>current year
Pretty based tho desu
Current year
>black fragility
Its just some bananas, why did they automatically assume someone was calling them monkeys? Everyone likes bananas.
>today's day and age 2018
Someone stone that fuck to death.
Bananas are a healthy snack. Only racists make everything about race
Potassium, fructose, geez what else? Shit is good for you.
Niggers are the worst. If someone gave me a banana I’d be happy as fuck.!
Should have been watermelon and fried chicken.
Bananas challange nigger penis size, so they got triggered.
>in tears
Fucking faggots.
Deep down they know they are animals.
Craft services fucked up.
What's wrong with bananas? All athletes eat bananas for energy and to reduce muscle cramps.
Are black people allergic to bananas or something?
lol these people are so fucking retarded
fucking idiots
>in tears
ufuckingwotm8 lol
So black people aren't allowed to eat bananas now? What is this? If you're about to be playing a football game, having a banana before hand would help provide you with some much needed energy, as well as potassium to help keep you hydrated. Someone was just trying to be nice, it sounds like.
I hate 2018.
>chock full of nutrients
>won't spoil after being left out for too long
>peel protects fruit part from flies and moisture
>tastes great, can be enjoyed in less than 2 minutes
Should have just left them some menthol cigs and a 40 ounce of malt liquor
>plays football
>cries at bananas
I thought American football was supposed to be the "manly" one.
My uncle was an olympic swimmer, he HAD to eat a dozen of bananas during the day.
inb4 >brezil are monkeys lol
Should start a campaign to ban bananas from schools due to their racial connotations throughout history and the vicious racial stereotypes associated with them
Holy fuck. Are these retards serious? The potassium is extremely helpful for energy and recovery. This is exactly as mentions - black fragility
>what is Potassium also taste great. now if they left Watermelon you might have a reason to chortle.
>Here's a healthy snack that you guys can eat before your game or at halftime :)
>not eating them because offended
>muscles cramp up from lack of potassium
mfw healthy food offends you
Bananas were a staple during football season. Thy are loaded with electrolytes and healthy carbohydrates.
Much better for you than Gatorade or any of the other sweetened sports drinks that claim to do the same.
>Jigs complaining about being given a healthy alternative.
>in tears
no way in hell these guys would be crying like little bitches because theres bananas in the locker room.
I used to eat like 3 bananas before a game to fight off cramping.
potassium helps with that.
also not a nigger.
fucking liberal media.
jews are behind the banana epidemic
Who writes this shit and who reads it?
>wahh someone cares about my potassium intake
The absolute fucking state of these idiots
"What we thought was a gesture of kindness was understandably not perceived as so," Goings said in the statement. "For quite some time now (upwards of 20 years) our Cross Country team has held Banana Fridays in preparation for their races the next day.
Goings' statement continued, "Any remaining fruit not consumed by the cross country team was left in the visiting locker room which the Cross Country team uses during the week. Here is a quote from my XC Coach explaining, 'We leave the box of whatever is left in the locker room each week in hopes that the football team will eat them if they like, so as to hopefully not waste them. I don't even know who the football team plays week to week.' "
lmao the only white kids mom probably brought these in purely to be nice
>Bananas challange nigger penis size
Makes perfect sense. Color too.
Only if banana goes completely limb and foul it turns black.
Bananas are a great pre-game snack. Potassium and complex carbs are good for intense physical activity.
Bananas are often eaten by athletes before a game to prevent muscle cramps. This story is bullshit.
I don't like bananas much, but they are a great healthy snack. Back in high school the Boosters would bring us bananas and Gatorade during two-a-days. Peanut butter sandwiches, too. Tweny years later I look back at those summers with fondness and gratitude.
When I retire in a few years you bet your ass I'm gonna go be a volunteer assistant, and I won't tolerate any of this crybaby nigger bullshit (although I haven't seen a nigger around here in ages, thank God).
banana friday is a badge of slavery
fuck wh*te people
what I'm hearing here is banana's are /ourfruit/
"Hey you're about to sweat and exercise a lot. Want a snack high in carbohydrates and potassium?"
>Das racist yo
Aren't bananas one of the top things to eat right before working out??
Eating bananas prevents cramps which are a common issue in sports, that would be my first guess as to why there were bananas in there, not some racist conspiracy.
