maybe a respectable man comes along and wants to build a relationship with someone like me.
I'll admit, women are the smarter gender. I'm just too simple to understand the high-level strategy going on here.
Well I'm 20 and my gf is 20, why would she want to marry an old faggot like you
>"how many men want to marry and be a good husband and not just fuck around?"
>i am dating only 2m tall mercedes owning fitness loving guys who also wealthy as fuck
>everyone else are maggots
> why men see me as whore?
> why did my 1500 photos in Instagramm , where i visually shout out to the world with my spread legs in yoga pants, not make it clear i want a partner in life!
I don't understand the question.
This is the recourse hat women get for the divorce laws, child support, sexual liberation, and hypergamy.
No self respecting man would ever marry a woman who wasnt a virgin.
No self respecting man wants a woman to divorce rape him thereby taking his house, children, and half of his retirement.
Women brought this upon themselves.
ad hominems don't work on the internet sweetie
i'm in my 20s
What women really require:
"Eye contact of a proper slowly growing into lovers stares over the course of 1-3 encounters culminating in longer looks into each other's eyes by the time you ask her out"
"To be the focus of your attention"
"To be mirrored every third move naturally I;e: if she takes a drink or shifts posture do so as well into a slightly different form of her behavior, but don't over do it"
"When you finally fuck her, basically hatefuck her until she's sore. Even if you cease to enjoy it continue until you can't possibly anymore. If you cum it's irrelevant unless she like cum, then cum in her mouth and make her swallow."
"Bathe and don't be 10klbs unless you can master the eye contact routine"
"Don't be a sperg and carry on a charming Convo"
"Make a move goddamn it I;e: kiss her, touch her breasts finger her"
And that's it.
Looks, job, status all irrelevant
Eye contact and mild hypnosis
>No self respecting man would ever marry a woman who wasnt a virgin.
you're not wrong but the issue is
oh im not saying you're wrong
im just saying that you're clearly a manlet
Then why not just say 18-30 year old
I currently have three gfs and counting
Yall should be happy most men are little bitches, less competition for you in the dating pool
I have known ambitious, honorable, loyal, successful, traditional men who have had significant trouble finding a woman willing to dedicate themselves to a relationship with such a man.
I have never known nurturing, fit, family-oriented, loyal, unbitchy women who have ever had trouble finding men willing to dedicate themselves to a relationship with such a woman.
sex before marriage is degenerate. this pick up artist techniques only work on whores. i will only marry a decent and respectable woman, a woman who is not going to go gaga over some sophomoric, gay, roosh mind games
It's easy to get gf
But is hard to want to be with gf....
if i want 5 kids, why would i marry a 30 year old? i don't want autistic children.
When it comes to dating, I'm not even sure what level of transdimentional pill I am on.
OP isn't wrong. People are scum. Finding the perfect mate is impossible, and everyone settles for less-than-perfect but pretends its perfect. This either works for them, or it doesn't.
I a full-blown aspie I cannot settle for less than perfection. I have concluded that dating is just a whole bunch of social positioning in order to avoid having to raise armies of children with different people. It is more organisational than emotional, and that is fine, but once you realize this, dating really becomes pointless. You either spread your seed, or you do not.
I will be called a degenerate for this post. You are not wrong. I do not care.
Lol no works on any female.
It's like a blind spot in their mind.
I have no interest anyway.
Just got divorced from real marriage.
I'm just sad now I no have real love.
Real love>sex anyway
I think most men are in between somewhere which is why we are seeing a sharp decline in marriages in recent years but havent had a full blown MGTOW black pill societal collapse
>throw away shekels on eharmony account
>holy shit sheboons everywhere
>the only whites are 300lbs or have black kids
Really says something about the dating market. Chaste white women with self control have zero difficulty settling down.
stop dating whores then
>give women social safety net essentially telling them they're entitled to chads commitment just because he fucks them, because he could get stuck with child support and have to pay them insane amounts of money
>act surprised when women fuck no one but chads out of their league who don't care about them and regular men lose hope of ever having a partner sincerely interested in them and not their money
agree things are fucked for all sides. It has to be this way, cause if men and women get along, they make babies, for which there is no room.
>Chaste white women with self control have zero difficulty settling down.
Yep. There's about 10 decent, respectable white men for every 1 decent, respect white woman. I'm thinking about learning an eastern european language and spending some time over there.
>Muh whores
Sometimes I like to be alone and have some quiet time to think.
Even a good girlfriend/wife prevents that nowadays.
Good ones are especially clingy with your time.
Resting heart rate below 73 imo
Too fat otherwise
If a woman wants a traditional marriage, they have to act like a traditional woman
Why this is so difficult for people to understand is beyond me
MGTOW is exploding in popularity
men are collectively saying who the fuck cares fuck these thots
i'm not surprised the dating market is as fucked up as it is but at the same time you'd think it shouldn't be an absolutely impossible to task to find a single western white woman who's not an abject whore.
