Why does Jow Forums ignore the fact that Trump is the biggest pro Israel president to ever exist and that all his children married Jews and how Trump has Jewish grandchildren?
Why does Jow Forums ignore the fact that Trump is the biggest pro Israel president to ever exist and that all his...
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Da Nile isn’t just a river in Egypt!
they can only be jewish if the mother was a jew first, but ivanka is just a sabbatean-frankist crypto jew and not born a jew
Because muh jingoism and le 56% brain capacity
>still thinks his children aren't jewish
you need more practice identifying them
what's wrong with Israel OP? i need a run down; also dual citizenship should not exist
Fuck off kike
>trump acts amicably towards turbo kikes
>moves american embassy to jerusalem
>takes a steaming dump on muslims
>muslims become incensed and seek to invade kikeland
>we sit back laughing as two groups of middle easter sandniggers tear each other apart
Whoa, how could we EVER support president Trump, bros?! I'm LITERALLY Shaking™.
its the jews
The delusion is real.
These ratchet whores deserve to die.
I rather have jews around me and learn from them, than fucking subhuman muslims.
Go Israel! Fuck the elite marxist EU tho.
Love everyday jews!
>cut-dick jew slave
We don't. The reddit faggots who came during the election just outnumber us now and call out the true Jow Forumsacks as being shills when we bring it up.
isnt irony, just fucking awesome. i swear its the funniest thing i can ever witness
Is this the gay pride flag or Romanian flag? I can never keep them, straight.
>advocating the killing of women and mothers
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
We don’t ignore it. Jews told us not to vote for him. They called us racist. They called us white trash.
We said fuck you.
show your flag, kikestein
Its okay user, you just lack a few points.
Things will get better user.
Trump was never going to save us you fool. Everyone knew this. He's playing his role perfectly.
That's why jidf is constantly making anti trump slide threads.
Chaim you're in every thread talking about how great jews are. I don't know about Romania but jews in America favour Muslims over Evangelical Christians.
Jow Forums doesn't ignore it. Post 2016, nu-pol, and reddit the donald all think that Israel is their greatest ally, so it's great for them
Go back to the_donald
.. sure puts this into perspective eh?
Fucking stormfags have been shitting up Jow Forums for the past 3 years. There's nothing wrong with jewish people on the whole. There's a lot wrong with elitist jews in positions of power; and these jews will jew their fellow jews just as much as the goyim to consolidate power. Then they'll point a finger at you fucking retards from stormfront and cry "oy vey, the anti-semitism" whenever their crimes are confronted.
Trump has already pissed off a giant amount of these elitist jews; it so happens that all those bad jews are in the US and Europe rather than in Israel. You nigger tier apes.
>linking politico
>not archiving
How new are you? You also completely missed the point. We don’t ignore his ties to Judaism. You can’t remember as far back as 2 years ago? Every single fucking big money outlet you can name was telling us NOT to vote for him. I don’t care what his ties are. White America told them all to go fuck themselves, and I’ll tell you the same.
Go fuck yourself, meme flag.
>discount door and knob used in ghetto apartments
>chipped sink
>cheap plywood closet
>even cheaper laminate countertop
>dollar store laundry basket
>low quality 1ply tp
>purple washcloth
>nigger child
>hooker outfit
>$1000 phone, 2 releases behind current
>$30 nike branded baby size headband
>taking photo for Tinder
it's all so sad.
>You nigger tier apes.
Apparently liberated farm equipment whining for more gibs is equal to waking up and realizing you've been stabbed in the back.
Before WWI no one had treated jews in Europe better than Germany. When do we finally say enough is enough? Jews have damn near destroyed your country.
the only real answer is Jow Forums is run by jews. practically all the shilling is pro israelli. i dont see another explanation for it besides a deal with moot
...and more god tier genetics are flushed down the toilet
>whenever their crimes are confronted
If you talk about your jewish ruling class in America you lose everything. If you push back on the genocidal path you're on you immediately feel the full weight of your chains.
My grandparents had jewish friends and they never said a bad word about them. Infact they praised their resourcefulness.
My grandfather did throw rocks at the local synnagogue as a kid though. Maybe that makes it up to you jew haters.
Now i've met my share of muslims and were on a visit to a north african country. I have to say, that i despise them more than gyspies.
Because we only blow shit to the jews because we love them.
Muslim fags jacking off to their only champion in history
The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbels
Trump is speeding up the process in blacks going extinct.
In other words, OP is still a faggot who does not have a argument.
