Have you ever fight before?

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Nope, I just let people hurt me. It's easy to set their mattress on fire, it's harder to escape the fumes.

Had 3 fights. Strange enough I get to be friends with the 3 of them after.

A couple pub scuffles in my early 20's

No, I have the goys fight for me

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Not really. I got punched in the gut once in a stand off but that was about it.

You mean physical fights? Yes.
Court fights? Also.
What else?


Always lost.

Yep, the only fight I lost was when a guy I battered (24) brought his dad to my door the next morning and they beat me up in my garden lol. I love to have a black eye though, it adds depth and character to my look

Yup, once a group of Mexicans attacked me and my Karate instructor.
They came back with guns after the beating.

been in more fights than I can remember.
Happens a lot when you grow up in a black neighborhood.

I'm 32.
last fight I was in was this past year.

I have fought for my own survival against my brother after he pressed me about Charlottesville (he knew I was right wing)
He also attacked me when I was in high school a number of times. Usually over nothing. One time my friend broke one of his shitty video game collectibles, so he saw fit to destroy one of my toys in front of me before trying to kick the shit out of me
Not a fight but I’m pretty sure my dad nearly raped me on one occasion. He definitely had sex on his mind

I could go on

No, I have never fight before. Sometimes I wish I had fight, but during the fought I get scared and ran away.

"had sex on his mind"
story time??

>I get scared and ran away.

stop being a pussy.

Did your dad have a boner? Was he naked?

You know the breath-Hicky that sometimes happens before sex scenes in movies? When the guy grabs the girl from behind and takes a deep breath at the base of her neck? It was that. I shoved him off, he got pissed, and we never talked about it after that
Now that I think about how much he groomed me as a kid it makes our entire relationship seem really creepy. He was molested so I guess it makes sense he would end up having a taste for young boys. Looking back on it now I have a much less sympathetic view on homosexuals because of this event

Yes. I don't regret any of them.

Was making fun of OP's grasp on the English language.

Yeah. I saw a nigger going through my locker in highscool. I told him to get out of it. He started punching. I had a pencil, so I started jabbing him with it. I got a detention, he got expelled.

Beat up a meth head in college once. He kept taking gigantic swings and missing, stumbling over with his ass in the air. After the 3rd swing I planted my foot on his ass and shoved him into a bike rack. He didn't get up and I left.

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About 8 times I think. I'd always let them throw the first punch though.

Kogos is a legend. A pity he's an insane autist.

My apologies aussiebro.
how bout you go fight some Emus though.

Yes, majority were me drunk fighting multiple people so I got a losing record. Most I fought was 5 people and I did alright until I took the third guy to the ground(big mistake when outnumbered)

Went to a nigger highschool. I got in fights every other day. Ended up with a record of around 40-3-2. I was that wrestling white boy with the hard chin and heavy hands. By senior year no one wanted any because they knew it would only hurt their reputation getting beat by a white boy.