Should the Americans have dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Should the Americans have dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Also on Berlin and Paris.
Japan should not have bombed Pearl Harbor.
Yes. We also should have obliterated the reds.
Absolutely. The Japanese were fanatics like the world has never seen since. They would have fought to the last man and woman and child in a conventional invasion.
Far more would have died on both sides.
Also more died in total from the strategic bombing campaign than the nuclear bombs.
We shouldn't have been disrupting their oil supplies to try and egg them on, so we could get an excuse to officially go to war.
1 post by this is, typical sheep hopping onto a slide thread about a 200 year old war
They shouldn't have sided with the Axis Powers then.
No, it was meant to impress future rivals. Japan was already willing to surrender.
If they kept it a secret, maybe ww3 would have started as soon as ww2 finished (remember patton) and comunism would have been nuked into oblivion, allies and axis together against the soviets.
I don't know how much of this alternate history would be possible but it seems to be based USA and Nazi germany relations at the time (not the rest of european allies i think) and the anti communist sentiment.
Just an uneducated opinion.
nice digits and true, the ABCD line forced the Japs hand and the American government didn't react to the intel. that ships were headed for Pearl Harbor
>Be Weimerica
>nuke the two largest Christian populations in japan
America has always been by the jews.
Been cucked*, fucking keyboard
No. USA committed a war crime for which they have to pay.
potato nigger trash
inbred trash
How did her head survive.
Fuckingchrist the blue pill is fucking insane here. How in the fuck did you retards even find Jow Forums
Waste of digits, Japan wasn't ready to surrender unconditionally. They had four conditions to their surrender (which were bullshit like no US prosecution of nip war criminals) and they stuck to those even after Hiroshima got nuked. It wasn't until after Nagasaki got nuked and the USSR was about to invade Hokkaido that the Jap government was ready to surrender under the condition that the Emperor would remain on the throne. We didn't need to impress anyone, the Soviets already knew we had the bomb due to spies in the Manhattan Project.
This. Almost as if a certain group of people were pulling the strings behind the scenes and the real reason for World War 2 was something entirely different then MUH AXIS...
we had the bomb before them but hitler did not used it he viewet it inhuman and it actually was so no they should have not used it because the reason why japanese gave up was not the bombs instead the soviet invasion