
What causes poos to say this?

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Uneducated Biharis

Indian girls love this shit. seriously. guys are very confused why this does not work on foreigners.

I need to modify my approach to pajeetas. I bet they know all sorts of freaky kama sutra shit.

They have partial Aryan ancestry, so they think extremely highly of themselves because of the status this confers and the race memory of their ancestors.

But they also have partial shitskin ancestry, so their souls are poopy. This means that they completely lack self-reflection/introspection. And their arranged marriage system has subverted natural selection for hundreds of years, leading to a degenerate race of inbred, low-IQ, 4-inch dick manlets. Truly a monstrous combination of traits.

I'm afraid you are mistaken in that respect... Most girls find that shit creepy as fuck and block them. I guess they gotta be fucked in the head like the guys asking them that to enjoy those conversations

how do I get cute indian gf

You don't. They all look like shit. Literally.

bitch lasagna

meme flaggot, saged and reported

I dunno don't ask me lol

I know one and she's gorgeous.

I have to literally be blacked out drunk and on amphetamines to spew shit like this to girls i knkw want the fuck... how do they do this sober

me too :^)

they're all a bunch of gross shitlords

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Shalom rabbi >_

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I will fucking rape your younger sisters with a 90° knife, especially you kike!

I will send my muslim slaves to rape your country too.

probably the jews

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Porn. They see western porn and think all white women are that easy. Seriously.

pls restore khanate and remove matzoh and kebab. praise tengri.

It's true, after Europe and USA we're coming for Asia.

I don't know but PewDiePie's diss track on them was kino.

>liking that little shitstain

What's not to like?

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This pretty much
Also even in normal bollywood films white girls are portrayed in a similar way

I admire anyone who can say nigger in front of millions of people and get away with it.