>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 10/8/18
>Pres Trump speaks before departing WH 10/8/18
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania visits Nairobi National Park 10/7/18
>SoS Pompeo meets NoKo Leader Kim Jong-Un 10/7/18
>NECDir Kudlow on SunMornFutures 10/7/18
>Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 10/6/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Topeka KS 10/6/18
>Pres Trump speaks upon arriving @Topeka KS 10/6/18
>Pres Trump speaks before departing DC 10/6/18
>Senate votes to Confirm SCotUS Justice Kavanaugh 10/6/18
>FLotUS Melania arrives in Egypt 10/6/18
>FLotUS Melania visits Kenyan elephant orphanage 10/5/18
>GOPAd: Their Answer Was Always No 10/5/18
>Women For Trump Summit in DC 10/5/18
>Sen Collins speech on Judge Kavanaugh 10/5/18
>PressSec Sarah on FoxNews 10/5/18
>PressSec Sarah Outside WH 10/5/18
OP pastebin:
Fuck you taytay you broke my heart you bitch!!!
Are you happy now?
Fox News is live with comfy music!
>Pres Trump @Intl Assoc of CoP Annual Con 10/8/18
Didnt Kavanaugh already get sworn in and working? Why is there another ceremony?
The American communist party got shut down because the members wasted all their money to buy weed, alcohol and tranny orgies.
I will explain to you how I'm mostly right
How's everyone doing?
All 6 or 7 are here
Its funny how nazis support a president with two jewish advisors and who supports Israel more than any other president I can think of.
yeah fascism fucking owns
He's right tho
She just saved Bredesen in TN.
>the face of alt-right
Pretty happy.
I got chicken.
Our society needs to have the courage to tell the LGBT community that they have a mental and biological dysfunction
Kristol would know, he's spoken to a lot of people in train stations, lobbies and truck stops.
When is the swearing in?
If shills feel so strongly about what they’re arguing, shouldn’t it spill over into the next bread?
It’s like they start each thread like they just got here.
I seriously don't get how these people function in every day life
When this Jew finally gets what's coming to him Jow Forums will explode
I wonder if they are paid or just THAT pathetic.
I'll never forget this you whore! When you're old and busted I'll be sure to send you hate mail every day!
We could have been together. This is bullshit
Are dems just phoning it in?
Seriously where the fuck are they? Meanwhile Trump's on tour
Sure it wasn't the FBI cointelpro? You really sure?
just like the holocaust
why do they have this compulsion to list the entire oppressed victim roster every time they try to make a point
Why does /ptg/ hate white women and date asians?
the average american voter.
>tfw just ate a nice big meal and will watch the stream with frens on /ptg/
I fucking wish..
10:40 AM
The President departs Washington D.C., en route to Orlando, FL
12:40 PM
The President arrives at Orlando International Airport
12:50 PM
The President departs Orlando International Airport en route to Orange County Convention Center
1:05 PM
The President arrives at Orange County Convention Center
1:35 PM
The President delivers remarks at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Convention
2:20 PM
The President departs Orange County Convention Center en route to Orlando International Airport
2:45 PM
The President departs Orlando, FL, en route to Washington, D.C.
4:40 PM
The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews
5:00 PM
The President arrives at the White House
7:00 PM
The President participates in the swearing-in ceremony of the Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (pre-set: 5:15pm | final gather: 6:30pm) (Pre-set: 5:15PM | Final Gather: 6:30PM)
>ywn go for a walk with lindsey in the snow
it's just not fair
Why are you trying so hard? Are you going to screencap this and post in your twitter?
10 year old's cannot vote
>False reports of sexual assault not as rare as claimed, studies show
>The assertion from forces against Brett M. Kavanaugh that false allegations of rape or attempted rape are extremely rare is rebutted by a number of studies, researchers say.
>Liberals on TV and social media said repeatedly during the Senate confirmation process that only 2 percent of charges are lies — meaning there likely would be truth in the majority of such charges, such as that of Christine Blasey Ford, who accused now-Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago.
>Brent E. Turvey, a criminologist, wrote a 2017 book that dispels this notion. His research, and that of two co-authors, cited statistical studies and police crime reports. One academic study showed that as many as 40 percent of sexual assault charges are false. Mr. Turvey wrote that the FBI in the 1990s pegged the falsity rate at 8 percent for rape or attempted rape complaints.
>A recent study supports this assessment. The Pentagon issues an annual report on sexual assaults in the military. Nearly one-quarter of all cases last year were thrown out for lack of evidence, according to a report released in May.
>Women’s advocates say that an unfounded case doesn’t necessarily mean the accuser was lying.
>She said the rate of unfounded complaints jumped from 13 percent in 2009 to 26 percent in 2016 and fell to 23 percent last year.
>“False reports happen, they are recurrent and there are laws in place to deal with them when they do,” he wrote. “They are, for lack of a better word, common.”
more on site or see pic
Good for her to stand up for herself when other people refuse to speak up about atrocities like what happened to Ford.
I, the /ptg/, do not hate white women
Yes I am happy for my bros from burgerland
I hope their regained sanity will spill over to us sooner rather than later
NO, because people like this won't LEAVE!
Dems are surging in the polls everywhere. Trump can try to influence the vote as much as he wants, but in the end of the day the House will be blue and maybe even the Senate. People are fed up with this bullshit.
> If neocons in America are any indication, they will either abstain or vote for the ruling party
Their abstention elects Bolsonaro, the ruling party has no second round candidate
> There simply is no way that Bolsonaro can get 50, especially if we invigorate the people of Bahia and the northeast to vote.