Again, just be something special.
Chad might be tough but you can be something "wrong".
Chad is a mere man, you are an user.
He doesn't stand a chance against what you can do.
My wife just stepped out of the shower and slipped into the satin robe and bra/panty set I bought her at Victoria's Secret yesterday. She approached me while I'm standing here in the doorway smoking a marlboro and informed me she "got it all smooth". She then pulled her panties to the side with one hand, and with the other she took my hand and glided it over her smooth pussy lips and winked. She then began her way to the bedroom but, not before glancing over her shoulder, exposing her ass and slapping it with a beckoning look. Looks like a lazy, rainy evening of pussy and weed is on the menu, boys. Probably have a double bloody mary, too.
Anyway, just groom them from adolescence if you're going to be that pathetic, user.
If any of you guys are in your 20's which I am assuming most of you are, please do everything you possibly can to find a wife. You still have time, its not going to be easy but its still possible. Once you hit 30+ and you're still single, its no mans land. Even if you have money. Girls today are really not into older guys. If you make a fuck ton of cash you could probably be a sugar daddy but I know that is not what you guys want. The older you get, the less choices you have. So yeah, the clock is ticking. You'll start feeling it at 25+. The good ones get picked early.
>date man whores on man whore site
>omg, i can only find man whores
fuck, off whore
1) women dont understand cause and effect
2) most men are beta pussies who don't hold women to any standards so women literally have the expectation they can do whatever they want and still get married. and they can.
Sorry cunts... good men are off the market until you stop Feminism
That's final
>roastie level syntax
>roastie level rage
>roastie post
Tits or Gtfo. Nobody cares about a talking hole on the internet.
go LARP on facebook
What are you talking about
There are far more decent women than men
wanting to find a while while being in your 20s and in college is like dying of thirst on a ship lost at sea
yeah, you're surrounded by water. sea water.
No doubt.
30 year old woman
+ 6 months dating
+ 6 months engaged
+ 3 months doing newlywed stuff, moving in, attempting to get pregnant
+ 9 months pregnancy
You're looking at 32 minimum for first child. And how many women view a proposal at 6 months as too fast? Or think engagement should last a year or more?
If I remember correctly at 27 her chance of having a baby with down syndrome or other problems has doubled. At 33 it has doubled again. At like 36 doubles again. And then doubles again at like 37-38. And not to mention the rates of misscarriage are getting up in the 30s as well.
A 30 year old woman can definitely set her sights on 1-2 kids. But a big family will be harder, including much harder on her body than she might realize. She has to understand that the age of having children is really 18-25ish. She is asking a lot more of her body to be having children so late in life. And it will effect the well-being of her children to have done this.
Stop responding to meme flag posters who put this same shit out over and over
this 'chaste woman' is obviously an anomoly. and her thottish nature is revealing itself here. because she's only picking dates with chads who only want her for sex. she's not going on dates with mild mannered, respectable, decent men
You're prettier when you smile, babygirl.
>they want and still get married. and they can.
This is the most rage worthy part. I personally know a few guys that are great, and they're in relationships or even getting married to women that are just sub standard. I'm talking a bit chubby, multiple little tattoos, bad attitude, multiple sex partners. They did everything wrong, and they still get a great guy that has a high paying job. I don't say anything to the guys because I don't talk about redpill material IRL like a sperg, but they will learn their lesson the hard way.
Women don't know what they want.
Everything they tell you is a lie.
What else could you expect from mentally ill ?
Imagine being a man and giving one single fuck what women want.
Some of you faggots might as well be women yourselves.
lmao, why would any sane man want to be a "good husband" to some disgusting roastie with dozens of different STDs? I'd rather keep my money for myself and jerk-off to anime.
I understand that but once you're in the real world and working a full time job, it gets 10x worse.
>she's not going on dates with mild mannered, respectable, decent men
How do you know she is rejecting them
Most of the single girls at my church cant find a date because they are outnumbered by single men probably 3 to 1
except you're literally invisible to women until you start making money.
>"how many men want to marry and be a good husband and not just fuck around?"
A lot. I would say most of them. But nobody wants to marry an entitled roastie that has ride the cock carousel, will cuck you and rape divorce you after a few years.
Women want pic.
You're still invisible unless you're earning a fuckton of cash which the vast majority of men are not.
>A lot. I would say most of them.
most unmarried men are not virgins
based moshe telling it like it is
Noice bait
>hur durs a strawman argument
Nothing to see her boys
Get a load of this faggot
are the single girls at your church between the ages of 18-22, virgins, and dont have attitude problems?
Terrible advice in this thread, a lot of clueless guys with no confidence.
There are plenty that are
>What else could you expect from mentally ill ?
