Greenland. The biggest island on Earth is the last place left that we can build our communities.
>left EU >No SJW presence >Huge amounts of natural resources >Infinite land >Only 60,000 inhabitants >No degeneracy >Filled with natural wonders and beautiful scenery
We had this thread the other day. Some aussie acyually thought it was a good idea, you're too? I mean you are a brit after all since your land is beyond saving... Yeah sure let's move there.
Jaxson Brown
I wan't you to succeed so all the virgins would be gone.
The cowardice and degeneracy that made your country what it is today is residing in your own breast. If you went to Greenland and made anything successful, the same parasitic forces would descend on it. And your cowardly heart would let them win all over again. Then, where would you run to, Antarctica?
You're either going learn to fight and face adversity for it, or watch everything you love die (and have no place left to run away to).
Carson Thomas
In 35 years there will be no Greenland.
Adrian Murphy
Mars, Greenland, that US meme state. Whichever is fine. But please stop just talking about it. Instead, all of you, pack your bags and go. And never come back.
Sincerely the nice and decent people you so desperately want to avoid. It's mutual.
Landon Turner
Isaac James
Do they speak English
Also is there Mcdonalds
Ayden Brown
You clearly don't understand how white colonisation works.
>Also is there Mcdonalds This. It's important, burger people could starve.
Aaron King
In 35, it will be all green.
Carson Gomez
Defeatist cunt. After a stable community is created, laws and a small militia can be established. From there, expansion is inevitable and once the community outnumbers the indigenous population, we can segregate ourselves and am equal land can be established.
James Cruz
>largest island No, that goes to Australia by far. Greenland is only so big on the map because the Mercator projection makes stuff closer to the poles bigger, it's maybe the size of Saudi Arabia and it's intractable tundra. Australia has always been a better choice (easier to make a desert green than maintain heat domes and grow everything in greenhouses) and is proof positive that being an island can't save you from multicult.
Connor Adams
>>No SJW presence
until your grandchildren see how much better they have it than NPC PoC and start begging to adopt a niglet. face it its over. theres a genetic flaw for cuckery in whites
Luis Jones
I should add that any talk of an ethnostate is just talk. To quote the late Harold covington, a revolutionary doesn't talk the talk, period. He just walks the walk.
We could find a continent the size of Africa with a super sci-fi fortress that only lets white people in and the world power structure will try to fuck it up for white people. If any white group tries to start an ethnostate through violence, expect to get the same treatment republika srpska did in the 1990s. If we couldn't hold Australia or Rhodesia, we're not gonna hold anything. So we need to adjust, and start behaving like a diaspora, because it's clear that not one government on earth considers us a coherent native population with rights and a claim to land.
John Wright
>abandon the lands you built goy >abandon the technology you invented goy >abandon everything and go live in a rock that we can nuke if you ever are a bad goy (in your own interest! we are the greatest allies), goy.
William Turner
Spotted the Russian living in Lithuania
Bentley Miller
In your case abandon the land you surrendered.
Camden Sanchez
Iceland is better and greener.
Dominic Long
>thinking you can try the Israeli settlement method It works for Jews because Jews control everything that can tell them to stop to some degree. You're like the 409th person to think of this half baked plan. There's still some group of 10 faggots trying to move to the Congo thinking they're gonna get anywhere with that. There is no new frontier for white individuals to move to. Adjust and fight with what we have, or we lose it all. You're not going to magically bring back white colonial days.
Logan Cox
Those are rookie numbers. It needs to be at least 1488% Inuit to survive white colonization.
Liam Long
ah yes the belgian self awareness
Blake Long
if only there was a final solution to the inuit question.
Jackson Jackson
Why is there still blue and red in your flag? To point out that the blue blooded aristocracy is going to paint the streets red so you can wave a white flag?
Eli Lopez
But seriously. The current Inuit murdered both the native Dorset people and also the Norse Greenlanders.
