Canada is fucked. After new NAFTA aka USMCA deal WTI-WCS differential has hit a record $45.50. That means one barrel of WTI sells for $75, while one leaf barrel can only fetch $30. Oil is Canada's biggest export.
Canada is literally collapsing. The WCS differential is at a record high - $45.50
Hunting and fishing...too bad the Feds want to ban the use of lead ammunition. People without hunting or fishing skills go to privately run foodbanks or get a shitty resturaunt job that entitles them to one meal a shift. Really, life in Canada can be fucking terrible if you have had the misfortune of being born in certain provinces or territories. At least Rob Ford is scrapping free meals for Ontario provincial government employees. Still, this country is fucked, we have a weak dollar and our government maims our economy and we import resources that we already have from other countries while letting foreign corporate entities come into Canada to develop our resources for export. This country is basically a Kleptocratic Ponzi scheme. At this point there is more money diverted as aid to countries that hate us than is spent to resolve long troublesome social issues. There are homeless vets living on the street and border hopping migrants who are being given thousands of dollars in gibs a month and being put up in hotels that they are promptly destroying and covering the walls in shit while establishing no go zones in said hotels. Things in Canada have never been this fucked and it seems like it is gradually getting worse.
Only non-Whites can survive in Canada. The system is designed this way.
In Canada they have the Canada Child Care Benefit, or CCCB, literally like the communist CCCP acronym. It gives women $700/month/kid until they turn 18. But only if they don't work-- if you earn any income, it gets clawed back completely around $60K which is a poverty wage in Canada. Basically a rapefugee family with 7 kids gets around $10,000 a month tax free, free dental, free health care, free vision and free housing. Then they also get free food from the Muslim Food Bank (, proudly Canadian -- but only Muslims).
Forgot, if the Muslim rapefugee shitskins visit their friendly local Muslim doctor and get all their kids certified as retarded (they all do this), they get 50% more money, at around $1000/month/kid. Then the province also throws in like $200-300/month/kid
Don't forget Muslims eat for free, and considering food costs an average of $12000 a year in Canada, that's money well spent by Canadian taxpayers
>Gasoline prices are skyrocketing oh dear. they already have it bad enough
Tyler Reed
It's true guys. I make $35/h and I can only afford a box of cheerios a week. I'm down to 50 o's/day Send help
Leo Jenkins
>Word of a fire at Canada's largest refinery- Irving Oil's Saint John refinery- pushed refined products higher in early trade Monday, and could affect prices moving forward as well. The refinery is a large contributor to supply in the Northeast United States and nearly all of its product flows into that region, which may result in a large hit to supply.
Not only that, it's going to send gas prices soaring this week in the North Eastern USA.
A late friend of mine(known since childhood)was on welfare, he did not survive. He basically received a few hundred dollars a month, most of which went to pay for his vermin infested, subsidized, government owned "Single resident occupancy" unit. The SRO's are often unfit for basic human habitation. There are rodents and bedbugs, predatory fentanyl and meth dealers setting up shop in government subsidized low income rental units, my friend would spend the paltry amount that remained after rent on synthetic opiates because they were the only thing that helped him forget the misery of his existence. He would get free food from various charitable organizations, but most of that food was nutritionally garbage. I would bring him carrots or bananas or apples occasionally. I am totally aware that his choice of actions contributed to his death, but the conditions that contributed to those actions were created by socialist bureaucrats and altruistic well intentioned idiots who for some reason think that providing addicted people with an endless supply of syringes will somehow make our communities and public safer. There have been thousands of Canadians who have died from synthetic opiate overdoses, most of those opiates were manufactured in the People's Republic of China. Many of those drug smugglers have invested their profits into Vancouver real estate and laundered their money in casinos. Opiate overdoses are now the largest cause of death for Canadian men between the ages of 30-40. If the actions if one country, resulted in thousands of citizens of another country dying, would that not be construed as an act of war?
Chicom shit is actually quite affordable...mind you Norinco was banned out of the US market after being implicated in a plot to supply California gang members with automatic weapons and rocket launchers, so they have to unload all of their surplus Cold War era garbage somewhere.
This is true. Joking aside, if OP wasn't so retarded he could actually talk about real issues over prices in the NW Territories and Alaska. A single man only receives $700/month. That doesn't even get you a bachelor apartment anymore. So many autists trying to find roommates and it's hard. All the guys you see begging at intersections are mostly disability guys who need $300 more a month to live. It's rough, especially in Toronto. Woman get shelters that are basically apartments, men get shelters with 50 in a room.
Genuine Canadian here, Thanksgiving weekend expenses:
Turkey $30.00 CAD 11.2lbs Bottle of decent Whisky $80.00 Pumpkin for soup/pie $8.00 Potatoes for mash $3.00 Cream for mash and coffee $7.00 (1.5l) Butter for mash $5.00 (lb) Coffee $13.00 (1lb) Various veg for stuffing $15.00 Misc shit wife grabbed $30.00
it really adds up.... sure i spent some more here and there
Gabriel Garcia
my son can get 15 tall cans of beer for an hours work.
Sebastian Cox
guess i can add my breakfast: Eggs $3.75 /doz for cheapest from walmart Bacon $5.00 'lb for shittiest from walmart / nofrills Cheese $7.00 /lb for shittiest
Jace Russell
your son must be making at least 45 cad an hour net then. or be a habitual liar. or getting the bototm of the slough special on an indian reserve
Leo Morris
the cans are 8 quid at the lidl
Zachary Cooper
Yikes Oh well It had to happen some day, and imagine how quickly a collapsed Canada run by warring Arab gangs would wake up Americans. It’s a perfect recipe for chaos
Carson Williams
we're talking about canada here you bong water drinking bong
Charles Jackson
how much for a 24?
Owen Stewart
About 40$ in Ontario
Thomas Adams
Basically 1.5 hours here, but that's minimum wage Time with the family.... priceless. Also, nice size on that bird.
Samuel Cruz
i know what a 24 costs i just wanted to give you a chance to lie.
Chase Perry
$40-50 for decent. Rat piss for $24. Ontario
Jordan Barnes
Canadian beer prices are truly exorbitant. I live 2 hours from the Canadaian border in the US and our 24 packs of beer cost an average of 20-30 dollar less than Canada’s. It’s lunacy
Adrian Ramirez
That is why handloading is cool. I knew of a Native elder who would cut open large rifle rounds so he could take the powder and lead and recycle it for use in smaller rounds, getting 8 or 9 shots as opposed to one. Such was the degree of scarcity that has existed in this land. It is no secret that the Canadian government have historically utilized starvation as a method of wearing the populace down & keeping the natives malnourished. The last time any sort of armed conflict took place in Canada it was in 1885, it was partially instigated by government Indian Agents withholding food supplies from Cree warriors & partially instigated by the government forcing Metis farmers to abandon the seigneurial style of strip farming and replacing it with a grid system.
No you’re just a beta orbiter that still doesn’t get noticed
Austin Robinson
you’re delusional, check the in store prices I posted you schizophrenic pole
Jeremiah Young
are you sure i am not the pole?
Kayden Hall
Rural retards need to eat too you idiot... just because the biggest 5 cities have slightly less gouging doesnt make the rest of the country having to pay 5X what they pay ok.
sorry you’re a shitter who shops at IGA in Fort St John BC, the rest of the country doesn’t pay the exorbitant amount of money that OP is implying food costs