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Give me a girlfriend then

But I'm horny

Remember to register to vote and vote on nov 6.
Be part of the red tsunami
Check your deadline date

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I think the key is to stop porn and limit masturbation. You don't have to go full nofap cult mode, just cut porn out and use your imagination to masturbate infrequently.

yes master

Correlation does not establish cause and effect. Fuck off nigger.

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Big, if true.

this isn't communism

it's hard user, ... which is usually when it starts!

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this shit needs splitting by gender

The cause is you wanting to jerk off, the effect is having low libido

bump. free your minds.

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This is big if its true. The only way to know is to try, I haven't fapped since last month and so far I've had a massive boost in energy and its easier to get up in the mornings I can also concentrate a lot more now. Depression motivation haven't changed, though I think it varies between every person and maybe it works for everyone but some see the benefits sooner than others

masturbating isnt the problem its the porn

masturbating is normal but when you use porn to achieve your goals it is re wiring the brain to be easily gratified with minimal stimulation which leads to all kinds of problems in the long run

All porn and masturbation will disappear when we're not overpopulated anymore.

Not into no fap but my lady friend can only see me once a week right now and I decided to wait it out and abandon my soft dicking ways. It's like quitting sugar, hard at first but the cravings subside the longer you abstain. I plan to give her cte with my blast.

fuck off, good nuts are thew only reason I didnt kms yet

Except this isn't true at all. I have a job in Intel and it requires 10-12 hours of straight focus a lot of the time and jacking it off at home for a score of years hassn't affected that at all

You're literally giving yourself brain damage.

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I don't understand why people think you will masturbate less if you stop watching porn.

look around you nigger, everybody in the world has fucking brain damage, otherwise we wouldnt be at this point.

because people compulsively masturbate when watching porn, so it decreases somewhat when you stop. But still it's fine to masturbate, just stop porn

I don't care.

I stopped porn, and basically stopped masturbating. Porn was the reason I jerked it so often. Now it's maybe once every two weeks.

pornagraphy use ≠ masterbation

>problems of porn addiction
Masturbate all you want, just stop looking at porn, you fucking idiot. If you don't have a personal spank bank of real life sex that you've had, stop being unfuckable and get laid.

No way, fag. I downloaded a new loli porn flash game today.

godspeed, you can do it lad

>le based neocons!
Fuck off kike. Both sides are controlled by jews and this conservative identity that reddit brought to Jow Forums has killed the board.

>Images of porn addiction
>Says to stop masturbating
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Been addicted to porn since 12 and have jerked it multiple times a day for 8 years now. Can't even get it up anymore. I'm desensitized to everything but trannies now. I'll end it all soon

This, lol

this didn't solve my problems in life sorry

wrong, this didn't solve my problems in life

How do I stop sleep-mastturbating? Even if I don't do it before bed, I'll end up having a sex dream and cum in my sleep, anyway

I wish all women weren't so fucking infected with feminism jfc

Don't be an unfuckable twat. I take care of myself, handle responsibilities, keep my body in shape, and do a minimal amount of grooming in the morning. Pussy falls into my lap left and right. People who can't get laid boggle my fucking mind. If you look in the mirror and see some unfuckable sub human, then change it.

> includes a picture with no sources

All of this is true. Porn should seriously be banned.

just get a gf faggot

Wet dreams aren't a problem since they are natural.

Maybe you should get into necrophelia? if it dosn't work you can shoot yourself near the bodies and make it look like an accident lol

Where do you think you are?

How can I be like you? To frequent this board, without sustaining brain damage?

How does one get a GF when girls today are Thots and over entitled? like literally im piss tired of 'Im a little princess' attitude, that and fuckers want equality but they wont foot the bill for shit or even just work while we sit at home all day for a change?

