Will he be re-elected?

Will he be re-elected?

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Probably not

No matter the outcome, salt will flow like a thousand rivers Ingvar friend.

It's going to be Trump vs Kamala Harris and she'll narrowly lose because of Michigan and Wisconsin again and (((the Media))) will use this as an excuse to go even further with the "evil white people" narrative.

I think there's a decent chance he declares himself president for life

Yes. The Democrats have literally no one that can compete. Biden? Bernie? HILLARY? No one. We will win again and the liberals will riot like this country has never seen before. Can’t wait for the National Guard to be sent in. WOOHOOO

Who can beat him? Cory Booker? Kameltoe Harris? LoL

yup all they have is socialist horse face girl, pochantes, and uncle biden.


>being this delusional
He's losing support among whites even. Turns out being a neocon cockholster for zionists isn't a winning strategy

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Well Hitlary did win vs him, in raw votes, he won because election laws.

Yes, my numbers command it.

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Dems are likely going to hold a gun to Biden's head and force him to run. It should be interesting to see how it will unfold as Trump has gained support from people on the fence since 2016, and since Biden would be a better candidate for the democrats than Hillary was.


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Probably. The Democrat party is basically dead at this point

>We will win
t. jew

>So they are going to leave Trump because he is neocon

>And actually vote for the neoconest party ever


Yes. Enjoy the Trump era.

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So if drumpf loses or wins either way wont there be tons of salt

When boomers die, America will be forever Democrat.

>Will he be re-elected?
Fuck yeah!

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seems unlikely

he barely had electorate majority in 2016, and since then he has done nothing but antagonize the left and alienate moderates

i would not bet on him winning again

If he loses the midterms: yes 100%
If he win the midterms: no 99%

They will shift back. Their brains might say "Trump is bad president, here’s why...", but thier hearts says: "MAGA"


Spotted the Jew.

it's a fucking popularity contest.
if someone on tv is more popular
than trump runs for president and
has no scandals, they can beat him.
why do you think he spent his life on
tv, because he liked it?

you fucking morons are so dense.

Yes - By a wide margin

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It doesn't matter. There is no one else who is a decent candidate.

Well let's put it this way, mainstream media : Truuuuummmpppp truaaammmppppp trump trump trump trump trump truaaaaammmpppppphhhhh

I'd be surprised if any burger knows another name when the election comes.

yes and the left are only making it more and more probable every month

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If they run a woman or Joe Biden he'll win.

no because he disowned the alt-right

He won because the U.S. is a mother fucking constitutional republic.


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the (((alt-right))) is a meme Hillary made up, literally kys

Lol. Election reform and voter id laws will forever end democrats

no he dies 6 months before the election of 2020

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Hard to say. If you had asked me a year ago i woild have said no but with the left constantly shooting themselves in the foot over the last year its looking like more of a tose up

You are a conservicuck and you follow everything Ben Shapiro says. You might be the jew


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Yes and by an even larger margin.

DNC literally has no likable reasonable candidate.

>this level of cope
without based internet natzees supporting him, your trump is NOTHING


this. Now that people see he's legit and able to fix everything from economy to trade deals to space and our galaxy and everything beyond he will win in a landslide never seen before. CNN will file for bankruptcy in 2019 cos no one believes them anymore.

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I hope not. The world will have to declare war on the USA to liberate them from the terrorist in chief. And America's oil fields.

Without question

Isn't this Owen Wilson?

*scary Russian hackers autistic noises*

>polls favoring liberals
I thought you people learned.

You would have to be an absolutely awful president to lose re-election. Trump has been an overall positive so I don't see him losing.

American presidents always get reelected. Bush. Obama.

Wait til the midterms. If the GOP keeps the house and gains a few seats in the Senate, he will. If they lose the House big league then probably not. If he loses the House AND Senate then no.

What the fuck is up with her neck?!? That can’t be real.

Bernie and Biden are the only dems I think would absolutely win head to head. They're both already 75 years old though. It's not certain they'll even run

You can predict the Democrat field being crowded with a a literal ocean of candidates who'll be trying to win the lottery. Lots of meme people like avenatti, maybe a celebrity or two. I think it'll boil down to someone like Cory Booker or Elizabeth Warren, at that point it comes down to the talking points they go with. If they aren't absolutely retarded and decide not to talk about nothing but identity politics again, they should win

Trump is the biggest kike loving president to ever exist

He won't, and he probably doesn't want re-election. He and his rich friends got what they wanted, so it doesn't matter anymore.

Biden would have probably won if he'd run in 2016, but the landscape is different now. I don't think he'd be as strong a contender this time around. Literally no one wants a moderate right now. Bernie would have lost bigly in 2016 and will get decimated if he manages to make it on the ballot in 2020.

This. As long as the world keeps turning, the moderates vote incumbent without fail. If things aren't deeply, truly, my-daily-life-is-changing broken, they don't want to risk trying to fix it.

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