How powerful was gamergate in waking up people?
How powerful was gamergate in waking up people?
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gamergate was a jewish trick
It was the start of the back-swing in popular culture.
We need a detailed timeline from GG to Kavenaugh
Nah. The movement that rose around it was full of shit, though.
Europeans are dumb as bricks nowadays.
Guess that's what happens when you let lower classes breed too much.
It's a useful reference point in the chronology of the backlash against the excesses of the Left, but, like the assassination of the Archduke a century earlier, no single event has that much gravity in itself.
No, it was Trayvon Martin and the rise of BLM. America had elected the first black president to TWO TERMS! (almost 10 years) and EVEN STILL the left and blacks in general were not only unsatisfied, they were literally rioting in the streets screaming about racism. America and the west itself had cucked itself into a pretzel and it was still not enough for the left and it was becoming obvious that the more you cuck the more outraged they become and the more they demand. Then A) gamergate happened, B) the so-called refugee crisis in (aka: the invasion of) Europe C) transgender bathrooms and the rise of transgenderism replacing gay rights. D) Antifa, BLM, batshit insane feminist marches and awareness campagns (soros shananigans). The left moved so rapidly it had become totally fucking insane by about 2015 and they wanted to elect Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (a literal communist) to the presidency. It was a number of things. Gamergate was not the beginning. I'm pretty sure that it was Trayvon that initially set off the rise of the extreme right but it was actually a whole group of things put together that really got this moving.
I can't find my grizzled looking pepe sharpening a sword and mumbling "it didn't have to be this way." Anyone?
Bumping for this.
Thanks LebAnon.
Hm. That's convenient.
Gamergate was just an autistic civil war between nerds. It happened in the corner of the internet and noone gives a shit except for a few attention whores.
Milo got his big break covering gamergate
Pretty much this. It became obvious that the far-left communists were never going to be satisfied.
Whether things have gone badly for them because such useful idiots continued to be prodded by their elite backers until the average person got sick of them, or perhaps because they gained a life of their own to run amok outside the control of their handlers who have no turned on them I am still not sure.
Probably it is some combination of both. It is a big chess board.
>it's real
Very effective, it was the catalyst for a rejuvenated right.
>t.retarded nigel
gamergate was the first one to point out the SJW bullshit.
Read the article gypsie faggot
Yes, it's real and a very detailed article
gamer gate got me skeptical of msm and made me notice the anti white shit but that was about it.
jews were a gamergate trick
Unironically, I think the programming that pushed our cultural and philosophical penduli the other way was delivered heavily by The Dark Knight's traumatized, counter-predatory character, the Joker and the Dark Knight Rises infamous beginning plane scene that delivered with theatrical flare the notions of rebellion, monkish devotion to the destruction of your enemies and no thought given to what the world would look like after you win. The good thing was it funneled the terror felt during Bush and Obama into digging, investigation, provocation, art, writing, fisticuffs. To know the Bane meme was time be at least partially inducted into the new critical attitudes and energies that ended up crushing comfortable Establishment types. It's a great historical period and it's still unclear if there's any resolution or if it will be over soon.
i missed gamergate and then watched an amateur Sargon-style documentary like 3 years later after I heard Milo mention it on Joe Rogan... I'm sure I'm not the only one
Woke me up personally, I saw how the GGers lost by trying to argue that they were the better feminists instead of just winning like men.
The left, Democrats are the arc-typical woman... testing their men, the Republicans. The men want order peace etc. and so do the women, but they get bored and try to fuck with and immasculate the men in order to make them stronger. Its a ying yang sort of thing. If the women take over western society falls. If the men take over then well... it's honestly all good because men naturally want to make women happy.
Candace Owens tried to fight it, she had a bad experience being bullied by a white dued in HS. She became one of us. The left always loses when examined.
Well, I'm here now. I no longer frequent /v/.
This. The rise of BLM (which was a direct result of Zimmerman) was the eye opener for most people. This didn't come out of nowhere though, the left has been slowly increasing their anti-white retoric for the last several decades. Blatant double standards like "white privilege" and "you can't be racist against whites" were huge too.
It definitely woke me.
Well no shit, SJWs poked the bear which is white men and games were untouched by their bullshit.
>Lane Davis burns a bunch of Mercer's money (and milo's reputation) starting a movement that insists that any woman who has sex is evil, corrupt, and needs to be chased out of gaming
It did a decent job of convincing gamers that antifeminists were *evil* instead of just *comical*, and helped bring the links between fascism and antifeminism to the public eye, so yes, it woke people up.
See also: why most of the tech industry hates Trump so much.
Race riots in America under Obama were a fuck of a lot milder than race riots under, like, every single all-white president to date.
>the far right took control of America because people were REALLY BUTTHURT that the Democrats nominated a center-right chick instead of a left-liberal dude
Not buying that. For one thing, most Americans preferred Hillary or Bernie to Donny.
>le invasion meme
Why do Americans have no fucking clue what an invasion looks like? Sure, your homeland hasn't been seriously invaded since the Confederacy thought the North would take one look at their guns and bend over, but you've invaded enough OTHER places since then that you should have SOME idea what an invasion looks like.
You fascists lost