What does Jow Forums think of Kenny Hotz? Is he a sellout?

What does Jow Forums think of Kenny Hotz? Is he a sellout?

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Kenny vs Spenny was hilarious

>Chad jew vs virgin mutt.

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If you want your thread to go on you better post something dumb pirate.

Stop flagposting.
From season 4 it turned to shit, sure it was fun to watch, but it lost its charm, because Stone and Parker made the show too unnatural and scripted + horrible acting.
Episodes, where they actually competed (Stay awake, Armless, Who can stand, etc.) where the best.

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Honestly im surprised its not more popular in pol

its like a tv show of 2 merchants jewing eachother

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It's good so there's nothing to talk about.
Jews make good tv.


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Both Kenny v Spenny & Triumph of the Will we're kino. Too edgy for today's world.

Its like watching Soros jew the fuck out of Woody Allen. Chad Kike vs Neurotic virgin jew

KvS was hilarious

Washed up maybe. How did he sell out? Doesn't look like anybody is buying to me. Testees was good btw.

Redpill me on Triumph, never watched it.

you are antisemitic.

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My housemate forced me to watch this every day years ago, the show was entertaining for the stunts and pranks but the comedy was bad, really bad and it kind of took over the show. Not sure if this is jew or canadian comedy. Kenny's skits and roleplaying was pure cringe.


Kenny did a 2016 election street talk for Vice. He's friends with Spike Jonze or however the fuck you spell it.

timestamp 12:56

Casey Affleck really let himself go, jesus christ.

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loved kenny vs retard but he is a jew and used typical degenerate jewish homour but he is not shitting up my country so he's cool

oh yes i believe the same

They are both jews
spenny is just a bad jew

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Single handidly the best show to grace the CBC, nay, the world. He's no sellout he got outjewed by David Schwimmer with downsyndrom

this thread is not about the retard you filthy jew


The show was great in its prime but his 'career' went nowhere. Meh. He's better off than Spenny anyway.

is he a jew?

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Based Jew. He’s a comedic genius

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meme flaggot, saged and reported

Kenny is the retard, he had a perfect platform on his radio show and it was doing well. I seem to remember the studio flooded and he just said fuck it. He could have used the momentum to get kvs back on the air or promote some other project. Now he is stuck with retard spenny doing nostalgia shows around canada.

Kenny is pretty much a practicing Rabbi, and he uses his position as producer to manipulate, an obviously anal retentive, Spencer. Spenny straight up begs for his job in the show, as he got free housing and shekels for simply being humiliated over and over.
The show was only as real as Kenny ever presented it to you.

Yeah so? You're gonna blame a Jew for being handed a pile of money for a quick piece? There was nothing to sell out, he's made it obvious he would pretty much do anything for money. He is still halarious

>so kill em all i guess
yeha classic american hahahah

The bible literally does not say that though.

Was it kino?

Kenny vs spenny was great. There were some classic episodes I would actually rewatch.

I met Kenny and Spenny in Calgary. I get the feeling Kenny kind of retired and spenny still has to work.

I didn't know anybody watched this show outside of canada. the funniest part is this show actually fucked spenny up pretty bad

Oh yah it was a world hit. it got remade scene by scene in at least five different regions. The UK did an original kenny vs spenny that was not a shot per shot remake and had a lot of cool violence.