what are your problems? maybe I can help

>892. Whoever hasn't reached a competitive level of ability in a major, serious sport (i.e. stuff like swimming and kickboxing, not golf or ping-pong) hasn't really lived—and never will. He is incapable of even conceiving what it means to be alive. Just consider that the videogame aspies feel like gods when they perform a highly demanding feat in which they are barely moving a finger or two, and then extrapolate from that what it would feel like to have to move every single muscle of your body in perfect unison, under the risk of serious injury or even death no less, if something goes wrong—not merely losing the "high score". "Better than sex" doesn't even begin to cover it—and that's why sex barely even figures in my top ten of favorite things to do. And that's why for the subhumans sex is the best thing of all, and after that drugs and rock and roll; or eating, drinking, or smoking and so on—some type of quick and easy chemical or hallucinogenic stimulation that their brains need on a daily basis merely so as to feel alive, because as I have just explained they really aren't. They sit in their little cubicles day and night, and flood their brains with these chemical substances, or submerge them in fake visual and aural worlds, until at last they become "addicted" to them—as of course they would, since what else do they have to do all day long? And that's when the struggle begins, the never-ending struggle against "addiction": addiction to sex, to drugs, to rock and roll; or to eating or drinking or smoking, and so on—whereas a man who is engaged on a daily basis on a hardcore fucking sport simply does not have the luxury to get addicted to anything beyond his goal.

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Nofap & noporn cured my lust for twinks and femboys. Eating better and exercise also helped

>When you have to get up in the morning and swim two or three miles you can't afford to neglect your diet and rest and mental balance and so on. If you don't sleep a full night's sleep the night before you will drown. If you don't eat a full balanced meal you'll get sick. It's called "failing adaption", and a few days of that in a row will reduce a colossus of a man to a wreck who needs to spend all day huddled under a blanket drinking camomile tea and avoiding thinking loud thoughts. Start swimming three miles a day and all your "addictions" will instantly vanish—or you will die. Meanwhile, the subhumans keep fighting their "addictions" without realizing how assbackwards this approach is. For if I were condemned to a chair all day long, I too would spend all day eating and drinking and smoking and jerking off; I wouldn't be "addicted" to anything, I'd just be bored! To take away my "addictions" from me at that point would not be helping me, it'd be cruel! But when the lifeform is expanding in perfect proportion in all directions—as the Overman of course always does—there is no such thing as "addiction"; or rather, there is "addiction" to everything in every direction and at all times; but these "addictions" self-regulate and keep each other in check precisely because the lifeform is expanding in a balanced manner in all directions, and hence imbalances ("addictions") have no chance of forming by definition, without him having to bother with the concept at all. Nietzsche: "To have to combat your instincts—that is the formula for decadence." What kind of life is that, when you spend half your time neurotically swatting away at your own urges as if you hate yourself?
It's the subhuman life, it is precisely the definition of decadence, a decadence to which they are condemned—as I will never tire of repeating—because they aren't human.

Lazy eye, balding since 20, difficult complexion (despite treatment), pale skin prone to various state changes (heat induces rashes over time, thus red spots, etc). Sure, I take care of myself as well, shit, I probably work harder than you. However, your failure to realize that you have it "good" whereas others struggle and fail, is indicative of your either low intelligence or some form of sociopathy. I can't make my hair grow back, nor can I make a woman ignore that.

it's just a bunch of pseudoscience

i fap 3 times a day

>concentration problems
>low motivation
>social anxiety
not related to fapping, always been autistic even as a kid
>negative self-perceptions
>erectile dysfunction

>I am a young teen and I 'accidentally happen upon' porn on a daily basis
Yeah ok. Who makes these retarded studies?

These two images are regarding porn addiction, not masturbating itself

that doesn't even make any sense, if you jerk off all the time it's because you have high libido.

Hmm, really interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

wrong, tried and it didint work...
oh and gee guess who could be behind this post?

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based leaf

I've never encountered a sports-loving autist before

lets start depopulating israhell

I agree, No fappers need the wall...

Same for Thots and 'princesses' and anyone that watches disney films

Based satan

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If you think you are 'having sex' with a woman but you are not married or not trying for children - then what you are actually doing is Masturbating AND Abusing someone else at the same time.
Just like a Pedo!

You did not start out deparaved like this. To get like this you had to be INTERFERRED with. And the generational chain of instruction about life had to broken.

Trace your path and see how this happened.

Strike a Blow at Tel Aviv
Strike a Blow at Tel Aviv

>Yes, goy! We're all brain-damaged! Don't resist the urges, release yourself! Degeneracy is natural! Yesss!

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wickedness and evil are in the holy land
while you fake jew kikes are there, this is
what will happen to the world. that's why
you are being given the chance to repent
and GTFO before God sends the muslims
to rape and murder your kind and take
you all into slavery. why do you think you
nation took the holy land? STOLE THE
and are doing everything you kikes
can to keep it even if it means the
world goes to complete and utter
spiritual darkness. your life in the
next world will be on your knees

don't say you weren't warned.

United States of Degeneracy.