3% of the vote went for smaller parties allied with Bolsonaro. He could have every vote not cast for himself or these two others parties going for Haddad and still win.
> The way they won was by sending waves of men at their enemies. They'd lose way more men but in the end of the day they won the war.
Actually the only reason that worked was because of Lendong Lease, America sending free stuff so they would only be half starved while throwing themselves at the meat grinder.
> If Bolsonaro wins, and has control of the government and military, what will happen to the commies
Hopefully, pic related
Only race mixing incels do this
Now shills acting like they are tayposters?
They’re bots
Far-left beaners are upset about Bolsonaro
>Jow Forums actually expected an unmarried childless 28 year old pop singer to be right wing
You wouldn't understand. I just got done throwing away roughly $1000 of her albums, posters, concert DVDs and other merchandise
>he believes the polls lmfao
Repeal. Lawrence. v. Texas.
Quality comfy time!
California poster. Thinks his bubble reflects something
Generic one
Look at how hard the spic is seething
Trump is speaking soon and in the meantime benis is playing comfy mike pence speech
Because nazis are pathetic basement virgins who don't realize how stupid it is that they support white supremacists but don't care about white women. It doesn't make sense even to me.
Hello fellow shit posters. It's me, the hacker known as /ptg/
So did he win, or are y'all doing a runoff?
not gonna be happy until I personally slay every Rothschild enemy of humanity, up to the PINDAR himself.
not gonna be happy until I coalesce a private army and use it to destroy the old world as we know it, and then after that I will dispose of the greys who constantly engineer to control of us thru the Absolute
it is my divine right to ascend, and when I do all these niggers are going to get it
>where the fuck are they
every school, TV show, movie, radio station, music album and website 24/7/365
They post it here, and then screencap their own posts and upload them to twitter. "Look at the incels crying xddddd".
These people are utterly pathetic.
>My fellow Jews:
>So many of us hold dual citizenship, to Isreal and whatever country we call home.
>But one cannot serve 2 masters. We jews should decide to which nation we give our allegiance, the homeland of our people, or our host nation. #EndDualCitizenship
How can one be celibate and race mixer at the same time?
Is this nazi closet gay or something?
I wish we were 1/10th as fascist as these retards think. The mere fact that WE HAVE A SUPEME COURT that has to be CONFIRMED by DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES precludes us from having a fascist system.
In a fascist system, no Supreme Court would be necessary since the law would be whatever the supreme leader says it is that very minute.
The fact that you are a fatherland to native westerners being infected is doubly worrying than a construced nation becoming so. I genuinely hope AfD and much harder rise to prominence. What could be done to help that. I feel such great shame in so many Germans I meet about their past when they should be proud.
Top sandniggering, 'Bill' - or you know, whatever the desert name your rabbi calls you is.
>the left wants the U.S. to be a fascist nation
>the right wants the U.S. to be a fascist nation
sorta makes you wonder why we aren't one then
Go away, PeterNorway. This is embarrassing, even for a commie like you.
Lets not forget the Dem presence in governorships and other small things as well. Dems are creating the new tea party.
white women are their own worst enemy
Reminder Taylor only went democrat to spite Kanye.
>How can one be celibate and race mixer at the same time?
Go out with a gun, find a nigger and a roastie and make them fuck at gunpoint?
Through a detailed composition analysis, it has been determined that Donald J. Trump’s head consists of 100% fecal matter.
So, Rosenstein will be fired during this week? It's always like this.
The POTUS schedule is publicly available through several sources and has a twitter maker, check the OP and you can google his schedule if you ever are curious.
Runoff, he has almost 20 million votes more than his opponent had, and he only had 8 seconds on TV, now both candidates will have the same amount of time on TV.
Most of his campaign was done through the internet because of the stabbing, and the regions where his opponent won people don't have internet.
1 post by this id
better than being 100% body fat like you
Not really in the spirits to find some Americana today, but managed to pick up some new vintages.
>implying you're not all incels
>implying any of you even have children
The only people I even know with kids are my friends with PoC boyfriends. I haven't even seen a white baby is ages outside of racially slanted tv.
Maximum Triggering!
>Ilustración antifascista.
Really nigga?
It's all a fucking act.
If nobody's watching them they get up, do their laundry, get dressed, make their bed etc. It's only when they're "taking a stand" that they're broken down heaps. It's a show of solidarity.
See, humans have an instinct to conform to the tribe. It's not just a matter of fitting in and getting invited to all the coolest parties-- though that's what it's devolved into. Your subconscious is convinced that this kind of conformity is a matter of life and death. In tribal days, the kinda weird outsider dude with unusual interests might get locked out of the big tent one night and freeze to death, and nobody feels like getting up to let him in. If it was an accident at all that he got locked out.
These people believe that the only way to survive is to be not just a good member of the tribe, but a god damned great one. A wagging tail for whatever those in charge degree. And to a degree, since now they're coming for people's jobs, it kinda is.
Everyone will be fired.
John Kelly has been fired 83 times.
>missed the new thread
Damn, keep postin I have great new OC for next thread
If turnout is any higher, Haddad will win. I doubt Bolsonaro voters will go out in as much force as before. Brazilian antifascists should march at the polls; if Bolsonaro wants to threaten democracy then the left can play in that ballpark.
Frankly there are way more socialists in Brazil, and I expect Haddad to win with 53% of the vote.
Cozy af because this isn't what fascism looks like, social justice when enforced by penalty of law IS fascism and all the wrongs they're bitching about were already happening WAY before Trump.