People have no idea how much he did for Russia economically, if a US president did as much term limits would be abolished just to keep them around for life.
I have no way of knowing if those numbers are real. But Russia was so beyond fucked when communism inevitably fell apart that you can't help but respect the job Putin has done his people.
I don't know as much as I should about him but I find everything about him and modern Russia intensely fascinating. Also, my nigga is a part of the INTJ master race.
It also doesn't mention his slamdown on Chechnya which was on its way to becoming an even bigger problem for Russia.
He almost immediately repaid foreign debts that were supposed to take over 100 years to pay off, including tsarist ones that the USSR didn't recognize. Took the 90% tax rate that no one paid and replaced it with a 13% one that everyone was forced to pay (and happy to since it's 13%).
Ramzan and his father were originally fighting against the Russians in the Chechen wars, when and why did they start colluding with Russia to knock out radicalism? If Russians are in this thread I’d like them to explain or anyone that knows
Ramzan is a retarded sociopath, Putin has simply bribed him to torture and kill all of the principled Chechen nationalists in order to temporarily buy peace. Eventually Russia will have to either give those niggers independence and build a wall, or exterminate them entirely.
To be more accurate, he crushed chechenya, literally flattening cities with 240mm mortars, then gave the place to a local, telling him to make them behave, or else.
Daily reminder Putin is a manlet with a napoleon complex. He's nothing special and rules Russia with mob tactics. If he was born today he would classify as a incel.
Daily reminder that yes, he is more a tzar than a president, and makes money, but he has results and he is a hundred times better than the washington/oligarchs controlled opposition, that have no agenda but destroying the country, no matter the cost, and sell the parts to the highest bidder. >retarded post with a faggot memeflag Every times. That's your problem. You are a faggot, and he does not like faggots. And outlawed your propaganda. Stay mad.
>Baguette defending Putin I only see this kind of stupidity on Jow Forums, quite hilarious
Gavin Wright
>he imitates Napoleon, baguettes emperor >conservative baguettes should hate him How stupid are you ? Here, have a taste of what the manlet can get, and a beta like you can only dream of
really wonder about this one, it's in Bosnia. the fuck
Ryan Taylor
>Stupid frog thinks he understand Putin Maybe you should read this you faggot
Sebastian Gray
>One of the most feared man in the world >Commands millions that will kill for him >Has a two heads taller acrobat nubile gf despite being a manlet >Ditched his old hag wife for a real woman aka younger pootang >Surely killed a man personally >A a Chechen BVLL warlord swears his life upon him >Out 4d chesses the entire world
Yes nah , demoncrap
Asher Davis
wait. is this picture 36 years old?
Connor Powell
Waooo, i am baffled. Sources ? Proof ? Anything ? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can taste your salt from here faggot. You should go back: you do not have enough bantz to brawl here. Thx bumping the thread btw.