Great news boys! They've given us a 12 year extension on the global warming
Great news boys! They've given us a 12 year extension on the global warming
dang it, I just bought new shorts
Men shouldn't wear shorts regardless of climate change
Yesterday they said we had 10 years.... can these supposide "scientists" come up with their minds?
>1998: We must do something in 10 years or we'll all die
>2008: We must do something in 10 years or we'll all die
>2018: We must do something in 10 years or we'll all die
>2028: We must do something in 10 years or we'll all die
>2038: We must do something in 10 years or we'll all die
Wake me up when it happens.
it literally wouldn't make a difference what we do if China isn't 100% on board, and they just made plans to expand their coal fire plants by like 1200x.
Plus I read recently that like 12 shipping boats cause more pollution than all the cars in the world combined. So there's that, too.
>guy goes to the doctor
>doctor gives him six months to live
>guy can't pay the bill
>doctor gives him another six months
Hmmmmm.... it's ALMOST as if....
Elaborate, you vile fiend.
im wearing shorts right now buddy.
What a huge surprise
We started with them screaming at us that we would lose London to flooding by 2006/2007 if we didn’t obey. There’s a TV film about it from the ever helpful media starring Robert Carlyle.
What a cunty lot they all are. Zero fucks given. They just want paying for staying in school.
Somebody tell me why I should care. All sorts of subhumans are happily replacing whites, and our species is fast approaching extinction. So why should I care about the state of the planet after my people are gone? To be honest, I'd like to make it just a bit more miserable place just out of spite.
"Check the catalog before posting a new thread!Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one."
Al Gore is broke again?
it's 20 years away for the past 50 years and the next 50, just like nuclear fusion
I can't hear you I'm underwater like al gore said :
Just like how the entire planet was supposed to be frozen over by 2000, bullshit
>it was 10 years yesterday
But a strong Hurricane hit the Carolinas, so obviously it’s for real this time.
Weren't we already out of time?
Yup, the goal posts keep inching backward.
It’s almost like...the science isn’t settled.
The truth is we have zero years, it's already over.
This thread is for celebrating the 12 year extension. We'd be dead without it
realize that they can never say we're "out of time", because what's the point then? it's the forever imminent no-return point.
Firstly, it's a joke from Goodfellas (the movie)
Secondly, this Climate Change bullshit is a scam.
>You have 10 years left or we're all dead
Government: OH SHIT, What do we do?!
>Fund my research for 10 years, and I'll totally fix the problem
Government: Derp, here's a blank check
Yup, We need a collage of a compilation of screenshots of all of these changing years to show this retardedness.
Oh yeah, and when it turns out that the world doesn't end in 10 years, they'll pat themselves on the back for making it happen
They literally can't lose with this scam, it's genius, and a bunch of retards just keep eating it up
They just gave the Econ Nobel to 2 blokes who advocate for global government, and imposing global carbon tax.
Believe all scientists bigots
I will say that if there is a negative large scale problem with the climate, the responsibility lies at the hands of East Asia not N. America.
Holy shit how much is this dataset relied on for GW models?
>Romer has been a central figure behind the notion of “charter cities,” namely an economic region but with external or possibly foreign governance, so as to enforce the rule of law and spur economic growth.
>William Nordhaus in the 1990s became the first person to create a model that “describes the global interplay between the economy and the climate,” the academy said. He showed that “the most efficient remedy for problems caused by greenhouse gases is a global scheme of universally imposed carbon taxes.”
>we have to ban diesel cars so you don't pollute everything!
>let's import thousands of people with no respect for nature, constantly throwing their garbage into the woods and streets
Thanks to Trump we will reach the global targets without any carbon tax or drastic measures. 3rd world consumption will stop growing as fast and we can go back to having only a tiny elite ruining the planet instead of everyone doing it.
Why can’t they just use nuclear? Thorium MSRs would be ideal for cargo ships
Interesting, 2 years ago it was already too late and we couldn't turn it back
I guess they realized that was a shit way of convincing people to throw money at the environment
>like 12 shipping boats cause more pollution than all the cars in the world combined. So there's that, too.
