Expose EU corruption

>expose EU corruption
>get raped and murdered


>A Bulgarian journalist who had been reporting on alleged corruption linked to European Union funds, was found raped and murdered on Saturday, authorities said.

>Bulgarian interior minister Mladen Marinov denied that Marinova’s murder was linked to her reporting, and said there was no evidence she had been threatened.

>But that assertion was contradicted by Asen Yordanov, the owner of the investigative website, bivol.bg, who told AFP that he had received information that his reporters were in danger of being assaulted. He said Marinova was linked to bivol.bg’s investigations because its reporters had appeared on her show.

>“Viktoria’s death, the brutal manner in which she was killed, is an execution,” Yordanov said. “It was meant to serve as an example, something like a warning.”

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any details about the way she was raped?

subhuman identified

I always knew Bulgarian weren't slasvs, moreover white

Savage turkoid scum


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Instead of exposing them, just kill them.

feminist spotted

stop posting fakes news rags shill-kun

>t. totally not FBI
You gotta try harder, no one's gonna be your patsies anymore kike

Kill yourself NOW

post feet faggot

>those glasses
i'd rape her too desu

stop projecting otto von kraut
you got mongoled by the rusikies and after than habib'd by the kebabs, and now you're getting even more enriched with macumba and osama

Is she posthumously /ourgirl/ ? Don’t care for the glasses.

Said the somalian worshipper infested country


>stop posting fakes news rags shill-kun

But she IS dead desu.How can you fake that?


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Does this mean that the European Comission is trying to send a message to anyone who tried to investigate them?

Does this mean that we cannot investigate the EU without being brutally raped and executed ? IS this the democratic way of doing things?

my guess is she stepped on something related to ahmet dodan or boko tikvoko
and t bh f am she deserved it, protecting eu
who the hell cares about euroshart's monies?

Are investigative journalists safe of investigate what they think they can as it is stated in the "European Values"? Why would they do such a thing? Is it because the EU is afraid? why did they killed here?

it's not clear in the op and i don't feel like looking into it but i doubt she was killed for reporting corruption BY the eu, you can be almost certain it was about domestic abuse of eu gibs which is a public secret

which is a public secret anyway

>don't feel like looking in
>posts are attempting to slide the thread
Why did the EU killed her? I though that they were "democratic" and "transparent". So this means that we can't investigate them or else they will murder us? I don't understand...

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>>posts are attempting to slide the thread
niggerfucker that's you
i told you THE eu didn't kill her, some bg higher up did - like dogan or doiko

>investigate the EU
>"n-no it was OTHER people who didn't have the motive"

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fucking nigger troll

i hope you get raped and killed

>reporting on alleged corruption linked to European Union funds
she didn't investigate the eu, puta
are all spaniards this stupid

>the system kills it's own
It's the Soviet Union all over again.

Nope, just Catacucks.

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