Attached: Screenshot_20181008-132017.jpg (1434x2396, 422K)

If I didn't already have the first four problems then jerking off wouldn't be my primary tool for releasing sexual desire. Don't have ED.

> those retarded small blurry sources
Faggot I'm still waiting.

Its called Hormones you fucking Shell lol

>you're a jew if you recommend NOT watching porn

Fuck it, lets goto war with Israel, If god exists, he will come back, and I wont have to bother about finding a GF or whatever, Plus Jesus is my nigger :)

>some things are just too hard to overcome
That's where you failed. Most anything can be fixed with enough time and effort.

Listen here, faggot, I'm not a sociopath dismissing the struggles of others. I was an unfuckable twat with every excuse under the sun to not try getting laid because "it's not possible". I didn't "have it good". You lazy fucker, I made it good. Work up some fucking discipline and fix what you don't like about yourself. And fuck your tears over being bald. Hair on top of your head doesn't make or break getting laid.

Proud of myself too

>OD'd on redpills
>know everything surrounding us is currently toxic lies and manipulation
>knows we've been spiritually cursed and our culture has been poisoned
>knows as people wake up reality (the matrix) will become undone
>knows black cube materialism is a false god
>doesn't follow any type of desert magic
>knows about NPCs and programmers, has disdain for both
>had to create his own new identity since it was stolen from him
>404 motivation for conventional societal participation not found
>can't get a job anyway because slandered for trying to wake up NPCs

Dem French Beurette girls tho... :/ would smash

Porn is literally the only form of entertainment that has gotten better with time. I felt all those feelings before I even started masturbating and I didn't start until I was 19.

I'm sure you killed off a few braincells drinking but nobody tells anyone to stop doing that here.

Go bronze yourself and make a statue faggot.

this board gets more retarded over the years.

I experience none of the issues.

Correlation doesn't always mean causation. In this case, you can actually say that people that have concentration problems, low motivation, depression, etc. TEND to watch porn a lot, but not all do.

Well done lad!

Doesn't help. I have literally jerked off 3 time in the same day that I had sex 3 times.

Don't kys user. Just stop masturbating. I believe in you.

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Thats literally me, Mixed in with past drug addictions, Ill health, Bad friendships, Infections from being stabbed in the foot and bullied like fuck at school

>don't tell me to improve myself, faggot
Then go die in a corner holding your own dick.

almost 4 full hours here lad! felling good!

that's the plan nigger.

I disagree, In 2008 when I was 14 some gaming buddy gave me a link to what was /B/ and it was full to the brim with CP, I didn't bother coming back here untill someone got talking about Jow Forums, I was like fuck that its degenerate and has CP... and they were like the CP has gone....

>exposure to sexually pornographic material
this means seeing your gf/wife naked also counts
and having sex produces the same results as masturbating. your brain won't release different chemicals just because your dick is having contact with a vagina instead of a hand.
this means you're forcing your body to repress the natural instinctive process of reproduction, which will cause all of the symptoms described in the pic, which are a direct consequence of abstinence.
this also means literally everyone in the world, singles masturbating as well as married couples having sex, are all voluntarily causing brain damage due to a natural and inevitable process
which is no different than the aging process caused by oxidation. go ahead and make a new thread saying STOP BREATHING

>>can't get a job anyway because slandered for trying to wake up NPCs
You sound stupid and self-absorbed. Pro-tip: Many of those "NPCs" are just like you but are smart enough to keep their unpopular opinions to themselves in a strategic manner.

>meme flag
>ad hominem

The shilling is pretty week desu.
Name me just ONE reason to masturbate every day. Or even to masturbate once every week.

Doing 15 days cycles is easy as fuck and the benefits are real. 25 days cycles like I do is harder, but you just get used to it.

>getting laid=love
Get aids and die

>I feel insulted therefore ad hominem
thanks for the input, my white brother

>natural instinctive process of reproduction
So when you masturbate, you're reproducing with your fucking hand, user? Fuck off. You need some healthy pussy and uterus to reproduce, which means you need to work hard (pun intended) to get that pussy and womb. No handies, mainly from a dude (yourself)...

Why would the (((people))) who make porn tell you not to watch it.
Honestly, I found it went the other way. Once I got my life on track I started masturbating way less. Still a handholdless, kissless virgin though.

Already did. Nofap makes school, work, socialising, and even vidya better also sex is better now that i actually like 3d girls and they like me because I leave my house. Porn is worthless

Thanks fren