>The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics.
>At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one's hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards.
>If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Liberal would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday's defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more—the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods.
>I gradually came to hate them.
What did Tucker Carlson's new book mean by this?
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this timeline is absolutely hilarious.
Welp, there it is boys
A modern Mein Kampf, Hitler has returned to us
Fake and gay
Is this real? If so, Tucker has nuts the size of New York City.
Sounds familiar but cant quite put my finger on it
Read the book, that's not in it. Wish it was though. Good try OP.
Honestly, the best part about this is Tucker won't be too old to be our next president even when Trump does get a second term
Absolute praise to this man
Imagine you're a passenger on a ship. You're in the middle of the ocean, weeks from land. No matter what happens, you can't get off. This doesn't bother you because there are professional sailors in charge. They know what they're doing. The ship is steady and heading in the right direction. You're fine.
Then one day you realize that something horrible has happened. Maybe there was a mutiny overnight. Maybe the captain and first mate fell overboard. You're not sure. But it's clear the crew is in charge now and they've gone insane. They seem grandoise and aggresssive, maybe drunk. They're gorging on the ship's stores with such abandon it's obvious there won't bee nough food left for you. You can't tell them this because they've banned acknowledgement of physical reality. Anyone who points out the consequences of what they're doing gets keelhauled.
Most terrifying of all, the crew has become incompetent. They have no idea how to sail. They're spinning the ship's wheel like they're playing rouleette and cackling like mental patients. The boat is listing, taking on water, about to sink. They're totally unaware that any of this is happening. As waves wash over the deck, they're awarding themselves majestic new titles and raising their own salaries. You look on in horror, helpless and desperate. You have nowhere to go. You're trapped on a ship of fools.
Plato imagined this scene in The Republic. He never mentions what happened to the ship. It would be nice to know. What was written as an allegory is starting to feel like a documentary, as generations of misrule threaten to send our country beneath the waves. The people who did it don't seem aware of what they've done. They don't want to know, and they don't want you to tell them. Facts threaten their fantasies. And so they continue as if what they're doing is working, making mistakes and reaping consequences that were predictable even to Greek philosophers thousands of years before the Internet.
If he ran for President, he would win
They're fools. The rest of us are their passengers.
Don’t bother reading tuckers book, he offers no solutions to conservatives or “alt right” or anybody really. Read it for yourself (it’s very short) and you’ll see that I’m right. His argument is that “elites are out of touch and refuse to face reality” which is something everyone here already knows. His argument is that the rich are in the throes of the “is it possible I’ve lost touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong” Principal skinner macro and they can’t stop doubling down. But he doesn’t offer solutions or even cited evidence for anything. Shit sucks man.
Ok, this is epic.
There is absolutely no way that is actually in there, OP.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be
BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.
OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.
Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.
Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
Plato was describing democracy.
Democracy, or a representative republic, or a parliamentary system or something similar. When the people gain control they fuck the whole things up, because they aren't professionals. They aren't kings and queens and barons. They don't have the training or the fortitude to guide the ship of state. Of course Plato wanted a dictatorship, but he was writing without the aid of Christian morality and statecraft to guide him. We can do better. We have to.
unironically this. He would become president if he ran.
I can tell this is Tucker just from the way the sentences flow, weird. Reads just like his monologue segments
Why use the shitty translation though?
I think it must be in there. We'd better tweet it to FoxNews anchors and conservative Twitterers so they can get the good word out, to be sure.