>dog saved
Based American sharpshooter
Even Obama’s daughter is on our side
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
Dammit he's pro 2nd amendment, wants to throw out illegals and build a wall, actually acknowledges white genocide in south africa, liberal censorship on social media, and the corruption in mainstream media, along with a lot of other political points we agree with but he's also pro Israel and doesn't come out heiling hitler! Fuckkk we gotta pack it in now guys and let liberals win! Whyyyyy didn't we vote for hilldawg my fellow pol Nazis? We can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes
Because the jewish people as a whole are a cop out for the zionist elites. That's the whole game that they're playing. They go around fucking the entire planet for personal gain, and if they accidentally enter the light of day, they can turn it into a pity party for the entire jewish people and slip away. You fucking morons who go around blaming every last jew on the planet for the actions of a tiny amount of sociopathic kikes are the reason that it works every fucking time. When the kike turns around and says "I'm not a bad person, there's just hatred towards all jews because they're jewish", it's not wrong; you arm them with the perfect deflection by being such a fucking retard.
There's some truth to it.
But I still believe that everday jews, mostly Israelis are good people.
If the decision of nuking israel or any other arab country would be mine. You can bet your ass I'm getting rid of the shitskins.
>Comments on American politics
>Can’t hold up his opinion
>Calls an American a fat/mutt
>Hides behind a meme flag
You’re so ashamed of your third world shithole, you talk trash about Americans while hiding behind a meme flag.
Fucking yourself would be ineffective, kindly go kill your self.
Cognitive dissonance
That's not what people are talking about. They're talking about the fact your foreign policy now completely serves Israel and that his domestic policy was crafted by and for jewish financiers. They're talking about the fact there are more illegals in America now than when he was elected and that he is sending $45b to Israel while only securing $1.5b for the fence.
I still support him though, for obvious reasons.
you know Hilters regime employed a lot of jews right?
The marxists and the zionists are just two different groups who are both working together to fulfill the jews messianic idea of the world to come. The marxist are doing the social engineering part and the neocon/zionists are doing the military part. There is no incongruency in the two agendas. the zionist/neocon plan of blowing up the middle east and flushing muslims into white countries is part of the same plan as the marxists plan of mixing all the populations together and erasing borders and blurring lines separating different races.
Jow Forums doesn't claim every jew is evil most of us claim jewish influence is overwhelmingly negative on the whole, if not genocidal.
I like Israel for the same reasons I like Trump. They are perfect pieces in my ideal endgame.
You won't get rid of muslims by bombing them. This has just led to them becoming refugees and moving to white countries, which is all part of the plan. If you really was to stop islam from spreading then stop going along with the zionist agenda in the middle east. This zionist agenda in the middle east and africa is the reason there are now mosques and millions of muslims in europe.
We face a racial problem not a religious problems. These niggers are just as cancerous as the gypsies, kikes and muds.
the majority of zionists are not jews
When in doubt blame a Christian. Jews believe Christ is boiling in his excrement for eternity and that Mary was a whore so I guess it's par for the course.
The more I think I am redpilled the more I find out I am not. That shit was prophetic. Hail Victory
Where are all the woman on that barge?
this is a really insane pic if you consider everything going on in it. there's so much being said here
youre a pleb. nearly everything youve present is inappropriate or plainly inacurate.
Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant."
Lets hear it then. It should be easy.
I see two at most. one in brown n the other in black
Trump's only big cabinet goy commerce sec. Wilbur Ross was a former Rothschild banker. The next PM of the UK Rees-Mogg is a former Rothschild banker. The PM of France is a Rothschild banker. Hitler warned us and went out of his way to fuck them in the ass.
.. for the record I supported Trump because I knew he would destabilize the world order and expose millions of people to redpills especially on the kike press that hates him. I support Rees-Mogg because he's an open border aristocratic kike-puppet Tory that will destroy the fake conservatives in the UK if elected. I supported Macron because Le Pen is a wholly incompetent loser and I knew he'd fail massively leaving a gaping opening.
After these zionist right wingers fail (we should help them get elected) they will either be taken over by entryists or will provoke a left wing reaction that will allow /ourguys/ to finally take power.
Cognitive Dissonance thanks to being colonized by r*ddit/the_donald since the election.
Nixon hated jews and agreed with us on most things but he was absolutely horrible for the right. Trump is exactly what we needed. I supported brexit even though I believe the EU should be reformed with the UK inside it because I knew it would trigger a chain reaction. Trump might by Netanyahu's endgame but he shouldn't be ours.
what do you want to know?
I disagree with your monolithic view. your outlook is simple. jews, Christians and so on act as one. but it's not like that in reality
So you're not going to debunk? You're going to condense my posts into one phrase and strawman me?
shit meant for
There are plenty of decent jews out there, I claim their influence on the whole is overwhelmingly negative and if we don't do something soon we're toast. Thankfully they have an ethnostate so we can do this clean and easy.
Post more pics like this. It's hot
Don't forget that this rabbi had the largest funeral in Israeli history. .. he clearly wasn't just speaking for himself.
>but it's not like that in reality
Just because one of the 100 disagrees does not mean the majority are not aligned. Try another fallacy you fucking faggot
lel I don't need to debunk all muslims crap. its 2018 user c'mon now
i said most zionists arent jewish. who are you fooling tard?
>i said most zionists arent jewish.