HAPPENING: Ashton Birdy reveals JEWISH BF
Literally who. Stop giving these thots attention you pathetic cuckd
Is that a Black dude? Look at his kinky hair.
that little heeb is in for a wild ride. she's crazy.
Leader of the Alt-thot
I want to breed her
Hot but batshit. Good for two nights at most.
I don't understand why he allows her to use thumbnails of her extremely hot rack in her videos
>we are taking your wamyn that you never talk to and disdain anyway
>ashton and taylor will be ours, scum! muwahhaha
>wywamyn will vote for the JEW until there are none left!
we have moved on to nerd virgin shaming again in an endless ouroboros of money wastage. bravo! what a shanda for the goyim.
the jews did her
> Ashton Birdy
> Ashton
> Ash
rly makes you think
It's crazy how much he looks like the Chinese villain from 24
Incel is just the new word for geek or nerd now that those two have been popularized
Dude looks like a onions boy dweeb. No way thats her bf.
just another eceleb kike that gets pushed by the jews and teens on here.
I remember that she’s pretty unhinged, best of luck to him!
Lmao I see him around on campus sometimes. I’ve never seen Ashton though. Anyways, I’m not so sure they are dating. He might just be a friend, but I don’t know. I’m not friends with any of the College Republican people at Berkeley, though I’ve talked to Troy before like once.
This isn't a "happening," no one cares.
She's crazy, so who cares? At least now that she revealed her bf maybe the virgins will stop worshiping her.
You care enough about her to have a picture saved you punk mark buster
I care about saving a few pictures of her, but I don't care if her boyfriend is Jewish.
kek, he makes that face like someone who's really not enjoying the conversation
ummm am I supposed to know who this is ? I detest her hoing with kikes obvs but not sure this is a habbening
ew I don't like how her eye floated off to the side
Would you care if he's a nigger?
Sometimes she has a lazy eye, but only sometimes.
Not really.
woah, watch out, we got an individualist over here
Duh. He is only dating her for the same reason Israeli art students date men with leadership traits. To subvert and mislead for the good of the chosen.
Is this the same thot?
Isn't she a massive autist tho? Why would i want to fuck a mentally handicapped individual?
If she's dating a nigger ot means she is dumb. If she is dating a Jew it means she is working to bring about the endtimes and enslavement of the goyim by the chosen.
>half her smile is gum
2/10 would not bang
it's not a lazy eye, it's what happens when what you're looking at is much further away than the camera
Women are mentally handicapped, monkey person
She a
She was literally filled up with Alex jones cum and Paul J. Watson then got BTFO by sailor socialism then got dumped on the street, you can have all you want but I am keeping my distance from that STD
Her chat has been overrun by GDL
Her name is Ashton Stinky
LITERALLY WHO? honest question OP, do you actually spend time watching these kids online? Does she have anything good to say or is she just another "slightly right leaning but not really XD" with a vagina?
The bf might be based, someone sent a message about the holohoax and he immediately started laughing when she said "prisoners died from insufficient supply lines"
Some things I can unsee, this I cannot. Ruined her for me.
I wouldn't allow it, but he's probably cucked to her, youtube has probably gone to her head as she's a female novelty within the community.
Would you make her a mother?
Yes, but I'd probably get a maid or au pair so she doesn't accidentally kill the kid
so fake, why are nazis such faggots on here?
omg how does she actually look better with her clothes on? She is so frumpy
She’s really out of shape
Jow Forums has gone off the rails so far that if you shopped in a supermarket that a jew was in 2 days prior they would make a thread to say you're jewish, and dumbshits who just hate DA JOOOS would believe them.