A flag with the star of david on it
Not surprised this thread is only ameriflags
I have never met an american girl who wasnt absolutely rude and obnoxious, tourists especially
And they sleep around and act like utter whores too, walking around with no panties on normal days etc
Women here can be distant and terrible too but the only ones that actually acted like degenerates openly were american girls
Women are a disease
>How exactly is a woman supposed to be a stay at home mom when her husband can barely provide for himself, let alone for a family?
I actually turned my life around as far as providing and curtailing videogames, found a wife, had a child with her.
I tried to start a business in my trade, 30k in tools and equipment, times were lean for 3 months while I was trying to get independent work, she left me. (I had bought her a bunch of loose tobacco in advance, we didn't go without food and had to take a roommate who was a bit of a pain to have in the house)
2 months later I made almost 10k all at once and was having steady work, rather than coming back she sued me for custody and child support.
Until the laws change women can fuck off, this is the bed you made by demanding the right to destroy your family on a whim, lie in it.
mhm. well you go to church in some mythical land then. i wish my area was full of the same mystical creatures, chaste young women, as your area is.
I mean if you're like 28-29 then yeah, I'm 20 now but I don't plan on only dating 20 year olds for the rest of my life lol
Every single one of my friends would love to marry but women are absolute sex craved whores.
>star of david
Go to any church with a young congregation and you should have no problem finding a girl that is a virgin
Its the english in them
Once the money dries up women are gone, many such cases.
Thank you, Hans. I see Western, Central, Eastern, Northern Europeans chime in from time to time in these threads. They tell Americans their women are just as slutty as ours. It makes me laugh. These guys have no idea the absolute debased, whorish nature of the typical American woman. I wish to God I was exaggerating or being melodramatic. I wish to God it wasnt this bad.
This. Who even listens to cunts anymore? All they are to me now is the wha-wha of Charlie Brown's teachers. MGTOW is the only way.
If it's just a hole then why is rape bad?
Women don't even need to do that
are you friends staying celibate until they marry?
You guys are doing it wrong, if you want a good woman, (virgin, young, not crazy, good morals, wants to be a mother, raise kids properly etc),you have to become a Christian and leave all of your aryan hate at the door. Trust me, she will take good care of you.
Hmmm, where HAVE all the goon men gone?
I'm not a Christian and I find it immoral to LARP as one for the purposes of finding a woman to marry.
Really makes you think
>on ok cupid
Dont get me wrong im not saying the women here are christian virgins waiting for marriage, but the scale is way off
Ive known american exchange students who started multiple affairs specifically targetting married men
Also ive never met a woman here who didnt accept the fact that she needs to be able to provide for herself, they like being cared for but they usually dont take it for granted
your gf isn't going to marry you though, she's just fucking you until she's ready to find a 30 yr old beta to provide for her. you aren't going to be getting a marriage out of any girl until you make good money and get older
>how many men want to marry and be a good husband and not just fuck around
That used to be most of them.
Then marriage became a thing that only benefited women and women were brainwashed into not wanting to be women anymore and fill male roles instead, while simultaneously being conditioned to blame men for all their problems.
Then men realized they can get all meaningful social interaction with other men and simply fuck dumb broads on the side when they needed some release, and there were enough women dumb enough to sell their bodies that way.
And now women are bitching about a problem they created and, surprise surprise, blame men for it.
>when her husband can barely provide for himself, let alone for a family
And here is the rub. You are in a society that supports women taking the educational slots and the job offers that men used to take.
Yet in your same society it is perfectly fine for that woman who took the limited slot at Harvard Medical to quit her job 6 years into practice to have children and stay home.
Meanwhile, the better qualified, but white male applicant didn't get that slot, or that residency, and is struggling as a nurse because the State college doesn't have pre-med. Also, he cannot quit because society, women and men, don't respect men who don't work.
You're not wrong, but it's way more complicated.
>In case you are unable to do this thought experiment, let me help you: nearly every single man only wants to pump and dump you, and when you find someone that wants to commit he's a neckbeard maggot that wants to stay at home all day playing video-games.
in other words, women can't resist the temptation of being pumped and dumped? That's what I'm getting out of this. OP, women are the ones who decide if sex happens. ipso facto if sex is happening at it is degenerating the culture, it is women's fault. end of story.
It wasn't even very long, I was on track to have doubled my previous pay from working for someone else in the first year alone and making 3-5 times as much within 2-3 years.
We weren't even that poor compared to some of the shit I went through when I was younger.
One of her big complaints was lack of health insurance, which is flat out unaffordable until there is a massive surplus, I have not been to a doctor as an adult, if I get sick I have to let my body do the work to recover and most of the time I had to keep working anyway.
She couldn't deal with the prospect of *possibly* getting sick and not being able to do anything about it for the time it took to get established.
Anyone who takes a government paycheck under this systems deserves a horrible death, anyone who hires a lawyer under this system except to defend themselves is cancer, our elders who demand a continuation of these policies so they can get medicare and social security while their children and grand children can't afford families need to get the rope with the rest of them.
Hanging out with male friends is the answer.