>will never be black
>people will never leave me bananas
Football players don't like bananas?
you racist pos
black people only eat out of packages and drive-thru windows
"Hey Porch Monkeeeee..." Mistress T's best interracial humiliation vid apart from the scat one where she poops and then says, "eat my shit nigger"
>Bananas are a healthy snack.
Bananas start off as just a phallus of starch. Once they mature, they're mostly sucrose, glucose, and fructose. There are better sources of potassium.
They're more of a natural dessert than a health snack.
Replace shasta with malt liquor and I'm set, that looks good as fuck! And I'm of asian persuasion.
>So black people aren't allowed to eat bananas now?
I like this. Add it to the list of things that are racist.
>What do beer, bananas, watermelon, and fried chicken have in common?
>They all embody white supremacy.
>leave showergel in locker room
>it’s actually racist because you left scented cleansers for smelly niggers
>football team in tears....
what a bunch of fucking pussies
Bananas are delicious
I remember one time my team cried because someone left bread in our locker room, being spics as we are we felt attacked and offended by our opressors "food"
good for them porch monkeys for rejecting their original food fucking sellouts
WOW they seem so DOMINATE what they need is more DIVERSITY
This made news because these retard snowflakes obviously never played a sport. Having bananas on hand is common practice for a sports team. Jesus Christ just gas everyone.
Probably the fucking trainer left bananas for them so they could have some potassium after the game to not cramp up.
But oh no, we're monkeys!
What, bananas are too healthy for niggers or something?
Gotta post that sauce nigga
couldn't get into them? There's quite the trick to it.
Are they mad because it could suggest that they're monkeys, or that they're gay?
jesus christ i wanna fuck her
does she do escort work
>I need feminism because my body odor is natural
Do certain food taste better based on race or ethnicity?
They were in tears, poor babys.
>bananas make high school football players cry
brazil eats monkeys and bananas
>gets free fruit
>gets offended
And these fuckers have the nerve to call white people fragile.
It is common practice to eat food high in carbs before physical activities for quick and easy energy.
>There are better sources of potassium.
Sure, but you're not exactly going to walk in to the locker room and relax with a water bottle and a quick bowl of cooked spinach.
Why are blacks so sensitive? I mean if a black person sees a noose they automatically think it’s aimed at them and that it’s racist. I’ve had three experiences with black people and nooses. Every time, ‘das racist’. Not one of the times could I see how it’s racist. It’s like they never heard that whites Mexicans and natives went to the gallows more.
>Pretty based tho desu
They are great to eat to avoid cramps. I usually eat one a day because I work construction.
The funny part is that they would have been super happy if it had been a bucket of KFC instead of the bananas...
forgot gif
The potassium in bananas helps with muscle cramps. Athletes always eat them for this exact reason.
Potassium, simple carbohydrates, easily digestible. Why are bananas so racist?
How many bananas are we talking? I mean, 2-3 lying around is hardly inciting racism but if they left a couple bunches then it's another story.
Yes I can just picture the 6 feet tall niggercollide team sobbing and hugging each other over fruit.
Being called a monkey is not an insult. To the initiated it is close to the truth .Here in larpland clown world, people keep forgetting their own natural simian, bipedal, great ape form. The optical illusion of recessive genetics only hide the infalliable truth of the beast that lives within..
Niggers don’t eat bananas?
It’s in the fucking picture you dolt.
It's true. All they eat are snacks and fast food.
>tmw when you advocate for anti-racism and the first thing you do is to associate Bananas with Apes, and then call it racist because you also inherently associate blacks with apes.
You idiots. This is the ultimate way to expose lefties - you can't assume bananas are racist without predicating it on the assumptions that blacks are likened to apes.
Well when they’re cramping up from dehydration at halftime they’re wish they had those bananas back the ungrateful pricks
>left in tears
There is literally nothing negative you could say about white people that would leave me in tears. Blacks are such sensitive fags.
wtf did bananas ever do to them?
nanas make your body sing.
>the best fruit for recovery after a workout
fuck these dumb niggers then
Yeah, and after burning through your reserves during a football game, a banana is a good and efficient way to replace those nutrients. That and watered down Gatorade.
In tears of how hilarious it was most likely, but news always change shit to fit their agendas.
bitch who doesnt love bananas
free bananas, why would anyone get sad about that?
Black fragility
I ref ice hockey and during tournaments they often leave bananas and other snacks in the dressing room, because, you know, sports require the exertion of energy that needs replenished
>a high school football team was in tears
I thought it was KFC and Wallermellon.
Why would someone be mad about bananas?