CPL is Saudi funded with ties to Mafsud. Neat


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Other urls found in this thread:


Gulf countries funded everything: Clinton fundation, Trump, even fucking twitter is owned by them

what's supposed to prove?

how is so little known about this glowing nigger mifsud

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Read the thread, assuming it's not Haram.

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what does "raced with" mean? Campaigned? Or is Avenatti into some car shit or sport?

guys tell me about mifsud
how is he staying so hidden

> (OP) (You)
>what does "raced with" mean? Campaigned? Or is Avenatti into some car shit or sport?
CPL was apparently a racecar driver.

Where did he go???
Has anyone seen this man? Why did he lie to Popadopolous about having connections to Putin???

The strangest thing about this whole situation is that Mifsud doesn't even appear to be jewish. Crypto?

Race car drivers don't just start out racing at LeMans. I'm not even sure he actually drove in the race yet he's listed as a driver.

Something is super fishy about even the motorsports aspect of his past.

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If you're wondering why a million slide threads about Tay and all the bots posting "Is _ a jewish trick?" This thread is the reason most likely.

Nice of these lazy fucks to finally catch up. Old news. He worked for the same guys who tried to murder the current prince in charge, same guys who financed 9/11, same guys who owned the floor ole Comped shot at the Harvest festival from.


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Just need to get a few of them to visit saudi embassy


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Brian Paes-Braga Co-Founder and CEO, Lithium X Energy

Frank Giustra took a securities course and began his career in 1978 with Merrill Lynch as an assistant trader and then as a stockbroker. Giustra raised "billions of dollars and developing a loyal following of investors in mining ventures" while at the Vancouver Stock Exchange as broker.

Attached: 6436524635.jpg (640x387, 60K)

And CPL is?
If you're gonna use abbreviations, you should first define them. This is common practice in any field.

here you go.


>you're a faggot lurk moar

How fucking dumb are you? 1-10 scale (10 being most retarded)

Creepy Porn Lawyer.

Creepy Porn Lawyer. Avenatti

Who is this Dicky mills? Never heard of him, any corroboration? This could be unabashed treason if true.

over 9000