So once you're done throwing your little racial tantrum and calm down how about you recognize the fact that you were...

So once you're done throwing your little racial tantrum and calm down how about you recognize the fact that you were fed lies about east asians all your life. Admit that that they are superior in every way.

"North Asians are superior to the white man in building civilizations." Jared Taylor

Face it. White pussy = death. Asian pussy is literally a life raft for white genes. White women will get BLACKED and the only hope for white genes to survive is to ally with superior asian genes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>marry gook


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jews are the best

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India is the closest civilization to europeans. Very similar languages, religions (hinduism, native european paganism)

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_India.svg.png (1200x800, 32K)

Mid Asians are much hotter but Japs are cool too.

There is nothing good about pajeets.

some of their women are really fucking hot

Attached: PXw46XG.jpg (826x1239, 99K)

Unfortunately most of them look like abos.

tfw when no happa kids

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>Asian pussy is literally a life raft for white genes
El americANO

They bleach nicely.

Attached: Naomi Scott.jpg (700x525, 52K)

Attached: C1IzaFlUoAARa18.jpg (1143x1200, 186K)

Attached: Linus-sabastian-and-wife.jpg (800x532, 71K)

Lmao based

who the fuck is Jared Taylor besides a someone and why are you so pathetic pandering this stupidity on my Jow Forums ?


why the fuck are we using Linus tech tips for this point lmao of all people

Race mixing needs to made illegal and these non-whites need to go back home. Asians are fine people and they are just fine amongst themselves in their homelands. Sure they have pretty women, so do we. Their women are THEIR women, not ours. Just cut the welfare and white women will stop associating with black men as they don't want welfare parasites.

Also, remember, mixing whites and Asians is what made Slavs and Finns, and god knows what we'll do with more of those

there a whole subreddit of dumb pictures of this dude's face

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satan made the asians, how did he do it?
when the pillars were not destroyed like
they are now, satan had sex with an ant
hill and his spark or sperm infused the
ants with his dna. then after centuries
of gene theft from japheth, we have
what are now known as "asians".

niggers sing about the old days in
their songs of this "Super sperm"
even nigger chappelle confesses in
one of his skits, when he as a GIANT
has sent with a mound in ASIA.

>asians are superior to europeans

Attached: Tech-5.png (516x438, 21K)

>Race mixing needs to made illegal
Impossible without repatriation and banning all travel. We didn't have significant mixing when people didn't leave their countries. Beoing outside your borders for more than 48 hours should result in revocation of citizenship. 72 hours total max per year. No exceptions.
>these non-whites need to go back home
How will you bring this about?

How the fuck is he not gay?

Every day some Rabbi/HAPA makes this thread, and every day gets his asshole stomped in. How are you even able to get off, OP??

Hapa kids are smarter

Thats why central asia is the most advance part of the world

The street shitters?? Please.

Not indians, the stan hapa countries being shitholes

he meant places like kazakistan, kyrgystan

These people.

Attached: EF3048B8-FC33-4BA9-8177-EBF6BEE4FD83.jpg (1000x667, 383K)

I thought Linus was gay. This is okay.

The secret thread op jew is right.
Also porn surfing blojob position

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Hold the fuck up, I refuse to believe he isn't gay.

pol has gone to far

>earrings/lisp/power bottom co-workers he's way to close to.

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>"Ashkenazim are white" - Jared Taylor

Excusez-moi, user, mais j'ai besoin de my daily dose of milkies.

he is. his wife is a thai ladyboy. kids are adopted. Linus taking it the Butthole big time.

based and redpilled.

I fuck Asians but I wouldn’t allow one to carry my seed

Not even if it was with a Swedish egg donor and ivf?

Who's the tranny on the left? Looks familiar

Brown slitty eyed kids no thanks. Sad thing is she isn't even pretty enough for him as an Asian.

Come on Ranjeet we all know that's like 1 in 10 million.

Mongoloids are uncreative genetic garbage. They'll get exterminated along with all of the other subhumans.

Attached: Nobel prizes in Science.png (630x630, 70K)

>Her mother, Usha Scott (née Joshi), is a Uganda-born Gujarati Indian
No, hell no...

What's wrong with sticking to your own kind? White girls are clearly the most beautiful of all the races and not all of them are feminist. Especially American South.

I have decided for myself that my sperm belonhs only to asian girls womb.

South here. This guy is full of shit.

Even for an Asian she's a 2.

What’s the problem?

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I'm not talking about ghetto South. I'm talking about suburbia.

Yes, that's where I am.

t. Dixie state


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The amount of pictures you have of Linus's family is creepy.