Ok well source that. Otherwise you're just another lying leaf.
E. Asia's manufacturing industey is a North American creation. So fuck them both.
Liberals make up shit as they go.
>not wearing a skirt
>asking a leaf to prove an obvious retarded statement
Ok buts let’s make it 6 years instead of 12
>12 years later
>it's really happening, we have to do something in the next 14 years guys!
And what would you prefer we wear? A kilt? Or do we just sit in ball soup wearing long pants all year round?
Why do leaves do this though? Why do they waste all of our times like this?
Agenda 2030
You guys do know that if the methatne in the oceans melts we literally are 17 newly discovered kinds of fucked right?
Three, take it or leave it
The only thing left they have to do while their country collapses is shitposting.
>tfw the Earth is going to brap us to death
This shit pisses me off so much, especially when we're about to experience a global famine. You think they'll blame that on climate change as well?
How can we wake you up when we die?
I’ll just leave this right here
limbaugh is talking about this right now
"recycling the lies"
"tech bloggers eating it up"
"women and the poor most affected"
he said men, faggot.
Pretty much, if the oceans raise by 2C the methane will start melting and at 5C it all melts and that will cause air temps to go up another 15C on top of that.
So parts of Australia would reach 65C
Didn't know about that shit. Cold weather propels innovation, tropical weather is a slacking machine. That's where we're going then.
I can hear it in my fucking head. Fuck you /gif/. Who is this faggot anyways
are bras a jewish trick?
Wear a suit like a man. Baby powder your balls and butt to absorb sweat
Why are people surprised by climate change?
Look at the Younger Dryas, sea levels rose while the earth got colder.
Explain that shit.
That's what body hair is for.
Nothing to lose then.
dont care, i'll be 30 by then.
You probably should care as you're not white.
Are humans the problem?
I thought the opposite, the younger dryas was the period where the NA icecap melted and rose sealevels covering Doggerland and the baring straits, right?
Here in quebec one politician called manon massé was saying the same shit ajd said we need to ban cars by 2030 and all that globalist nonsense while we are outsourcing everything to fucking countries that pollutes endlessly like china
Nope, forest fires are, though i guess you could blame humans for the forest fires maybe?
But considering we have been slowly eliminating the forests that is kind of a moot point.
I think there's a lot of canadian shills
Florence was a Category 3. Hugo hit South Carolina in 1989. It was a Category 5.
is this serial
The eye of Hugo went over my house. No power for two weeks. Was a fun adventure as a kid
There worried about loosing there pet niggers
Super serial user. Ignore China and India which account for about 85% of the global emission pollution and Africa which dumps tons of shit in the ocean though.
Imagine being so insecure you can't even use shorts and feel manly lmfao
Reddit says global warming is bad. That's how I know it's a hoax
If nothing has happened by 2030 and we're all still here I'll shitpost in IRL for all to see.
Look for my ID.
Climate change is real and you're just ignoring the inconvenient truth. Please consider the long-term consequences over the short term ones.
It would be very painful.
>Cancer, the changing Science
Holy shit, these people have no shame do they?
12 more years
12 russian hackers
12 Israelis accounted for in Las Vegas
>Boomer like us. Welcome aboard old man.
enjoy your testicular cancer, faggot.
Fuck you buddy. Basketball shorts at home is comfy as fuck.
I can't take "science" seriously anymore. This shit is nothing more than left wing manipulation at this point.
Global warming hoax is just a way to destroy the white race. Guilt us into having less kids. Guilt us into opening our borders. Guilt us into having and doing less. All of these things reduce our power and superiority allowing the rest of the world to catch up and overtake us. The entire world is literally out to destroy the white race, always has been like this, always will be like this.
Give money to them and they'll fix global warming for us, guys if you do it now you get 10% off!!!
At home is fine, just don't leave the house.
Agenda 2030 anyone?
Didn’t they already say we’ve passed the “point of no return”?
Aw? I thought the world was going to end soon...
You dumb nigger, what do you exercise in? jeans and khakis?
what would you fight the bush war in? fucking long jeans?