He tried to warn us about her

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the jews did this

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Get Sage

I was gonna say something shitty about Beyonce being worse but iirc the song Beyonce had out was about "single women holding out for a guy who would marry her". I hated Kanye for years because of that stunt. In retrospect, I think I was the true niggerbrained fuckwit then

I think the only reason Kanye ended up "switching" sides is because Beyonce wanted nothing to do with him, had they ended up getting together I'm sure he would've doubled down on the black supremacy shit.

Remember when that guy broke in to Taylor Swift's house and slept in her bed? That was a message to her. She's afraid for her life.

I forgot about this.

Tay is a retard, based Ye again

how much do we have to wait before kanie pulls out a Michael Jackson and start bleaching his skin?

These threads are gay. But this take on it is funny. Today OP wasn't a massive faggot.

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Kanye openly promotes his obsession with blacked.com on live television. The mere fact that he is with Kim kardassian (the idol of many white women) helps “normalize” interracial relationships to the masses... yeah he’s not your friend. Don’t be fooled

they both suck . fuck off nigger

What happened?

In 2009, Taylor Swift won an award at the VMAs, and Kanye took the mic from her and declared that Beyonce should have won instead. He was reviled for years among the far right because of it.

Today, Taylor Swift announced her support for Democrats and leftwing bullshit in general, while Kanye supports Trump, and is doing his part to redpill blacks. These are truly strange times we live in.

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dude married a girl who filmed herself getting ravaged by ray j

kanye is the ultimate cukkold

>Today, Taylor Swift announced her support for Democrats and leftwing bullshit in general


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oh shi---

Yeezy for the win.

>Shut the fuck up tay tay

TSwizfags on suicide watch.

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Since they're both Dem supporters, can we finally agree that Katy Perry is hotter than Taylor Swift?

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Not only is that not true, but Katy Perry is an illuminati demon.

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No celebrities in the (((entertainment industry))) should ever be taken seriously

Keep worshipping that skeleton. I'll take Katy

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That's fucking hilarious.

If you told me after that VMA outburst that one would be villified and outcast by their fan-base for supporting a rich white Republican president, and the other would endorse Dems, I think everyone would've gotten it wrong. You know, it was probably Obama calling him a jackass that started his redemption arc.

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I wanna see the timeline where jayz is running around with a maga hat talking about how Jews run the record labels.

I watched a video by Carl Benjamin (The Thinkery) about this and he did bring up a good point about her not endorsing far left cucks/cunts like Cortez or Warren. In fact one if the guys she endorsed was considered a Conservative Democrat. I know it's still bad she's supporting Democrats but looking at the bright side, it could've been worse

The video

And he also brings up she could've been peer pressured into this as well so idk

taylor swift has no kids, no husband, and most of her songs are about sleeping around and blaming guys for her own lack of self respect

Ye´s been looking out for America from day 1.

Fuck those bitches; MAGA.

Delusional Tayfags would defend their waifu even if she fucked a nigger right in front of them.

>w-well he's an ok nigger, it c-could be worse guys

He said that the satanic whore is better.

i don't care about either of these two. they don't represent me.

are award shows a jewish trick?

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Check out any of her interviews. She's anorexic, self loathing, out of the loop, and not emotionally in the know despite being extremely successful. She's kind of stupid, frankly. Not dumb but like 125 IQ max. I met her at a party like 10 years ago. Of course she's a brainwashed dem. Kanye is based and redpilled.

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y e s

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taylor swift is greedy

All the pop music comes from tbe same three mundane Liberal companies. Every single one of these Satanic celebrities have the same exact opinions.

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>based and red pilled
>promotes blacked on Jimmy Kimmel
Fuck you people are dumb

pic related.

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He's a nigger can you really blame him for wanting to fuck sexy white women?

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People and especially women are naturally attracted to black "culture" anyway, dumb-dumb.

....no fuck

Katy body is on another level, but Taylor face is way better, they should be mixed for the perfect woman

Don't let her troll you into giving her free publicity, ignoring her is the best way to hit her pocket book.

I still hate that nigger.

They're both satanic whores.

Why are you spamming the board with Xi/Pooh pictures?