>A few subhumans VS >The master race with self defense measures even the vietcong would shit their pants over. Cmon now, it's irrelevant.
Jordan Reed
>No degeneracy
What the fuck are you on about? All the locals do is drink and fuck their children while on permanent gibs from my tax money.
On a side note, greenlandic girls are among the easiest on this planet and with enough alcohol inside you they can almost pass for chinks (the pretty ones that still have their teeth anyway)
Cry more fag the sooner we split this shit you can get wallonia, at lest it'll make your country less Arab infested.
Mais je t'aime, n'oublie jamais ça.
Robert Nelson
Yea sure... you're not doing anything like that now. But somehow, moving to another country is going to change everything. Listen, if you don't have the balls to even SPEAK for the truth, nothing in this world is going to make you fight and suffer for it.
The problem with white countries is a spiritual one... white people have become weak and submissive hedonists. And unless that changes, you'll do the same things in Greenland that you're doing right now in England.
Jayden Baker
>>No degeneracy I suppose, if you dont mind hanging out with a bunch of eskimos all strung out from huffing gasoline.
Jonathan Sanders
Trust me if there is anywhere in the world where it is literally the culture it is Greenland. The fact that most people live in small very isolated communities have made incest a naturally accepted way of procreation. This however also means that mixed people there often display quite prominent nordic features such as blue eyes.
Everyone I know who went there for work came back a few months later as desilisuoned wrecks
Luke Hernandez
Well said. There's no running away from this OP, we either stand and fight or fade off into oblivion.
> Anglos want to go to frozen hellholes > Die off to cold and rabid homosexuality > World is rid of the eternal jewish lackey
I'm okay with this
Robert Torres
>Lets move somewhere that cant feed us
Wyatt Reyes
>yes goy, fantasize about isolating yourself in a barren frozen wasteland while you leave the world and its riches to its new owners
Christian Parker
In other words, they are begging to be conquered with new genes and a strong catholic background. I can see how they could actually benefit from being conquered. Not sure what you can do there for income however. Unless you want to be quite a jew you could be importing and undercutting the natives with cheap ass alcohol so that they are bled for their resources.
Dylan Reed
God dammit, Fritz
Nathaniel Smith
>russians >not mongol rape babies
Christian James
Nah. I'm staying. I want to kill faggots like you. I got bored killing mudslimes in the newbie starting area a while ago, I'm ready to kill some NPCs in the open world environment now.
Ayden Morgan
The first part of your plan is kind of what danes are already doing, but aside from fish we have not really been that lucky with finding any resources. Heard some stuff about uranium extraction once but that died out again.
Anyway if you want to live on a frozen wasteland where the sun never sets for half the year only for it to not rise the next half I wish you good luck.
Mason Richardson
Not a good plan. user's are more likely to be suicidal to begin with.
Tristan da Cunha is a much better choice. Mild all year round. Anything grows.
creates mutterica creates israel makes post about ensuring white race on greenalnd sure ye
Levi Robinson
you want to live in a land where 80% of the place rape their daughters, and sons when they have drinked 2 beers, and then they pass out never remembering how they for the fifth time the same day raped their children and wasted money from actual danes
James Ross
All of the North occupied by natives if fucked. I know a nurse who worked there for years and speaks the language. They treat whites like shit even while the whites save their sorry asses from various diseases. They hate each other and there are streets where one kind of native cannot cross. It’s worse than the South during slavery. Father’s own their daughters virginity which they usually take themselves but sometimes barter for money or alcohol. The levels of degeneracy are much worse than in San Francisco. A passed out woman will be fucked by anyone walking by. The kids sniff glue and gasoline while their parents get wasted and hold child raping parties. The suicide rate is as high as 40% among youth. All this exists so the chiefs can bilk billions of tax dollars from the white guilt leaf population. See plays by a native playwright named Thompson Highway to learn how bad things are. It is fucked beyond imagination